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Current Focus:

Canada and the World: Human Rights

Issues and Policies on Human Rights

As demonstrated by our contributions to efforts in Afghanistan and Haiti, Canada does have an important role to play on the international scene. Through proactive multilateralism, our peacekeeping and military forces can help maintain peace and security abroad, thereby making the world safer for everyone.

However, as evidenced recently by the 10-year remembrance ceremony for the Rwandan genocide, where David was a representative for Canada, we must ensure that we act decisively when the world community needs our help. Government must also ensure that the men and women we send out on missions are properly equipped and have all of the resources and information required to do their job.

David was become the Chair of the Sub-Committee on Human Rights of the Committee of Foreign Affairs. He has also written numerous articles in defence of international human rights and freedom of speech. Human rights groups in various places have sought his advice and direction on effective ways to deal with government organizations. David brings his extensive international experience to Parliament in order to ensure that human rights remain an integral part of the Canadian foreign policy agenda.

David on Human Rights

For more on Human Rights please view David's Speeches and Articles as MP


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