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Current Focus:
Canada and the World: Human Rights
Issues and Policies on Human
As demonstrated by our contributions to efforts in Afghanistan and Haiti,
Canada does have an important role to play on the international scene. Through
proactive multilateralism, our peacekeeping and military forces can help
maintain peace and security abroad, thereby making the world safer for everyone.
However, as evidenced recently by the 10-year remembrance ceremony for the
Rwandan genocide, where David was a representative for Canada, we must ensure
that we act decisively when the world community needs our help. Government must
also ensure that the men and women we send out on missions are properly equipped
and have all of the resources and information required to do their job.
David was become the Chair of the Sub-Committee on Human Rights of
the Committee of Foreign Affairs. He has also written numerous articles in
defence of international human rights and freedom of speech. Human rights groups
in various places have sought his advice and direction on effective ways to deal
with government organizations. David brings his extensive international
experience to Parliament in order to ensure that human rights remain an integral
part of the Canadian foreign policy agenda.
David on Human
Top Sudan
leaders had role in Darfur crimes, report Reuters
(Dec 11, 05)
Detainee Cleared for Release
is in Limbo at Guantanamo by Josh White and Robin Wright, Washington
Post (Dec 15, 2005)
Expertly Demystifying the War in Darfur
Embassy Magazine (November 23, 05)
Department of Gang Rape
by Nicholas Kristof, New York Times (November 22, 05)
Ghosts of Rwanda: The failure of the African Union in
Part I
Part II
by Eric Reeves
What's to be
Done About Darfur? Plenty
by Nicholas Kristof, New York Times (November 29, 05)
The Need to Intervene in
Sudan's Darfur Region Globe and Mail Editorial (November 30, 05)
Unsimplifying Darfur
René Lemarchand,
University of Florida (November 05)
Sudan: A Tolerable Genocide
by Nicholas Kristof, New York Times (November 27, 05)
Department of Gang Rape
by Nicholas Kristof, New York Times (November 22, 05)
Shadows of
Rwanda: Darfur, Sudan - The Violence Continues San
Francisco (November 16, 05)
Realism in Darfur:
Consider the horrors of peace. Christopher Hitchins, Slate
Magazine (November 7, 05)
Rallying the World's Willpower Washington (November 4, 05)
Time: Why the delay? Knowing Acquiescence in Genocide University
of Western Ontario, London (October 29, 05)
Uncompromising Course
Ottawa Congress Centre (October 8, 05)
China Today & Canada
- Ottawa (September 8, 05)
In memory of King David
- Ottawa (August 18, 05)
Rwanda's genocide still echoes in Congo
- Globe & Mail Web-Exclusive
(August 24, 05)
Darfur's Genocide - Embassy Magazine (August 3, 05)
In the Wake of John Garang's Death: Prospects for Peace in Sudan
- sudanreeves.org (August
2, 05)
Surmounting the Great Wall: Building Human Rights in China
- Vancouver (July 17, 05)
The AU's Mission in Darfur: Bridging the Gaps
International Crisis Group (July 6, 06)
Talisman, Sudan & Canada's Involvement
- Ottawa (July 5, 05)
Darfur and the Responsibility to Protect - Ottawa (June 17, 05)
Canada & Vietnam: Moving Forward Together - Ottawa (June 27, 05)
On the Occasion of the 60th Birthday of Aung Suu Kyi -
Ottawa (June 17, 05)
Canada Is Capable of Much
More in Darfur - Edmonton (June 8, 05)
Saving Darfur Shouldn't be this Hard - Ottawa (May 27, 05)
Canada is accepting easy defeat in Sudan - Globe & Mail (May18,
Not enough for Darfur
- National Post (May 16, 05)
Darfur: Tears are not
- Toronto Star (May 16, 2005)
The Child is
Innocent - Edmonton (May 15, 2005)
Key MP wins
Liberal support for Darfur aid initiative
- Ottawa Citizen (April 19, 2005)
Darfur: Tears are not
- Toronto Star (May 16, 2005)
The Child is
Innocent - Edmonton (May 15, 2005)
Key MP wins
Liberal support for Darfur aid initiative
- Ottawa Citizen (April 19, 2005)
The Recruitment of Child Soldiers in Sri Lanka
- Ottawa (March
24, 2005)
on the Importance of Water on World Water Day - Ottawa (March 22, 2005)
Does Canada Stand for Anything in Darfur? - Ottawa (March 14, 2005)
Human Right to Peace in the Middle East - Edmonton (February 19, 2005)
Human Right to Peace in the Middle East - Edmonton (February 19, 2005)
About Human Rights in the 21st Century - (January 7, 2005)
Parliamentary Film Review "What Remains of US"
- Ottawa (December 14,
Circle of Light for Human Rights -
Edmonton (December 10, 2004)
Remembering the Ukrainian Holocaust - (November 27, 2004
Hunger Lunch - Remarks by David at St. Andrews
- Ottawa (November 21, 2004)
Letter to the Prime Minister re Action for the Darfur Region of Sudan
(August 31, 2004)
Action Needed to End Darfur Slaughter - London Free Press (August 6,
catastrophe tests Canada's role in the world - Embassy Magazine (August
4, 2004)
What Went Wrong In Africa
20, 2004)
Human Rights in Vietnam (May
16, 2004)
Ending Human Rights Abuses in
Tibet (May 4, 2004)
Rwanda: A Diplomacy of Silence
(Embassy Magazine, April 28th, 2004)
We must ensure genocide that
shattered Rwanda is never repeated (April 8, 2004)
Canadian delegation to
attend 10th anniversary remembrance ceremonies in Rwanda (April 2, 2004)
Cheers for Amnesty International on Human Rights Day (December 10, 2002)
Raoul Wallenberg (October 27, 2002)
Human Rights
as Global Security - Future Directions for the Charter
(April 25, 2002)
a Century of Human Rights (Sept. 18, 1998)
Rights Across the Commonwealth - A Joint Responsibility
(April 1996)
For more on Human Rights please view David's
Speeches and Articles as MP