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Remembering Raoul Wallenberg

Remarks by Hon. David Kilgour

Member of Parliament for Edmonton Southeast and

Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific

At Agudath Israel Synagogue, 1400 Coldrey Ave.,

October 27, 2002


Excellencies, ladies and gentleman,

It is an honour to be here this evening to celebrate the memory of a great hero, Raoul Wallenberg

Permit me to thank my colleague, Raymond Folco, for graciously accepting to be tonight’s keynote speaker when it appeared I would not be able to attend because of a planned - now cancelled - trip to North Korea. Let me also thank and congratulate the organizers, especially Vera Gara, for the countless hours I know you have spent planning this important event.

As Raymond Folco has indicated, Raoul Wallenberg “challenged the entire machinery of Germany by employing his imagination and courage as an offensive weapon.” Armed with unflappable determination, charm, and organization, he ingeniously redesigned Sweden’s Safe Pass (Shulzpass) system and between July 1944 and January 1945 has been credited with saving the lives of more than 100,000 Hungarian Jews who where marked for murder by the Nazis.

As we all know, on January 17, 1945 Raoul Wallenberg was arrested by Soviet troops and tragically disappeared never to be seen or heard from again. Since 1989, various accounts have surfaced as to how he too was murdered but I’m told that the government of Sweden wants his friends and family to continue the search for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Raoul Wallenberg’s heroism has shown us that anyone can make a difference. He is truly a model of Groyse Rechteche Mensceh.


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