The Canadian International Council (Ottawa Branch) working group on
Latin America and the Caribbean meeting with ambassadors. Left to
right in photo: Ambassador of Panama Romy Vasquez; Costa Rican
Ambassador Emilia Maria Alvarez Navarro; Dwight Fulford; Tony
Halliday; Guatemalan Ambassador Georges de La Roche; Ken Johnston.
(photo credit: Frank Scheme)

President Timothy Wu of Open University of Kaoshiung, Ms. Sun-Lu Fan, Dr. Sima Samar of Afghanistan, Kaoshiung Mayor Chu Chen and Dr.Wen-Cheng Lin of Taiwan Foundation for Democracy

Ottawa TV show explores whistleblowing
- James Hendricks, producer of Talk Ottawa, the community call-in TV show
- Allan Cutler, the Sponsorship Scandal whistleblower and President of Canadians for Accountability
- Penny Collenette, University of Ottawa professor
- David Hutton, Executive Director, FAIR. The show focused on whistleblowers.

Students from a school in Mexico touring
House of Commons with David

Hon. James Bartleman, former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, and Howard Cohen, President of Social Planning Council of Ottawa, at a recent fund-raising event for the council.

David speaking about Camp
Ashraf to a demonstration of refugees from Iran at the United Nations
Palais des Nations in Geneva. (photo credit: Mehrab Chaharlangi)

Members of the CIC working group on Latin
America and the Caribbean meeting with Brazilian Ambassador, H.E.Paulo
Cordeiro de Andrade Pinto, Mrs. de Pinto and their son Gabriel.(photo credit: Frank Scheme)

Former Canadian cabinet minister David Kilgour and international human rights lawyer David Matas at the Health and Human Rights Conference at Queen’s University in Kingston. (The Epoch Times )

HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATES L – R: Beryl Wajsman, president of the Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal: Liberal MP Irwin Cotler; international human rights activist Nazanin Afshin-Jam; and former Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific David Kilgour (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

In centre, Dr Wenyi Wang and Nazanin Afshin-Jam, who spoke on the
persecution of Falun Gong in China and on child executions in Iran at
separate rallies near the United Nations headquarters in New York.
Also present: Nazanin's father and the Svenssons from Sweden.(photo credit: Tim McDevitt)

Panel Discussion on Human Rights in China, Institut du Nouveau Monde
Conference, Laval University, Quebec City, 15 August 08 (photo
credit: Reporters Sans Frontieres) (David's remarks at the panel en francais)

(Left to right) ZHAI Bugang, SHI Xingjian, SHENG Xue, Tianna Wang
(Dr. WANG Bingzhang's daughter), David Kilgour, WANG Dan, LIU Shaofu, at the the Coalition for Democracy
Symposium on China in Parliament Buildings, Ottawa.

Human rights activist Nazanin Afshin-Jam asks rally attendees to wave at a Chinese embassy official who was filming the event from the embassy window. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

David Kay at the human rights monument in Ottawa.
He's traversing Canada to raise public awareness about the government
of China's pledge to improve human rights when it bid for the 2008
Summer Olympics

Members of Parliament, goddesses and some civil society reps at Human Rights Rally on Parliament Hill, Ottawa.(Photo: Samira Bouaou / The Epoch Times
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