The photo gallery
section allows us to share photos of David in Edmonton, Ottawa and other
places he traveled to as Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific). This section
will be updated frequently so please check back often.

David and friend
at the International Heritage Languages Association celebration, 21
February 2004. To read David's remarks, click

Gen. Roméo
Dallaire, Mrs. Dallaire and David in Edmonton. Click
here for David's review of Gen.
Dallaire's book on the genocide in Rwanda.

David addresses
southeast Edmonton residents at a town hall meeting held at the ACCA
Centre on November 26.

Southeast Edmonton
residents at the town hall meeting, November 26.

The George Spady
Centre 20th anniversary and expansion celebration, Edmonton, November
26. Rev. George Spady is seated to the left of David.

David and
provincial health minister Gary Mar with members of Edmonton's Chinese
community at a gala fundraiser for flood victims in China, Edmonton,
November 10th, 2003.

Representatives of
Catholic Social Services Edmonton receiving the Citation for Citizenship
award. Pictured are Alice Colak, Director of Immigrant Settlement, Msgr.
Bill Irwin, founder, Dr. Chris Leung, CEO, and David. Canada Place,
October 17, 2003
here to read David's remarks. |