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The idea for this book came from the fertile mind of Grant Kennedy, founder and president of Lone Pine Publishing, Ltd. in Edmonton. Mary Walters Riskin, his former editor-in-chief, provided invaluable advice and major editing assistance from the beginning. Gary Whyte completed the final edit.

The cover illustrations are the results of hard work by two Edmonton professionals: thanks to John Driedger for the excellent illustration and to Con Boland for the fine portrait.

Danuta Tardif did most of the research, even though as a Polish national, Canada was but a geographical expression to her a few years ago. She estimates that the research for this work involved approximately five times as much effort as that done for our first book, Uneasy Patriots. I thank Nancy Beauchesne, who typed and retyped much of the manuscript. Cynthia Guibord, who did a good deal of the typing, managed the enterprise with one hand, pulled out her hair with the other, and with Daniel Fine, Corinne Kucey, Jane Swinton and Lesia Stangret, kept up on the rest of the office work. Adam Barrau, Elizabeth Kwasniewski, Jef Bodwich and Dan Mathis helped with research as well. Romas Garbaliauskas prepared the graphs in the chapter "Dealer’s Choice."

Much of this book was written on flights between Ottawa and Edmonton, or at home. My wife, Laura, provided good judgement and advice on all of the chapters. I thank our children, Eileen, Margot, David and Hilary, for putting up with their father’s preoccupation over the past months.

A number of experts are also to be thanked by name. For review of the chapter on Atlantic Canada, I thank Professor John Reid, Professor Cyril Byrne, Harry Bruce, Eugene Forsey and the Hon. George Stanley. lam grateful for assistance with the chapter on the North to Professor Michael S. Whittington, Ann Ray, and Dr. Louis-Edmond Hamelin. For his major contribution to the chapter on regional development, I thank Dirk de Vos. For the one on federalism ("Reconcilable Differences"), the contributions of Gordon Robertson, Professor John Courtney and Professor Theodore F. Geraets must be acknowledged. I also thank Professor Maurice Yeates for his comments on the chapter entitled "Main Street," the term he coined himself. For his knowledge of the Australian Senate and flaws in Canadian Parliamentary democracy, I thank Graham Eglington. Thank you to the staff of the Library of Parliament for their endless patience and unwavering assistance during long months of research.

All translations from French are my own unless otherwise indicated.

As is true of Uneasy Patriots, all author’s royalties from Inside Outer Canada will be remitted, by the publisher, to the Receiver General of Canada.

This book belongs mainly to those listed above. None is responsible for the views expressed in it -- except where they are directly quoted -- or for the errors it undoubtedly contains.


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