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David Kilgour, Member of Parliament (retired)
for the southeastern area of Edmonton, Alberta
May 1979 until January 2006:
Archived Headlines on China General Issues:
- MI5 accuses lawyer of trying to influence politicians on behalf of China, By Dan Sabbagh | THE GUARDIAN, January 13, 2022
- Successfully Reeducated? Tennis Star Peng Shuai and Professor Gulnar Obul, By KOK BAYRAQ | BITTER WINTER, January 13, 2022
- Chen Yu: 7 Year Sentence for Selling Christian Books Confirmed on Appeal, By ZHONG JINGGUO | BITTER WINTER, January 12, 2022
- Warning After the New Year of 2022 -- Wei Jingsheng, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1442-W1042, January 8, 2022
- China harvests masses of data on Western targets, documents show, By Cate Cadell | The Washington Post, December 31, 2021
- Panel discussion on PRC misgoverance, NTD TALKING POINTS, December 27, 2021
- Special Report: Amazon partnered with China propaganda arm,
By Steve Stecklow and Jeffrey Dastin | REUTERS, December 17, 2021
- “China Is the World’s Worst Torturer of Women”: Here is the Evidence, BY MASSIMO INTROVIGNE | BITTER WINTER, December 17, 2021
- Beijing sends bots to media in West, BY DIDI KIRSTEN TATLOW | NEWSWEEK, October 28, 2021
- The Resolution on CCP History. 5. How Deng Xiaoping “Upheld Marxism”, By Massimo Introvigne | BITTER WINTER, December 3, 2021
- Xinjiang: Twitter closes thousands of China state-linked accounts spreading propaganda, By Helen Davidson | THE GUARDIAN, December 3, 2021
- The Resolution on CCP History. 4. Mao’s “Theoretical and Practical Errors”, By MASSIMO INTROVIGNE | BITTER WINTER, December 1, 2021
- Beijing Olympics: Boycott Still Possible, Jewish Groups Say, By Ruth Ingram | BITTER WINTER, October 28, 2021
- Naomi Osaka expresses ‘shock’ over missing Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai, By Helen Davidson | The GUARDIAN, November 17, 2021
- The truth about the media in China - It's censorship season in Beijing, By Jianli Yang and Rongbin Zhang | The Washington Times, November 3, 2021
- United Nations States that Christians in China Are “at Risk of Torture”, BY MASSIMO INTROVIGNE, October 29, 2021
- Democracy According to Xi Jinping, BY MASSIMO INTROVIGNE, October 19, 2021
- Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project (URAP) statement regarding to the recent remarks of the Canadian Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, October 13, 2021
- Canadians' Favourability of China reaches new low, ANGUS REID INSTITUTE, October 7, 2021
- Katherine Tai Talks Reshoring, Decoupling, and China Tariffs, By Kenneth Rapoza | Coalition for a Prosperous America, October 5, 2021
- Shares in property firm China Evergrande suspended on takeover deal as Asian markets lead global dip, By JAMES GRIFFITHS | THE GLOBE AND MAIL, October 4, 2021
- Beijing Suffers Major Loss from Its Hostage Diplomacy | Center for Strategic and International Studies, By Scott Kennedy | CSIS, September 29, 2021
- Beijing’s ‘Genocide Games’: Spectators Banned, Athletes Jabbed, Women's Rights Without Frontiers, October 3, 2021
- China celebrates Meng Wanzhou's return as a victory — even at the cost of its global image, By Nectar Gan | CNN, September 27, 2021
- Evergrande's Fall Shows How Xi Has Created a China Crisis, By Niall Ferguson | BLOOMBERG OPINION, September 26, 2021
- High finance's continuing love affair with China should concern us all, BY BENEDICT ROGERS | The Telegraph, September 23, 2021
- Xi Jinping Makes China a Dangerous Place for Investment, By Dennis Kwok and Johnny Patterson | WSJ, September 22, 2021
- Beijing acts as spoiled child re Taiwan and WTO, REUTERS, September 19, 2021
- HRIC Joins 44 NGOs in Appeal for Release of Citizen Journalist Zhang Zhan, HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHINA, September 17, 2021
- Xinjiang: A Terror Such as the World Has Never Seen, By RUTH INGRAM | BITTER WINTER, September 16, 2021
Court rules against woman who became face of China’s #MeToo movement, By Helen Davidson, Vincent Ni | THE GUARDIAN, September 14, 2021
- Li Guangman: How an Obscure Electric School Teacher Scared Millions of Chinese, By MASSIMO INTROVIGNE | BITTER WINTER, September 10, 2021
- Canadian Hostages And Chinese Scientists Provide Lessons On China’s Communist Dictatorship – OpEd, By K. Lloyd Billingsley | Eurasia Review, July 2, 2021
- Chinese Christians Compelled to Pray for the Martyrs—of the Red Army, By ZHANG CHUNHUA | BITTER WINTER, September 7, 2021
- Beijing 2022: China readies for Winter Olympics as pressure grows, By Stephen McDonell | BBC News, September 3, 2021
- Freedom of Religion or Belief News: CHINA: Special Bimonthly FORB Newsletter (16-31.08.2021), HRWF NEWSLETTER, September 2, 2021
- Vatican should talk to China — but not at any price, By Benedict Rogers | UCA NEWS, September 3, 2021
- Chinese newspaper claims Michael Spavor photographed ‘Chinese military equipment’, By JAMES GRIFFITHS | THE GLOBE AND MAIL, September 1, 2021
- China's 'revolution' cost investors $3 trillion. So why aren't they running scared? By Laura He | MEANWHILE IN CHINA, September 1, 2021
- Disappeared, International Tibet Network, August 30, 2021
- Xi Jinping’s “Common Prosperity”: Back to Socialism, BY MASSIMO INTROVIGNE | BITTER WINTER, August 24, 2021
- Legacy: Lifespring Offshoot in Trouble in China, by Zhao Zhangyong | BITTER WINTER, August 24, 2021
- The Hypocrisy of Diplomatic Boycott, Canadian Friends of Hong Kong, August 16, 2021
- Chinese court sentences Canadian businessman Michael Spavor to 11 years in prison, BY JAMES GRIFFITHS & STEVEN CHASE | THE GLOBE AND MAIL, August 10, 2021
- Historical Buddhist Temple Closed in Jiangxi, By ZHAO ZHANGYONG | BITTER WINTER, August 8, 2021
- The Canadian Olympic Committee should enjoy its moment in the sun before questions about the Beijing Games become too loud to ignore, BY CATHAL KELLY | THE GLOBE AND MAIL, August 8, 2021
- Time to confront the Chinese emperor with no clothes, By Benedict Rogers | UCAnews, August 5, 2021
- Reggie Littlejohn: We Need to Expose the CCP’s Brutality and Free Chinese People, By Jenny Chang | NTD, July 28, 2021
- It’s Not Just COVID: China’s Dubious Scientific Ethics, By WESLEY J. SMITH | NATIONAL REVIEW, July 29, 2021
- Spying on Falun Gong: The Man Who Sold Two Practitioners for $300 - The heinous system of delation was at work in Anhui province. by Yang Feng | BITTER WINTER, July 29, 2021
- Statement on 2022 Beijing Olympics Corporate Sponsorship Hearing, Campaign for Uyghurs, July 27, 2021
- Rep. Smith's opening remarks at congressional hearing on "Corporate Sponsorship of 2022 Beijing Olympics", CECC, July 27, 2021
- The Party That Failed - An Insider Breaks With Beijing, By Cai Xia | FOREIGN AFFAIRS, January/February 2021
- Religious Freedom Is Dying in China, By JIANLI YANG | NATIONAL REVIEW, July 14, 2021
- CCP Geneticist Discusses "Synthesizing a Virus" in "Live(Biotic) Weapon" Era, Inconvenient Truths-First Hand From China | YouTube, 11 July 2021
- U.S. ramps up warnings of business risks in China's Xinjiang region, By Michael Martina & David Shepardson | REUTERS, July 13, 2021
- China’s gene giant harvests data from millions of women, By KIRSTY NEEDHAM and CLARE BALDWIN | REUTERS, July 7, 2021
- How United Front Manipulates Relations Between China and Switzerland, By ROSITA ŠORYTĖ | BITTER WINTER, December 30, 2020
- WRWF’s Reggie to Co-Lead DC Rally to Stop the Beijing Olympic “Genocide Games”, Women's Rights Without Frontiers, July 11, 2021
- EU votes for diplomats to boycott China Winter Olympics over rights abuses, By Helen Davidson | THE GUARDIAN, July 9, 2021
- Chinese Communist Party, “The Vanguard of the Anti-Cult Movement”, By MASSIMO INTROVIGNE | BITTER WINTER, July 8, 2021
- Charlie Munger’s wrong: Should you be uncomfortable investing in China?
, By Paul RivettChairma | Toronto Star, July 5, 2021
- China is attacking the West's colonial legacy. That may backfire on Beijing, By Ben Westcott and Jessie Yeung | CNN, July 7, 2021
- Wei Jingsheng: Xi Jinping Wants to be a Great Leader, but He Has No Real Material -- Voice of America, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1403-W1006, July 4, 2021
- CCP: 100th Anniversary of the Party Who Killed 50 Million, BY MASSIMO INTROVIGNE | BITTER WINTER, July 1, 2021
- On the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party, the West must kowtow no more,
By Benedict Rogers | New York Post, June 30, 2021
- 100 Years of CCP Rule: Genocide is Nothing to Celebrate, Campaign for Uyghurs, June 30, 2021
- “Christianity Loves the Party” Exhibition Unveiled in Shanghai, By ZHANG CHUNHUA | BITTER WINTER, June 30, 2021
- Week in Conflict & Crisis, June 25, 2021
- In China, the media doesn't hold the powerful accountable, By Nectar Gan and Jill Disis | CNN'S MEANWHILE IN CHINA, June 25, 2021
- North Korea to Replace 10,000 Workers Dispatched to China, RFA, June 23, 2021
- China's Countering Foreign Sanctions Law Shows its Wolf Warrior Diplomacy, By Jianli Yang | NEWSWEEK, June 18, 2021
- Shouters: Persecuted in China and Entitled to Asylum, Court of Rome Says, By MASSIMO INTROVIGNE | BITTER WINTER, June 9, 2021
- Biden Is Right to Curb US Investment in China’s High-Tech Spying and Repression, By Nina Shea | THE EPOCH TIMES, June 5, 2021
- 32 years after the Tiananmen Square massacre, China’s human rights abuses continue. Here’s how the UK responds. By Benedict Rogers | CONSERVATIVE HOME, June 4, 2021
- Beijing’s looming Olympic debacle, By PHELIM KINE | POLITICO, May 20, 2021
- .coda STAY ON THE STORY: Forward Our Email To A Friend
- Coda China Influence Monitor: Charm; Diplomacy; Spies; Lies", June 4, 2021
- Nameless but Not Forgotten - Remembering the Tank Men of Tiananmen Square, By Jianli Yang | THE WESTERN JOURNAL, June 5, 2021
- ‘Absolutely intolerable’: China slams US and EU Hong Kong Tiananmen candles, Agence France-Presse | THE GUARDIAN, June 5, 2021
- 32nd Anniversary of June Fourth: A Historic Moment to Make A Difference, HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHINA, June 3, 2021
- Xi Seeks ‘Lovable’ Image for China in Sign of Diplomatic Rethink, Bloomberg News, June 1, 2021
- The Greatest Contribution of the 1989 Democracy Movement to China -- Wei Jingsheng’s Speech at the "June 4th" 32nd Anniversary Global Network Video Conference, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1389-W994, June 1, 2021
- China's New Three-Child Policy - Womb Police Still in Business, Women's Rights Without Frontiers, June 1, 2021
- US bans imports from Chinese fishing fleet over labour practices, ALJAZEERA, MAY 28, 2021
- We face a values war in which the peoples of China are our friends, but Xi Jinping’s regime is a self-declared foe, By Benedict Rogers | APPLE DAILY, MAY 28, 2021
- What the Belarus plane interception could mean for Chinese dissidents, BY EDWARD LUCAS | CODA STORY, 27 MAY, 2021
- 2022 Olympics: Crimes Against Catholics in One of Its Main Venues, By ALFONSE SUN | BITTER WINTER, MAY 26, 2021
- Pelosi Remarks at Virtual Hearing on China, Genocide and the Olympics, PRESS RELEASE, MAY 18, 2021
- The PRC money-laundering gangs of British Columbia. Charles Burton. @GordonGChang, Gatestone, Newsweek, The Hill, The John Batchelor Show, May 17, 2021
- Congressional Testimony of Reggie Littlejohn - China, Genocide and the Olympics, Women's Rights Without Frontiers, May 18, 2021
- Paying the price - Demand for cheaply made goods drives forced labour camps in China
, "Made in China" Book Review, By John K. Collins | Winnipeg Free Press, May 13, 2021
- Department of State Religious Freedom Report: China Is Guilty of “Crimes against Humanity”,
by Massimo Introvigne | BITTER WINTER, May 13, 2021
- Abandoning Taiwan Makes Zero Moral or Strategic Sense, By Blake Herzinger | FP, May 3, 2021
- Communist China: World's Biggest Climate Polluter Keeps Polluting, By Judith Bergman | GATESTONE INSTITUTE, May 8, 2021
- China Outlines Its Priorities as UN Security Council President, By Shannon Tiezzi | The Diplomat, May 5, 2021
- China Is a Paper Dragon, By David Frum | The Atlantic, May 3, 2021
- US-China relations: Blinken accuses China of acting more aggressively, BBC NEWS, May 3, 2021
- China's debt-trap diplomacy, BY BRAHMA CHELLANEY | THE HILL, May 2, 2021
- Church of Almighty God: 750 Arrested in Three Months, By WANG YICHI | BITTER WINTER, April 29, 2021
- Down to rare earth: Canada ignores China’s resource power grab at its own peril
- For China, a summit to neutralize criticism, not carbon, BY JIANLI YANG AND AARON RHODES | THE HILL, April 22, 2021
- The Chinese Puzzle, Tällberg Foundation, April 22, 2021
- Freedom of Religion or Belief News: CHINA: Special Bimonthly FORB Newsletter (01-15.04.2021), Human Rights Without Frontiers
- Guo Hongwei: Jilin Pro-Democracy Activist Dies “Mysteriously” in Detention, BITTER WINTER, April 9, 2021
- How China Lends: A Rare Look into 100 Debt Contracts with Foreign Governments, By Anna Gelpern | CENTER & GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT, March 31, 2021
- China’s Dream, the World’s Nightmare, By Alan Dowd | PROVIDENCE, March 31, 2021
- Diluting Tibetan Buddhism to Cancel an Entire People, By MARCO RESPINTI | BITTER WINTER, March 25, 2021
- Huseyin Celil is the forgotten Canadian detained in China, By Chris MacLeod | TORONTO STAR, March 15, 2021
- CPA Daily Dose, March 19, 2021
- CPA Daily Dose, March 18, 2021
- China asks Alibaba to curtail media assets, By Reuters Staff, March 15, 2021
- The disinformation tactics used by China, By Krassi Twigg and Kerry Allen | BBC NEWS, March 12, 2021
- International Women’s Day a Mockery for Chinese Women, Women's Rights Without Frontiers, March 8, 2021
- Xi Jinping’s Eager-to-Please Bureaucrats Snarl His China Plans, By Chun Han Wong | The Wall Street Journal, March 7, 2021
- Women Routinely Raped in Tibetan Reeducation Camps Too, By MASSIMO INTROVIGNE | BITTER WINTER, February 25, 2021
- Why Is China Still Going After Hong Kong So Hard? By Yi-Zheng Lian | NYT, March 1, 2021
- US Commission Report Reveals China’s Transgressions, By Jianli Yang | PROVIDENCE, February 25, 2021
- China’s Secret Weapon: Changing the Meaning of “Human Rights”, Bitter Winter, February 21, 2021
- STUNNING: All Major Western Media Outlets Take ‘Private Dinners’, ‘Sponsored Trips’ From Chinese Communist Propaganda Front, BY NATALIE WINTERS | THE NATIONAL PULSE, DECEMBER 29, 2020
- Minorities, In China, Across Party Lines, Xi Jinping Exerts More Pressure”, By Yang Jianli | Daily Clout, February 16, 2021
- Systematic Rape in Xinjiang Camps, By DANIELA BOVOLENTA | BITTER WINTER, February 8, 2021
- “Fighting Corruption”: Xi Jinping’s Code Word for “Fighting Dissent”, By MASSIMO INTROVIGNE | BITTER WINTER, February 7, 2021
- Time to get tougher with the PRC? The Centre for Independent Studies, February 7, 2021
- China’s foreign policy weapons: Technology, coercion, corruption, By Hal Brands | AEI, January 24, 2021
- CCP holocaust Day Should Be Commemorated on October 1: A Proposal, By MARK TARRANT | BITTER WINTER, January 23, 2021
- CPHRC China Report Launch 130121, The Conservative Party Human Rights Commission, January 14, 2021
- The EU should abandon its deal with China’s brutal regime, By Benedict Rogers | CAPX, January 6, 2021
The Crackdown on Human Rights in China, 2013-16, A Report of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission, June 2016
- China: Paying US Media to Publish Propaganda 'Borrowing a Boat to Go Out on the Ocean', by Judith Bergman | Gatestone Institute, January 2, 2021
- Pope Francis' shameful silence on the Uyghur genocide, By Benedict Rogers | UCAnews, DECEMBER 27, 2020
- 2020 Review, By Wei Jingsheng, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1350-W963, DECEMBER 28, 2020
- Kaifeng Jews: As Hanukkah Gift from CCP, More Repression, By WANG YICHI | BITTER WINTER, DECEMBER 21, 2020
- How America's 'useful idiots' allow China to ignore environmental and human rights reform, By Richard W. Rahn | Washington Times, DECEMBER 14, 2020
- CHINA: Special Weekly FoRB Newsletter Digest (01-07.12.2020), HRWF, DECEMBER 7, 2020
- Human Rights Concerns in China, Canadian Justice | YouTube Video, October 19, 2020
- CHINA: Special Weekly FoRB Newsletter (10-17.11.2020), Human Rights Without frontiers
- CHINA: Special Weekly FoRB Newsletter (03-09.11.2020), Human Rights Without frontiers
- CSIS warns China’s Operation Fox Hunt is targeting Canada’s Chinese community, By ROBERT FIFE and STEVEN CHASE | THE GLOBE AND MAIL, November 10, 2020
- CHINA: Special Weekly FoRB Newsletter (20-26.10.2020), Human Rights Without Frontiers
- VOA Window on the World Program Broadcast Its Interviews of Wei Jingsheng: Xi Jinping's Road Is Not a Rise, but a Collapse, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1328-W943, October 17, 2020
- Parliament to debate sanctions on China after Uyghur petition, By Jack Mendel | Jewish News, October 8, 2020
- China Alarm (a Facebook blog)
- China forces 500,000 Tibetans into labour camps, By Anthony Galloway and Eryk Bagshaw | The Sidney Morning Herald, September 22, 2020
- A people’s tribunal can expose the truth of China’s crimes, By Benedict Rogers | CapX, September 18, 2020
- CHINA: Special Weekly FoRB Newsletter (08-14.09.2020), Human Rights Without Frontiers, September 15, 2020
- Wei Jingsheng responds to Hu Xijin: Is the whole world an enemy of China? -- VOA Window on the World Program, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1319-W934, September 8, 2020
- Big Brother. ... CHINA! ☹️☹️
- Hunting the Phoenix, By Alex Joske | Australian Strategic Policy Institute, AUGUST 20, 2020
- Canadians can be arrested by secret police in Hong Kong for criticizing Beijing, committee hears, By Sam Cooper | Global News, AUGUST 13, 2020
- Xi Jinping's Wolf Warrior Diplomacy -- Wei Jingsheng, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1314-W929, AUGUST 10, 2020
- NYT Quietly Scrubs Chinese Propaganda -
U.S. newspapers collected millions from Beijing to publish propaganda, By Yuichiro Kakutani | Free Beacon, AUGUST 4, 2020
- U.S. Policy Changes Towards the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) -- Wei Jingsheng, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1311-W926, August 1, 2020
- No Senator Feinstein: China Is Not a ‘Respectable’ Country, By Wesley J. Smith | Epoch Times, August 3, 2020
- Unregistered Catholic Priests Pressured into Patriotic Church, BY WANG YONG | BITTER WINTER, July 27, 2020
- Chinese Democracy Activists: Secretary Pompeo's Speech Marks an Exciting Turning Point in China Policy -- Voice of America report, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1309-W924, July 24, 2020
- The Two China Fires, By Bret Stephens | The New York Times, July 24, 2020
- Scholar Hits Out at China's 'Totalitarian' System in Open Letter, Radio Free Asia, July 20, 2020
- Freedom of religion and belief news: CHINA Special Weekly FORB Newsletter (12-19.07.2020), Human Rights Without Frontiers, July 19, 2020
- Look at the Strange Things in the Strange Country, By Wei Jingsheng | Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1305-W920, July 13, 2020
- U.S. sanctions Chinese officials for human rights abuses in Xinjiang, By Abigail Williams | NBC NEWS, July 9, 2020
- Canada's pension plan board challenged to divest from Chinese firms tied to abuses against Uyghurs, By The Canadian Press, May 30, 2019
- US Lawmakers OK Bill to Sanction Chinese Banks Over Hong Kong National Security Law, BY ISABEL VAN BRUGEN | EPOCH TIMES, July 2, 2020
- China’s debt trap diplomacy backfires for the first time, YouTube video, June 28, 2020
- What to Do About China: A Menu of Options, CANADIAN GLOBAL AFFAIRS INSTITUTE, June 2020
- “Welfare for Autocrats”: How China Uses Welfare as a Tool for Surveillance, BY MASSIMO INTROVIGNE | BITTER WINTER, June 13, 2020
- Coronavirus: Twitter removes more than 170,000 pro-China accounts, BBC NEWS, June 12, 2020
- China Steps Up Moves to Influence Diaspora Communities, By Kate O’Keeffe | The Wall Street Journal, June 8, 2020
- A Chinese soccer legend has called for the downfall of the Communist Party in shock videos,By CNN Staff, June 6, 2020
- Appeasement only emboldened the butchers of Beijing, By Benedict Rogers | Union of Catholic Asian News, June 4, 2020
- Speech at the Global Conference Commemorating the 31st Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre, By Wei Jingsheng | Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1295-W910, June 3, 2020
- Watchdog Group Calls on Trump, Congress to Impede ‘Organ Genocide’ in China, BY SHERRY DONG | The Epoch Times, June 1, 2020
- A love affair with China that turned sour, By Benedict Rogers | UCA News, May 27, 2020
- Coronavirus and the Chernobyl Analogy, By Adam O’Neal | The Wall Street Journal, May 22, 2020
- Canada isn't alone in its fight with China anymore, National Post View, May 22, 2020
- Connecting the Dots in Xinjiang, By Amy Lehr & Mariefaye Bechrakis | CENTER FOR STRATEGIC & INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (CSIS), OCTOBER 2019
- Ethan Gutmann and Chris Chappell , YouTube video, May 11, 2020
- Freedom of Religion or Belief News: CHINA Special Weekly FORB Newsletter 04 - 09.05.2020, Human Rights Without Frontiers Int'l
- Coronavirus, a Devastating Report by DAFOH on How the CCP Manipulates Aid, By Marco Respinti | Bitter Winter, May 9, 2020
- World Press Freedom Day 2020: The role of the press is critical in revealing human rights abuses in East Turkistan, For immediate release, Uyghur Human Rights Project, May 1, 2020
- United Front groups in Canada helped Beijing stockpile coronavirus safety supplies, By Sam Cooper | Global News, April 30, 2020
- CHINA: Pastor arrested for "inciting subversion of state power", CHINA Special Weekly FORB Newsletter 18-24 April 2020 | Human Rights Without Frontiers Int'l
- The world must unite to defeat coronavirus and stay united to beat another virus – China’s Communist Party, By SHENG XUE | THE MAIL ON SUNDAY, April 18, 2020
- 'People have been awakened': seeking Covid-19 answers in Wuhan, by Lily Kuo | THE GUARDIAN, April 20, 2020
- How China Sees the World And how we should see China, By H. R. McMaster | The Atlantic, 2020 May Issue
- How China is losing the world’s trust following its cover-up of the coronavirus crisis, By Chi Wang | South China Morning Post, APRIL 13, 2020
- China should not be appointing UN investigators while refusing cooperation with them, For immediate release | Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP), APRIL 7, 2020
- Italy gave China PPE to help with coronavirus — then China made them buy it back, By Amber Athey | SPECTATOR USA, APRIL 4, 2020
- Rep. Mark Green: China Trying To Force France Onto Huawei 5G In Exchange For Masks, By Ryan Saavedra | The Daily Wire, APRIL 6, 2020
- The coronavirus pandemic is the breakthrough Xi Jinping has been waiting for. And he’s making his move. By Terry Glavin | MACLEAN'S, April 3, 2020
- Gen. Spalding (Ret.): China must be held accountable for the Wuhan Coronavirus ravaging the world, American Military News, April 1, 2020
- US Journalists Expelled From China Invited to Taiwan, VOA News, March 28, 2020
- British Scientific Advisers Claim China’s Outbreak Could Be ‘15 To 40 Times’ Worse Than Reported, Report Says, By Ryan Saavedra | Daily Wire, March 28, 2020
- Chinese Property Tycoon's Letter Seen as 'Internal Strife' by Chinese President, RADIO FREE ASIA, March 26, 2020
- Captive nations and other inmates, By Benedict Rogers et al | STANDPOINT MAGAZINE, March 25, 2020
- China's President Feeling The Pressure From Dissent in Own Party, Radio Free Asia, March 23, 2020
- Weekend Reads: The Myth of China's Coronavirus "Success", Hudson Institute, March 21, 2020
- Will Wuhan Pneumonia Erupt Again in China? , By Wei Jingsheng | Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1285-W901, March 18, 2020
- China's economy skids as virus immobilizes factory, consumer sectors, By
Kevin Yao, Huizhong Wu | Reuters, March 15, 2020
- ‘Noodles’ and ‘Pandas’: Chinese People Are Using Secret Code to Talk About Coronavirus Online, By David Gilbert | VICE NEWS, March 6 2020
- Xi Jinping Owes an Apology to the Chinese People and the World, By Hu Ping | Human Rights In China, March 6, 2020
- The World Owes Us Gratitude, Cartoon by Rebel Pepper | Radio Free Asia, March 5, 2020
- People's Livelihood and Its Conflict with the Epidemic, By Wei Jingsheng | Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1284-W900, March 4, 2020
- China’s Coronavirus Crisis Is Just Beginning, By Geremie R. Barmé | The New York Times, March 3, 2020
- Xinjiang Authorities Sending Uyghurs to Work in China’s Factories, Despite Coronavirus Risks
, Radio Free Asia, FEBRUARY 27, 2020
- UN demands 'unfettered access' for China Uighur region visit
- Xi Jinping is the Culprit of the Wuhan Epidemic
, By Gao Wenqian | Human Rights in China, FEBRUARY 27, 2020
- State Broadcaster-Turned-Citizen Journalist Incommunicado in Virus-Hit Wuhan, Radio Free Asia, FEBRUARY 27, 2020
- Protecting the Truth About the Coronavirus in China, By Shen Lu | The Nation, FEBRUARY 24, 2020
- Freedom of Religion or Belief News: CHINA Special Weekly FORB Newsletter 15-22 Feb
- Erin O'Toole's questions to Trudeau on China Policy, Huawei and Hong Kong
- China's Communist Party makes the Chinese — and the world — sick, BY JOSEPH BOSCO | The Hill, FEBRUARY 20, 2020
- The Xi Jinping Flu, By Dan Blumenthal | RealClearWorld, FEBRUARY 19, 2020
- Funeral Homes in China's Wuhan 'Working 24/7 to Cremate Bodies', Radio Free Asia, FEBRUARY 14, 2020
- What China’s empty new coronavirus hospitals say about its secretive system, By Emma Graham-Harrison | The Guardian, FEBRUARY 12, 2020
- Why the coronavirus should change the way we think about China, By Richard Haass | The Washington Post, FEBRUARY 11, 2020
- CHINA: Special Weekly FORB Newsletter (01-06.02.2020) , Human Rights Without Frontiers Int'l, FEBRUARY 10, 2020
- The Origin of Wuhan Pneumonia, By Wei Jingsheng | Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1277-W893, FEBRUARY 10, 2020
- Coronavirus: outspoken academic blames Xi Jinping for 'catastrophe' sweeping China, By Lily Kuo | The Guardian, FEBRUARY 11, 2020
- China Arrested a Whistleblower Who Shot Viral Video of Coronavirus Corpses in Wuhan, By David Gilbert | Vice, FEBRUARY 10, 2020
- Human rights groups call for action on China's AI-enabled religious repression, For Immediate Release, ChinaAid, February 4, 2020
- U.S. charges four members of Chinese military in connection with 2017 Equifax hack, By Devlin Barrett and Matt Zapotosky | The Washington Post, FEBRUARY 11, 2020
- Coronavirus: the cost of China’s public health cover-up, By James Kynge et al | Financial Times, FEBRUARY 6 2020
- Xi Jinping’s Quotes Replace Holy Images in Catholic Churches, By TANG ZHE | Bitter Winter, February 4, 2020
- Overflowing Hospitals, Medical Shortages, Tragic Deaths in Virus-Struck Wuhan
, BY EVA FU | Epoch Times, February 3, 2020
- Is Beijing Hiding the Severity of the Coronavirus Threat? By James Gorrie | Epoch Times, January 24, 2020
- The Wuhan coronavirus has hit Xinjiang, where China has imprisoned at least 1 million Uighur Muslims. Its filthy detention camps will make inmates sitting ducks. By Bill Bostock | Business Insider, January 24, 2020
- CHINA: Special Weekly FORB Newsletter, Human Rights Without Frontiers Int'l, January 19, 2020
- A True Patriot Worrying His Country More Than His Love to the Country -- Welcome Mr. Wei Jingsheng to Visit Atlanta and Gives a Lecture, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1274-W890, January 4, 2020
- The Time Is Up. Is Xi Jinping’s Poverty Alleviation a Hoax? By TANG ZHE | Bitter Winter, December 29, 2019
- Canada Gets a Taste of a Hostile China, BY OMID GHOREISHI | EPOCH TIMES, December 25, 2019
- Year-end Summary for 2019 -- Wei Jingsheng, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1272-W888, December 24, 2019
- CHINA: Special Weekly FORB Newsletter, Human Rights Without Frontiers Int'l, December 23, 2019
- A Surveillance Net Blankets China’s Cities, Giving Police Vast Powers, By Paul Mozur and Aaron Krolik | The New York Times, December 17, 2019
- China Just Crossed A Dangerous New Line For Huawei: ‘There Will Be Consequences’, By Zak Doffman | Forbes, December 16, 2019
- "Freedom of Religion or Belief News Alert" - CHINA: Special Weekly FORB Newsletter, Human Rights Without Frontiers Int'l, December 15, 2019
- Arrested for Listening to Foreign Pastors’ Audio Sermons, by Zhou Hua | Bitter Winter, November 29, 2019
- Daily China Digest: Pro-Democracy Candidates See Landslide Victory in Hong Kong ... and more, The Epoch Times, November 25, 2019
- Analysis of official deceased organ donation data casts doubt on the credibility of China’s organ transplant reform, By Matthew P. Robertson, Raymond L. Hinde & Jacob Lavee | BMC Medical Ethics volume 20, Article number: 79 (2019)
- How Xi Jinping’s brand of authoritarianism is stifling China, By
John Pomfret | The Washington Post, November 6, 2019
- The United States Should Fear a Faltering China - Beijing’s Assertiveness Betrays Its Desperation, By Michael Beckley | Foreign Affairs, October 28, 2019
- Facing the Reality of the Chinese Regime - Canada can learn what Beijing plans next from watching Taiwan
, BY OMID GHOREISHI | The EPOCH TIMES, October 30, 2019
- An Historic Moment --Ai Weiwei Meets the Idol of His Youth 40 Years Later: Wei Jingsheng (Passauer Neue Presse), Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1254-W870, October 20, 2019
- CHINA: Special Weekly FORB Newsletter , Human Rights Without Frontiers, October 20, 2019
- CHINA: Special Weekly FORB Newsletter , Human Rights Without Frontiers, September 29, 2019
- 'Maoism' Review: Chairman Without Borders, By George Walden | The Wall Street Journal, September 27, 2019
- CHINA: Special Weekly FORB Newsletter, Human Rights Without Frontiers, September 22, 2019
- Church of Almighty God Believer Dies in Police Custody, By CHANG XIN | BITTER WINTER, September 19, 2019
- CHINA: Special Weekly FORB Newsletter , Human Rights Without Frontiers, September 16, 2019
- New York Accuses Purdue Pharma Family Of Secretly Siphoning Off Fortune, By Lydia O'Connor | HuffPost US, September 13, 2019
- China 'hacked' Indian, other Asian telcos, to spy on Uighur travellers, By Jack Stubbs | Reuters | Business Standard, September 5, 2019
- On the Opening Day of School, Talk Is About Prices in China -- Wei Jingsheng, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1238-W856, August 31, 2019
- China: A New World Order review – are we conniving with a genocidal dictatorship? By Stuart Jeffries | The Guardian, August 29, 2019
- Party Man: Xi Jinping's Quest to Dominate China, By Richard McGregor | Foreign Affairs Magazine, September/October 2019
- US-China Trade War Has Developed Into a Financial War -- Wei Jingsheng, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1232-W850, August 10, 2019
- 'An Unprecedented Evil Persecution' - Chapter Seven: Persecuting the Peaceful: A Political Response, BY EDWARD MCMILLAN-SCOTT | The Epoch Times, August 7, 2019
- China and the Difficulties of Dissent, By Simon Leitch | Quillette, August 5, 2019
- Why Canada needs to disentangle itself from a bullying China, By Patricia Adams | Financial Post, August 2, 2019
- Prepare for a More Authoritarian China, By Ted Galen Carpenter | The National Interest, August 3, 2019
- How the one-party state may shape our future, By Rana Mitter |
Chathem House, 2019
- How the state runs business in China, By Richard McGregor |
The Guardian, July 25, 2019
- Every U.S. president since Reagan was wrong about China, BY HAL BRANDS |
BLOOMBERG, July 29, 2019
- Not Feeling Safe in China, By Elizabeth Redden | Inside Higher Ed, July 23, 2019
- Chinese Money in the U.S. Dries Up as Trade War Drags On, By Alan Rappeport | The New York Times, July 21, 2019
- China strikes secret deal to allow armed forces at Cambodian naval base -WSJ, Reuters, July 21, 2019
- Why the wheels fell off China's tech boom, By Louise Lucas in Hong Kong | Financial Times, July 21, 2019
- Wei Jingsheng, Wang Juntao and Deng Yuwen Participated in the Radio Free Asia China Live Program: The Chinese Economy Is Going Down, the "One Country, Two Systems" Is Coming to an End, Is There a Solution for the Beidaihe Conference?, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1226-W846, July 20, 2019
- Reggie Addresses the Committee on the Present Danger, June 4, 2019
- Chinese communist leaders denounce U.S. values but send children to U.S. colleges, By Andrew Higgins and Maureen Fan | The Washington Post, May 19, 2012
- Persecution and Sinicization in China, By Joann Pittman | ChinaSource, July 19, 2019
- UNIVERSAL VALUES AND ENGAGEMENT WITH BEIJING, Notes for Hon. David Kilgour, J.D., West Lawn, Capitol Hill, Washington D.C., July 18, 2019
- The Chinese Influence Effort Hiding in Plain Sight, By DIDI KIRSTEN TATLOW | The Atlantic, July 12, 2019
- Huawei CVs show close links with military, study says. By Kathrin Hille in Taipei | Financial Times, July 7, 2019
- China�s repression of the Uighurs began 10 years ago. Now their survival is at stake. By Carl Gershman | The Washtington Post, July 4, 2019
- Lawmakers push US-listed Chinese firms to comply with financial oversight, CNBC News, June 5, 2019
- New bipartisan bills threaten Chinese IPOs and Chinese companies listed in the U.S., By Akiko Fujita and Krystal Hu. | Yahoo Finance, June 8, 2019
- The Chinese Corporate Structure That Terrifies American Investors, U.S. News, Jan. 26, 2017
- Chinese Communist Party Funds Washington Think Tanks, By Bill Gertz | The Washtington Free Beacon, August 24, 2018
- Wei Jingsheng's Speech at the Photo & Art Show of the 1989 Democracy Movement in China In the US Congress & the Rally in Front of the US Capitol on June 4, 2019 and His Introduction of Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1222-W842, June 30, 2019
- Tribunal Confirms Live Organ Harvesting in China; Gains Media Attention, FoFG, June 19, 2019
- Wei Jingsheng's Speech at "the Legacy of Tiananmen Square at 30" in the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1217-W837, June 7, 2019
- China adds Washington Post, Guardian to �Great Firewall� blacklist, By Gerry Shih | The Washington Post, June 9, 2019
1989 and the Birth of State Capitalism in China,
By Jeremy Page | The Wall Street Journal, May 31, 2019
How �Tiananmen� Became Synonymous With �Authoritarian Crackdown�,
By Ben Zimmer | The Wall Street Journal, May 31, 2019
In 1989, the U.S. Decided to Let Beijing Get Away With Murder,
By Gerard Baker | The Wall Street Journal, May 31, 2019
Tiananmen�s Survivors and the Burden of Memory,
By Te-Ping Chen and Chao Deng | The Wall Street Journal, May 31, 2019
Tiananmen: The Crackdown That Defined Modern China,
By Orville Schell | The Wall Street Journal, May 31, 2019
- Walmart Container Ship!
- China�s �Black Week-end�, By Ian Johnson | The New York Review of Books, June 27, 2019 ISSUE
- Tiananmen 30 years on - China's great act of 'forgettance', By John Sudworth | BBC News, Beijing, June 1, 2019
- Tiananmen massacre 30 years on: Modern China remains Orwellian, By Benedict Rogers | La Croix International, May 31, 2019
A Time for Truth: 30th Anniversary of June Fourth, Human Rights in China (HRIC), May 15, 2019
- Inside China�s War on Christians, By Nina Shea & Bob Fu | Wall Street Journal, May 30, 2019
ENGAGING CHINA WITH CANADIAN VALUES, Notes for Hon. David Kilgour, J.D. of International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC), Ottawa, May 8, 2019
- The Chinese Communist Party�s Latest Propaganda Target: Young Minds, By Sarah Cook | The Diplomat, April 26, 2019
- A Specter Is Haunting Xi�s China: �Mr. Democracy�, By Ian Johnson | The New York Review of Books, April 19, 2019
- CHINA: Special Weekly FORB Newsletter, Human Rights Without Frontiers Int'l, April 13, 2019
- The world can�t ignore the accusations that China has forcibly harvested organs, By David Alton and Benedict Rogers | The Spectator, April 3, 2019
- RSF Report: "China's Pursuit of a New World Media Order", Reporters Without Borders (RSF) , March 22, 2019
- The West is pushing back against China. It's working, By STEIN RINGEN | Los Angeles Times, March 15, 2019
- Mourning Our Families and Compatriots Killed in the June Fourth Massacre: A Letter to China�s Leaders, By Tiananmen Mothers | Human Rights in China, March 15, 2019
- Where Spying Is the Law, By Yi-Zheng Lian | The New York Times, March 13, 2019
- Xinjiang: The silence of the Muslims, BY GWYNNE DYER | The Japan Times, March 12, 2019
- Fate of Lawyer Jiang Tianyong and Family Again Exposes True Face of China�s Totalitarian Regime, HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHINA, February 28, 2019
- China has turned Xinjiang into a zone of repression � and a frightening window into the future, By Editorial Board | The Washington Post, February 23, 2019
- An Open Letter to China�s Xi Jinping from Chinese Canadians: Free those hostages!, Canadian Chinese Political Affairs Committee | Financial Post, 21 February 2019
- HRIC among 40 NGOs Worldwide Urging UN Resolution on China�s Rights Abuses, Human Rights In China, January 30, 2019
- CCP is Silencing Tiny Community of Kaifeng Jews, By TY JOPLIN | BITTER WINTER, February 4, 2019
- Beijing�s on the brink of losing friends , Calgary Herald, January 26, 2019
- Politics Watch: Xi�s Meeting with Provincial-level Officials Hints at Unprecedented Crisis in the CCP, Sinoinsider.com, January 21, 2019
- China, Model of the Modern Digital Dictatorship, by LOUISA GREVE | Law & Liberty, January 14, 2019
- China Events of 2018, Human Rights Watch, January 2019
- Wei Jingsheng et al on RFA�s China Live Program: Double Setbacks of Human Rights and Economy in China; Ren Zhengfei Denies Huawei Stealing Secrets -- Believable Or Not?, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1183-W811, January 19, 2019
- WSJ Investigation: China Offered to Bail Out Troubled Malaysian Fund in Return for Deals, By Tom Wright and Bradley Hope | The Wall Street Journal, January 7, 2019
- Political Modernization Should Be Primary Goal of China�s Reform -- Yan Jiaqi's Speech at Symposium in Observance of the 40th Anniversary of Beijing Democracy Wall in US Congress, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1178-W806, January 5, 2019
- How President Xi Jinping Is Misreading Taiwan,By Gerrit van der Wees | The Diplomat, January 3, 2019
- China's super-rich brace for tax raid on $24-trillion wealth pile, By Jinshan Hong | Financial Post, January 2, 2019
- China is at a crossroads, By BRAHMA CHELLANEY | THE GLOBE AND MAIL, January 1, 2019
- Outlook of 2019 New Year, By Wei Jingsheng | Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1177-W805, January 1, 2019
- Where Did American Scholars Go Wrong in Their Study of China?, BY JENNIFER ZENG | Epoch Times, December 31, 2018
- HK$600 billion in cash disclosed at Hong Kong�s borders since new declaration law took effect in July, By Clifford Lo | South China Morning Post, December 30, 2018
- China Puts Rights Lawyer on Trial for Subversion - Wang Quanzhang is last to be tried among dozens of legal campaigners detained in 2015, By Eva Dou | The Wall Street Journal, December 26, 2018
- German Sino Expert Dr. Thomas Weyrauch's Speech at the Symposium in Observance of the 40th Anniversary of the Democracy Wall in the US Congress, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1171-W800, December 24, 2018
- French Sino Expert Marie Holzman's Speech at the Symposium in Observance of the 40th Anniversary of the Democracy Wall in the US Congress, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1169-W798, December 22, 2018
- Freeland demands China release detained Canadians, By David Reevely and Jim Bronskill | The Canadian Press, December 21, 2018
- China�s Hacking State - Indictments show cyber economic theft is a government operation. By The Editorial Board | The Wall Street Journal, December 20, 2018
- �Hundreds� of Canadians held by China raises the stakes for Trudeau�s government,
By TONDA MACCHARLES | The Star, December 20, 2018
- China got rid of one of the most oppressive practices of the Mao era. Now it�s coming back., Editorial Board | The Washington Post, December 18, 2018
- US Congresswoman Who Initiated the "Countering the Chinese Government and Communist Party's Political Influence Operations Act" Was Awarded the "Human Rights and Freedom Defender Prize" (Voice of America report), Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1163-W792, December 15, 2018
- China cracks down on Christians -- a new era of religious persecution has arrived, By Nina Shea, Bob Fu | Fox News, December 12, 2018
- Ex-Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig detained in China, By Thomson Reuters | CBC News, December 11, 2018
- Police arrest 100 members of Early Rain Church, CSW, December 10, 2018
- Thousands of Myanmar women forced into marriages in China, DW Akademie, December 7, 2018
- Award-Winning Photojournalist Disappears In China, And Here Are 21 Of His Pics China Don�t Want You To See, By Rokas L | Bored Panda
- The Uighurs and China�s Long History of Trouble with Islam, By Ian Johnson | The New York Review of Books, November 23, 2018
- Xi Thoughts "Guide" the Human Rights Road, One Person to Determine the US-China Trade War?, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1152-W781, November 10, 2018
- The Leaders Who Unleashed China�s Mass Detention of Muslims, By Chris Buckley | The New York Times, October 13, 2018
- Why Did China�s Biggest Movie Star and the Interpol Chief Vanish?, By Jiayang Fan | The New Yorker, October 10, 2018
- An Appeal About the Detention of the Interpol Chairman by the Chinese Government , Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Number: A1144-O305, October 7, 2018
- Australia And New Zealand Are Ground Zero For Chinese Influence, By Rob Schmits | National Public Radio, October 2, 2018
- New Trade Deal Sets Stage for Contest With China, By Aaron Back | The Wall Street Journal, October 1, 2018
- China Is on the Verge of "Dynasty Change", Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1140-W770, September 23, 2018
- Why China Is Brutally Suppressing Muslims, By Robert D. Kaplan | The Wall Street Journal, September 16, 2018
- What Kind of Mentality Does Xi Jinping Have When He Spreads Money All Over the World?, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1139-W769, September 15, 2018
- China in context: China's Global Ambitions Come under Fire, Epoch Times, September 13, 2018
- Workers' Rights and Social Stability, By Wei Jingsheng | Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1138-W768, September 8, 2018
- China Says British Warship Entered Its Territorial Waters Without Permission, By Jeremy Page | The Wall Street Journal, September 6, 2018
- Standing Up to China, By LARRY DIAMOND | The American Interest, August 17, 2018
- China Protest Over Cash-Strapped City�s School Plan Turns Violent, By Josh Chin | The Wall Street Journal, September 2, 2018
- China�s Re-education Camps, By The Editorial Board | The Wall Street Journal, August 28, 2018
- China�s Museums Rewrite History to Boost Xi, By Chun Han Wong | The Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2018
- Chinese Begin to Vent Discontent With President Xi and His Policies, By Chun Han Wong | The Wall Street Journal, August 15, 2018
- Human Harvest Project, SPIDER & THE FLY - The False Allure of Communism
- Wei Jingsheng Was Invited to the VOA Talk Show Issues and Opinions: As Both North and South "Strange" Leaders Carry Out Barbaric Law Enforcement, Does That Means Xi Jinping and His Followers May Do Anything They Want With Their Power?, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1131-W762, August 12, 2018
- U.N. Panel Confronts China Over Reports That It Holds a Million Uighurs in Camps, By Nick Cumming-Bruce | The New York Times, August 10, 2018
- A Citizen's Suggestion on constitutional reform to create a modern political institution, By Zhang Xue-Zhong | CND, August 12, 2018
- Why is the Chinese regime�s persecution of Falun Gong a failure?, NTD.TV, July 29, 2018
- Consequences of an Escalation of the Sino-US Trade War, By Wei Jingsheng | Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1130-W761, August 5, 2018
- Cracks appear in 'invincible' Xi Jinping's authority over China, By Lily Kuo in Beijing | The Guardian, August 4, 2018
- Unease rattles China�s invincible facade, By John Pomfret | The Washington Post, August 3, 2018
- China�s Summer of Discontent, By Minxin Pei | Project Syndicate, August 2, 2018
- As China�s Woes Mount, Xi Jinping Faces Rare Rebuke at Home, By Chris Buckley | The New York Times, July 31, 2018
- Russia�s and China�s Leaders a Dangerous Duality, By David T. Jones | Epoch Times, July 30, 2018
- Chinese and Russian Regimes Vs. Democracies and the Rule of Law, By David Kilgour | Epoch Times, July 30, 2018
- More of Africa Finds Itself in China�s Debt, By Matina Stevis-Gridneff | The Wall Street Journal, July 25, 2018
- China�s Global Building Spree Runs Into Trouble in Pakistan, By Jeremy Page and Saeed Shah | The Wall Street Journal, July 22, 2018
- Xi Jinping�s Superpower Plans, By Elizabeth Economy | The Wall Street Journal, July 19, 2018
- China Built an Army of Influence Agents in the U.S., By BETHANY ALLEN-EBRAHIMIAN | The Daily Beast, July 18, 2018
- China�s ambitions in the North American Arctic, By Lindsay L. Rodman | Diplomat & International Canada, July 2, 2018
- The President Turns the Tables on China, By Jeff Moon
| The Wall Street Journal, JULY 12, 2018
- Why Canada shouldn�t tiptoe around China�s stepped-up bullying of Taiwan, By DAVID MULRONEY | THE GLOBE AND MAIL, JULY 12, 2018
- Hard Edges of China�s Soft Power Projection Meeting Increasing Resistance, By Willy Wo-Lap Lam | The Jamestown Foundation, July 10, 2018
- Comparing the Brainwashing of Uighurs With the Party�s Anti-Falun Gong Campaign, By Matthew Robertson | China Change, June 18, 2018
- A Closer Look at the Chinese Regime�s Fascism in Sheep�s Clothing, By Clive Ansley and Torsten Trey | Epoch Times, July 6, 2018
- Planting spies, paying people to post on social media, and pretending the news doesn't exist: This is how China tries to distract people from human rights abuses, By Alexandra Ma | Business Insider, June 9, 2018
- Chinese Shadows, By Simon Leys | The New York Review of Books, MAY 26, 1977 ISSUE
- China�s move hurts Taiwanese health rights: Foreign ministry
, Radio Taiwan International, APRIL 26, 2018
- The Chinese Communist Party Is Setting Up Cells at Universities Across America
, BY BETHANY ALLEN-EBRAHIMIAN | Foreign Policy, APRIL 18, 2018
- China should stick to honesty as the best policy in ongoing U.S. trade war, By CHARLES BURTON | THE GLOBE AND MAIL, APRIL 11, 2018
- THE DISAPPEARED: China�s global kidnapping campaign has gone on for years. It may now be reaching inside U.S. borders., BY ZACH DORFMAN | FOREIGN POLICY, MARCH 29, 2018
- Nobody Knows Anything About China Including the Chinese government, BY JAMES PALMER | Foreigh Policy, MARCH 21, 2018
- The Dilemma of Xi Jinping (Part 1), By Wei Jingshen | Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1093-W730, March 17, 2018
- Who Killed More: Hitler, Stalin, or Mao?, By Ian Johnson | The New York Review of Books, February 5, 2018
- Strange Tales in the New Year (part 4), By Wei Jingshen | Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1081-W718, February 3, 2018
- Two Hong Kong companies named as hub of international drugs and human trafficking ring , By Niall Fraser | South China Morning Post, January 31, 2018
- Strange Tales in the New Year (part 3), By Wei Jingshen | Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1079-W716, January 27, 2018
- How China's dictatorship reached a student in Vancouver, By TERRY GLAVIN | Ottawa Citizen, January 17, 2018
- China�s Global Infiltration Campaign Exposed, By Paul Huang | Epoch Times, January 4, 2018
- In the People of China Lies Hope for Reversing the Regime�s Fascism, Says Congressman, By Paul Huang | Epoch Times, December 23, 2017
- President Trump Declares National Emergency Over Global Rights Abuses and Corruption, By Jasper Fakkert | Epoch Times, December 21, 2017
- Opinion: Trump Sends Powerful Message to Wrongdoers Around the World, By Jasper Fakkert | Epoch Times, December 22, 2017
- What to do about China�s �sharp power�, The Economist, December 14, 2017
- World Uyghur Congress President Sounds Alarm Over Organ Harvesting in China, By Frank Fang, Epoch Times, December 21, 2017
- The Long Arm of China: Exporting Authoritarianism With Chinese Characteristics, US Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Washington, DC, December 13, 2017
- The West Faces Up to Reality: China Won�t Become �More Like Us�
, By Andrew Browne, The Wall Street Journal, December 12, 2017
- The whole Liberal establishment covets close China relations... and for what?, ByTerry Glavin, National Post, December 6, 2017 |
- A Brief Summary of Five Years' Activities and Efforts by Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation from November 2012 to November 2017, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1063-W700, November 23, 2017 |
- Lectures at San Diego Universities Spotlight Human Organ Trafficking in China, Minghui.org, November 19, 2017 |
- Free trade with China is still a terrible idea, By Tasha Kheiriddin, iPolitics, November 20, 2017
- Australian publisher drops book on Chinese influence; author warns Canada is also at risk,By NATHAN VANDERKLIPPE AND JEFF GRAY, The Globe and Mail, November 19, 2017 |
- Communism in the Contemporary World: The Case of China, By David Kilgour, New Delhi Times, November 18, 2017
- The 14 �upholds� of China�s �new era� of socialism have something missing: human rights, By Sharon Hom, HONG KONG FREE PRESS, October 29, 2017
- China�s Silk Road Illusions, By Philip Bowring, The New York Review of Books, October 25, 2017
- Xi Jinping has more clout than Donald Trump. The world should be wary, The Economist, October 14, 2017
- The Chinese World Order, By Andrew J. Nathan, The New York Review of Books, OCTOBER 12, 2017 ISSUE
- China�s �Magic Weapons�: Influence Operations Subverting Foreign Governments, By Bill Gertz, The Washington Free Beacon, September 27, 2017
- Globe and Mail journalist detained by Chinese police in Xinjiang region, By ANN HUI, The Globe and Mail, Aug. 23, 2017
- China�s Organ Transplant Problem, By Matthew Robertson and Jacob Lavee, The Diplomat, March 29, 2017
- Dissidents Overseas Oppose Meng Hongwei Taking Charge of Interpol (RFA Cantonese report), Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1028-O294, July 23, 2017
- Campaign For Democracy In China Will Outlive Liu Xiaobo: Chinese Desire For Liberty Will Never Die, By Doug Bandow, Forbes, July 23, 2017
- Globe editorial: How much China has changed, and how much it hasn�t,
The Globe and Mail, July 21, 2017
- "Rule of Law" with Beijing Party-state Characteristics, By NATHAN VANDERKLIPPE, The Globe and Mail, July 7, 2017
- US lists China among worst human trafficking offenders, By Aapka Colors On YuppTV, The Times of India, June 27, 2017
- Why the West treats China with kid gloves
, By DIEGO TORRES, Politico Europe, June 21, 2017
- HRIC Daily Brief, Human Rights in China, Friday, June 16, 2017
- Inside the People�s Republic of Death, by GORDON G. CHANG, The Daily Beast, June 12, 2017
- Ban Official Chinese Student Organizations Abroad, By Anders Cor, Forbes, June 3, 2017
- Witnesses of the 1989 Democracy Movement: How the June 4 Massacre Changed My Life, Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1015-O287, June 3, 2017
- China�s Astounding Religious Revival, By Roderick MacFarquhar, The New York Review of Books, JUNE 8, 2017 ISSUE
- China�s history problem: how it�s censoring the past and denying academics access to archives, By Kate Whitehead, South China Morning Post, May 2, 2017
- Press Release: China is not a Market Economy, CPA tells Government Agency, by Coalition For A Prosperous America, May 1, 2017
- China and Study: Written evidence from the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission (CHI0006), By UK Foreign Relations Committee of Parliament, January 2017
- China and Study: Written evidence from Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) (CHI0019), By UK Foreign Relations Committee of Parliament
- Why does China pretend to be a democracy?, By Isaac Stone Fish, Washington Post, April 11, 2017
- China�s Ugly Side: Activists Say Nation Still Harvests Prisoners� Organs - Critics of communist regime hopeful Trump will raise human rights violations at Xi summit, by Margaret Menge, Lifezette, April 7, 2017
- China�s Hidden Massacres: An Interview with Tan Hecheng, By Ian Johnson, NYR Daily, January 13, 2017
- China to �inspect� lawyer after torture allegations, By NATHAN VANDERKLIPPE, The Globe and Mail, March 22, 2017
- China Being Granted PNTR and Entering the WTO Has Caused a Human Rights Disaster, Wei Jingsheng's Written Testimony to CECC's Hearing "The Broken Promises of China's WTO Accession: Reprioritizing Human Rights", March 1, 2017
- Chinese Regime, The Dead End of Communism China�s Butchers-in-Chief: Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Jiang Zemin, By Larry Ong, Epoch Times, January 30, 2017
- The Retrogression of the Legal System in China, By Wei Jingsheng, January 22, 2017
- China�s Hidden Massacres: An Interview with Tan Hecheng, By Ian Johnson, The New York Review of Books, January 13, 2017
- China Will Be In Trouble When Donald Trump Is In Power, By Wei Jingsheng, December 11, 2016
- Garratts recount dark odyssey through China�s security apparatus, By
ERIC ANDREW-GEE, The Globe and Mail, December 7, 2016
- The Wei Jingsheng Foundation Announces the Thirteenth Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" Award, December 5, 2016
- Mainland China, Cuba & the United States:
Are Normalized relations with Totalitarian States Normal?, By John Suarez, September 5, 2009
- The East is Red, By Dennis Ignatius, Free Malaysia Today, October 29, 2016
- It Is Time To Stop The Shameful Kowtowing To China - Before It Is Too Late, By Benedict Rogers, Huffington Post UK, October 24, 2016
- From Lin Biao's Coup to the Current Dire Political and Economic Situation in China, By Huang Ciping, Presentation at the Symposium on the Prospect of Democracy in China in New York, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A966-W619, October 15, 2016
- China: The Virtues of the Awful Convulsion, By Ian Johnson, The New York Review of Books, OCTOBER 27, 2016 ISSUE
- Abide with Mao -
China still struggles to stuff the Great Helmsman underground, The Economist print edition, September 10, 2016
- How to Counter China�s Global Propaganda Offensive,
By MAREIKE OHLBERG and BERTRAM LANG, New York Times, SEPT. 21, 2016
- Chinese Democrats Support Sydney Citizens to Safeguard Australia Values -- Wei Jingsheng
, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A952-W609, September 11, 2016
- The Underlying Causes For the Yanhuang Chunqiu Event, By Wei Jingsheng, July 31, 2016
- China�s tarnished image hinders efforts to get others to speak its language, By NATHAN VANDERKLIPPE, BEIJING � The Globe and Mail, Jul. 07, 2016
- The Exhibition of the State Terrorist Atrocities Conducted by the Chinese Communist Regime" and the "Goddess of Democracy" Statue Displayed in Front of the United States Capitol , Wei Jingsheng Foundation, June 13, 2016
- On the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, watch this powerful archive news report from 4 June 1989. The BBC's Kate Adie was there as Chinese troops opened fire and killed pro-democracy protesters. BBC News, June 4, 2016
- Interview With Chinese Dissident and Her Account of the Tiananmen Square Massacre
, by Varghese Koshy and Venus Upadhayaya, Vision Times, June 4, 2016
- Capitol Hill Forum Highlights New Developments in China Around Persecution of Falun Gong, By Gary Feuerberg, Epoch Times, June 2, 2016
- China Passes Law Tightening Control Over Foreign NGOs, Philanthropy News Digest, APRIL 29, 2016
- New York Review of Books on "Who is Xi Jinping?", by Andrew J. Nathan, NYRB MAY 12, 2016 ISSUE
- EU listed 2000+ dangerous products, over 60% from China
, European Commission - Daily News, April 25, 2016
- India bans import of certain Chinese products, standard issues
, by New Delhi Times Bureau, April 26, 2016
- Chinese organ harvesting ring: Height of cruelty, By Punch Editorial Board, Nigeria Today, April 22, 2016
A Revolutionary Discovery in China, By Ian Johnson, NYRB, APRIL 21, 2016 ISSUE
- With Hong Kong booksellers silenced, China now goes after exiled dissidents
, By Simon Denyer, The Washington Post, 28 March 2016
- The Governance of China
, The New York Review of Books, March 13, 2016
- Wei Jingsheng Meets with Dr. Lobsang Sangay, the Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile
, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A920-W60, February 18, 2016
- The Golden Generation - Why China�s super-rich send their children abroad, BY JIAYANG FAN, The New Yorker, FEBRUARY 22, 2016 ISSUE
Current Human Rights and Democracy Situation in China, Hong Kong and Tibet, Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A916-W597, February 13, 2016
- Celebrating the Year of the Monkey: Chinese New Year 2016
, Epoch Times, February 7, 2016
- Professor: 'Democracy is compatible with Chinese culture'
, Epoch Times, January 29, 2016
- European Politicians to Xi Jinping: Dismantle Communism
, Epoch Times, January 14, 2016
- Retired Top African Judge, Friend of Nelson Mandela, Says Shen Yun Is 'Monumental'
, Epoch Times, January 4, 2016
- Anti-Corruption Campaign Prepares 2016 for Changes in China
, Epoch Times, December 31, 2015
- Was 2015 a Historic Turning Point for the Chinese Economy?
, Epoch Times, December 31, 2015
- Xinjiang Seethes Under Chinese Crackdown
, New York Times, Jan 2, 2015
- Former China Supreme Court Judge Shines Light on Dark Judiciary
, Epoch Times, December 24, 2015
- Hope That China Will Stop Killing Prisoners for Organs Is a Dream, Say Experts
, Epoch Times, December 21, 2015
- Pu Zhiqiang, Chinese Rights Lawyer, Given 3-Year Suspended Sentence
, Epoch Times, December 21, 2015
- CHINA TRANSLATED: China draws applause for smog alert, holds world 'InterNOT Conference'
- Democracy Leader Wei Jingsheng Talks about Human Rights in China on Human Rights Day
- China Uses IMF to Create a New Global Reserve Currency
, Epoch Times, December 1, 2015
- The Real Reason China Had to Ban Miss World Canada
, Epoch Times, November 30, 2015
- Ex-British FSA Chief: China Lacks Coherent Crisis Strategy
, Epoch Times, November 12, 2015
- China Faces Sharp Questioning by U.N. Panel on Torture
, The New York Times, November 17, 2015
- China may stop Miss World Canada Anastasia Lin from competing in final
, REUTERS, November 11, 2015
- Smog in Parts of China Is so Bad Now That People Can Hardly Take It
, Epoch Times, November 9, 2015
- US Federal Investigators Begin Probe of Covert Chinese Radio Broadcaster
, Epoch Times, November 4, 2015
- China's Economy Is Worse Than You Think
, NOV 3, 2015
- Upcoming trial for house church pastor sentenced to four years in prison
, October 13, 2015
- Top 10 Chinese Knockoffs of Foreign Products | China Uncensored
- In Beijing, 'Big Brother' Now Sees All
, Epoch Times, October 5, 2015
- Walz supports human rights oversight in China
, September 30, 2015
- Sensitive News About 'Chinese Gestapo' Revealed, Briefly Online
, September 30, 2015
- Global Competitiveness Report Pours Cold Water Over China Supremacy Story
, Epoch Times, September 30, 2015
- The Leader of China Brought a Little of China With Him to New York
, Epoch Times, September 29, 2015
- Mass Atrocity in China Remains Out of Media Limelight
, Epoch Times, September 29, 2015
- Ahead of Xi's Visit, U.S. Struggling Desperately to Stop China's Hackers
, September 22, 2015
- China Seeks Out Unlikely Ally: U.S. Tech Firms
, Wall Street Journal, September 21, 2015
- Behind Obama's Meeting With Xi Jinping Is a China in Decline
, Epoch Times, September 20, 2015
- How China Helped Cause the Syrian Refugee Crisis
, September 15, 2015
- It's Time for Obama to Confront Xi on Tibet and Human Rights
, September 14, 2015
- Why Is the Chinese Communist Party Discussing Its Legitimacy?
, Epoch Times, September 14, 2015
- HK Magazine Reports Xi Jinping Rival in Disgrace Over Tianjin Disaster
, Epoch Times, September 6, 2015
- China Rights Lawyer Held on Suspicion of Spying
, Epoch Times, September 4, 2015
- Xi Jinping Blames Stock Market Crash on the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Separatists, August 27, 2015
- Toxic Cyanide Pollution From Extracting Gold Is Widespread in China, Epoch Times, August 23, 2015
- Global Transplant Doctors Set to Endorse China's System That Still Kills Prisoners for Organs, Epoch Times, August 19, 2015
- Fiery Chinese Property Tycoon Attacks 'Incompetence' of Tianjin Rescue, Epoch Times, August 19, 2015
- Big Brain, Bigger Heart , National Review, August 17, 2015
- After Tianjin Explosion, Why Are Chinese Hating on the Red Cross?, August 14, 2015
- Death Toll Rises From Huge Warehouse Blasts at Chinese Port (+Video), August 13, 2015
- Chinese Fifth Column in Canada, August 09, 2015
- 76-year-old grandmother in Winnipeg suing X-Chinese leader over persecution, Winnipeg Free Press
- Secret NSA Map Shows China Cyber Attacks on U.S. Targets, July 31, 2015
- 5 Reasons You Shouldn't Trust 'Organic' From China, Epoch Times, July 26, 2015
- 5 Ways China Steals Foreign Intelligence, Epoch Times, July 25, 2015
- China Targeting Rights Lawyers in a Crackdown, July 23, 2015
- Was the China Stock Market Crash Engineered?, Epoch Times, July 23, 2015
- China Is Building a Database on Americans Using Its Domestic Spy Program, Epoch Times, July 22, 2015
- On July 20, 1999, My Life and My Nation Changed, Epoch Times, July 20, 2015
- World Bank States The Obvious On China, China Gets Mad, July 20, 2015
- Wall Street has stopped believing in the most important idea holding China together, July 19, 2015
- GDP with Chinese Characteristics, July 16, 2015
- China's Economic Troubles Start to Spread, July 16, 2015
- History of Pre-Infected Electronics Will Block China's Bid to Purchase Micron Technology, Epoch Times, July 15, 2015
- China's Stock Market Crash Scapegoat: "Hostile Foreign Forces", The National Interest, July 9, 2015
- Chinese Stock Market Set up as Communist Regime's Cash Cow, Epoch Times, July 12, 2015
- China Shows How to Destroy a Market, July 11, 2015
- Chinese Security Forces Attempt to Crush Rights Defense Movement, By Matthew Robertson, Epoch Times,July 11, 2015
- Why China?s New Cybersecurity Law Will Hurt the Tech Sector, And China Itself, By Fan Yu, Epoch Times, July 12, 2015
- Counterfeiters From China Live Large in California, By Associated Press, July 11, 2015
- Market Plunge in China Dents Communist Party?s Stature,
By EDWARD WONG and CHRIS BUCKLEY, Chinh's news, July 10, 2015
- Why the Party Has No Party Line on Lawsuits Against Former Chinese Leader,
By Leo Timm and Frank Fang, Epoch Times, July 6, 2015
- Why China�s Revolution Has Already Begun, By He Qinglian, July 7, 2015
- China�s New National Security Law Under Attack, By Lin Yi and Wang Taotang, Epoch Times, July 8, 2015
- Stock Market Plunge in China Becomes Litmus Test of Political Loyalty, By Frank Fang and Matthew Robertson, Epoch Times, July 7, 2015
- Chinese stock markets continue to nosedive as regulator warns of panic, By DAVID BARBOZA, July 8, 2015
- China Celebrates July 4 By Melting Down,
By Walter Russell Mead, July 5, 2015
- Hillary Clinton accuses China of 'stealing US secrets', BBC News, July 5, 2015
- 20,644 People File Complaints Against Jiang Zemin in the Past Week, July 5, 2015
- Former Mayor of Kiev, Ukraine: �Communism Is a Disease�, By Minghui correspondents Shu Hui and Rong Fa, July 5, 2015
- New Zealand Lawyer: Jiang Zemin �Violated UN Convention on Genocide�, July 3, 2015
- Ride2Freedom: Children Small in Size, but Big in Heart , By Cat Rooney and Sharon Kilarski, Epoch Times, July 2, 2015
- China and Party Will Collapse by 2016, Says Hong Kong Media, By Shannon Liao, Epoch Times, August 6, 2013
- Changes to China Will Impact Entire Planet, Minghui.org, July 1, 2015
- China�s National Security Laws Are Now More Intrusive, Epoch Times, July 1, 2015
- Scientists raise environmental alarm over China's island-building in disputed waters, June 27, 2015
- U.S. compares China's South China Sea moves to Russia's in Ukraine, June 27, 2015
- Here's What's Wrong With China's Report on US Human Rights, Epoch Times, June 26, 2015
- Former Spy: CSIS Warnings on Agents of Influence Should Be Taken Seriously, Epoch Times, June 24, 2015
- Nearly 10,000 Chinese Have Filed Legal Complaints Against Former Party Leader, Epoch Times, June 23, 2015
- Abandoned Children and China's Socio-Economic Apartheid, Epoch Times, June 23, 2015
- China extends reach into Hong Kong to thwart democrats, June 22, 2015
- Did the Chinese Stock Bubble Just Burst?, Epoch Times, June 21, 2015
- China's Stock Market Won't Save China's Economy, Epoch Times, June 21, 2015
- Italian Prosecutors Seek to Indict Bank of China and 297 People for Money Laundering, Epoch Times, June 21, 2015
- Western Business Stands Up to China, June 19, 2015
- British Investigator Says Chinese Officials Tried to Force Confession, June 18, 2015
- No 'Fake Democracy': Hong Kong Rejects Beijing-Backed Election Plan, Epoch Times, June 18, 2015
- Nine Groups Urge United States to Raise Human Rights at Dialogue with China, June 17, 2015
- Nothing Can Stop China's Quit Communism 'Tsunami,' Says Former Polish President Lech Walesa, Epoch Times, June 17, 2015
- 'Unprecedented': Former Chinese Official on Campaign to Sue Former Dictator, Epoch Times, June 17, 2015
- Antibiotics Are Filling Chinese Waterways and Creating Dangerous Resistance to Disease, Epoch Times, June 17, 2015
- Checking China's military build-up in the South China Sea, June 15, 2015
- Why China's New Regulation on Lawsuits Won't Make China Any Freer, Epoch Times, June 14, 2015
- An Old Chinese Political Reformer Weighs in on Lawsuits Against Former Leader, Epoch Times, June 12, 2015
- Once Untouchable, China's Ex-Security Chief Sentenced to Life, Epoch Times, June 11, 2015
- How China's Regime Is Using Nerve-Damaging Drugs to Make Dissidents Insane, Epoch Times, June 11, 2015
- Two Groups of Chinese Hackers Behind Breach of Millions of US Employees Information, Epoch Times, June 10, 2015
- One Country, Two Systems? China's New Draft Security Act Includes Taiwan, Epoch Times, June 8, 2015
- The Subtle Brainwashing of China's Post-Tiananmen Generation, Epoch Times, June 5, 2015
- Money Laundering Investigation Stymied by China, Italy Says, Epoch Times, June 5, 2015
- Chinese Citizens Punished for Seeking to Bring Former Dictator to Justice, Epoch Times, June 4, 2015
- Threats Against Miss World Canada: Common, Say Canadians, Epoch Times, June 4, 2015
- Major Changes in China Will Impact Hong Kong and Japan, Epoch Times, June 3, 2015
- How Deng Xiaoping Helped Create a Corrupt China, June 3, 2015
- Canada's Miss World candidate says her family was threatened in China, Globe and Mail, May 27, 2015
- Police in China Threaten Family of Epoch Times Political Columnist, Epoch Times, May 28, 2015
- U.S. Seeks Details on Top China Official Amid Bank-Hiring Probe, May 28, 2015
- Deputy Head of Chinese Secret Police in Guangdong Is Investigated, Epoch Times, May 27, 2015
- 30,000 New Surveillance Cameras for Beijing, Epoch Times, May 27, 2015
- HRIC Law Note: Draft Law on Foreign NGOs Undermines Chinese Civil Society and China's International Engagement, May 21, 2015
- China Claims Airspace Over its Self-made Islands, Says it's 'Entitled', Epoch Times, May 20, 2015
- Creeping censorship in Hong Kong: how China controls sale of sensitive books, May 19, 2015
- John Kerry's Message to China Didn't Make It Through the Censors, Epoch Times, May 18, 2015
- 8,000 in New York Rally to Support 200 Million Chinese Who Have Quit Communism, Epoch Times, May 16, 2015
- Chinese Aggressions: China Forces Penn State to Unplug Engineering Computers, May 16, 2015
- China's Naval Plans for Djibouti: A Road, a Belt, or a String of Pearls?, May 15, 2015
- China?s Secret Space Weapons Have the Pentagon Worried, Epoch Times, May 12, 2015
- China Orders 21st Century Business Herald's Website to Shut, Epoch Times, May 1, 2015
- Chinese State Media Lies About Free Tickets Home for Chinese in Nepal, Epoch Times, April 30, 2015
- 'Quit the Party' Movement Bodes Well for China, Says Former Official, Epoch Times, April 29, 2015
- Major Changes in China Will Impact Hong Kong and Japan, Epoch Times, April 29, 2015
- This Corrupt Chinese Doctor Embezzled $160 Million, Epoch Times, April 29, 2015
- Did Nepal Just Reject Earthquake Relief to Avoid Offending China?, Epoch Times, April 27, 2015
- New York Parade Marks Ongoing Changes Begun 16 Years Ago in China, Epoch Times, April 25, 2015
- Dissidents Say Chinese Officials Blackmailed Them to Spy on Canada, Epoch Times, April 23, 2015
- Chinese Regime Sentences Senior Journalist to 7 Years on Charges of Leaking State Secrets, Epoch Times, April 17, 2015
- Heavy Sentence for Gao Yu Exposes Hollowness of "Rule by Law" in China, April 17, 2015
- 200 Million Chinese Renounce the Communist Party, Epoch Times, April 14, 2015
- Did We Just Hear The Death Rattle Of The Economy?, April 13, 2015
- In Trial, Former Chinese Oil Chief Jiang Jiemin Confesses to Corruption Charges, Epoch Times, April 13, 2015
- China Accused Of Decade Of Cyber Attacks On Governments And Corporates In Asia, April 12, 2015
- How the New York Times is eluding censors in China, April 6, 2015
- Science with Chinese Characteristics, April 6, 2015
- Brutal Chinese Prison Head Finds Himself in the Party's Crosshairs, Epoch Times, April 5, 2015
- China's Internet Users Hail Google for Banishing Chinese Security Certificates, Epoch Times, April 3, 2015
- China's Former Security Chief Zhou Yongkang Indicted for Corruption, Epoch Times, April 2, 2015
- Chinese Leader Preaches a Version of 'Peace' at Major Asian Forum, Epoch Times, March 30, 2015
- Anti-Censorship GitHub Pages Under DDoS Attack From China, Epoch Times, March 27, 2015
- China Raids Offices of Rights Group as Crackdown on Activism Continues, March 27, 2015
- China Anti-Corruption Watch: A Daughter's Spoiled Wedding, and a Passion for Photography That Went Too Far, Epoch Times, March 26, 2015
- China The People's Republic of Amnesia: Author throws spotlight on China's hidden Holocaust, March 26, 2015
- China's Supreme Court President Hints at Coup Attempt, Epoch Times, March 25, 2015
- Google Calls Out Chinese Internet Authority for Cyberattack, Epoch Times, March 25, 2015
- Hong Kong's Leader Calls on Voters to Oust the Opposition, Epoch Times, March 25, 2015
- China Wants to Buy Europe, March 24, 2015
- Columbia University Closes Chinese Students Group, Epoch Times, March 24, 2015
- Made-in-China Nuclear Power Plants Coming to a City Near You, Epoch Times, March 22, 2015
- Reuters Websites Shut Down in China, Epoch Times, March 20, 2015
- Obama humiliated by allies' rush to join China's new bank, March 19, 2015
- Why Do the Atheists in Beijing Say They've Got the Final Word on the Dalai Lama's Reincarnation?, March 16, 2015
- Chinese aggressions: China has hacked EVERY major corporation in U.S., March 14, 2015
- Fear of Whistleblowers Grows Among China's Leaders, Epoch Times, March 12, 2015
- China's 'Clumsy' Diplomacy Gives Hong Kong Democracy Advocates a Boost: Canadian MP, Epoch Times, March 11, 2015
- There's a new ticking time bomb inside China's economy, March 10, 2015
- China's lawless path, March 10, 2015
- Global Times Responds to David Shambaugh, Epoch Times, March 9, 2015
- New Xiaomi Mi 4 LTE Smartphones Are Sold With Spyware, Say Researchers, Epoch Times, March 9, 2015
- The Coming Chinese Crackup, Wall Street Journal, March 6, 2015
- Another 14 Generals Sacked During China's Anti-Corruption Campaign, Epoch Times, March 3, 2015
- Investing in U.S.-Listed Chinese Companies Becomes Even Riskier, Epoch Times, March 2, 2015
- This Is Why Chinese Communists Control the Army (and Why They Absolutely Shouldn't), Epoch Times, March 1, 2015
- Hong Kong Police Make 'Arrest Appointments' for More Umbrella Movement Protesters, Epoch Times, February 26, 2015
- The China Dilemma, Freedom House, February 25, 2015
- Chinese Lawyers Ask If Banning Western Values Was Legal, Epoch Times, February 25, 2015
- Thousands Petition to Cancel Chinese Regime's New Year's Show, Epoch Times, February 24, 2015
- Anti-Corruption Campaign Targets China's State-Owned Enterprises, Epoch Times, February 20, 2015
- China's Lenovo to Remove Suspicious App but Denies It's a Backdoor, Epoch Times, February 19, 2015
- What You Need to Know About the Year of the Sheep, Epoch Times, February 18, 2015
- Chinese Economic Metrics Paint a Frightening Picture, Epoch Times, February 16, 2015
- China's 'Code War' attacks on US internet titans, February 15, 2015
- Fake Economic Numbers in China Start at Local Level, Epoch Times, February 15, 2015
- U.S. sends China millions in foreign aid despite $1.3 trillion debt, February 13, 2015
- Former Top Chinese Military Officer Taken Away For Investigation, Epoch Times, February 12, 2015
- Hong Kong Protest Leaders To Attend Human Rights Summit in Geneva, Epoch Times, February 11, 2015
- How China Is Trying to Disrupt a Chinese Dance Company in the Midwest, Epoch Times, February 6, 2015
- China's Secret Strategy for Surpassing the US, Epoch Times, February 5, 2015
- China Humanity, February 5, 2015
- China's Communist Party Elite Says Goodbye to Marx, Hello Feng Shui, Epoch Times, February 5, 2015
- Alibaba & Co Are Tech Giants Thanks to Firewall, CCP Says, Epoch Times, February 4, 2015
- China Considers Banning 'Western' Thoughts and Textbooks, Epoch Times, February 3, 2015
- Why Are Chinese Officials Killing Themselves?, Epoch Times, January 30, 2015
- China says no room for 'western values' in university education, The Guardian, January 30, 2015
- China: Overborrowed and overbuilt, January 30, 2015
- Hong Kong Police Chief Slammed for Political Use of Force, Fearmongering, Epoch Times, January 29, 2015
- Hong Kong Financier: Hongkongers Are Not China's Enemies, Epoch Times, January 29, 2015
- Seeking to Save Record of Occupy Central From Destruction, Epoch Times, January 28, 2015
- Free China: The Courage to Believe
- Chinese Regime Pads Military's Pockets Through Murder, Epoch Times, January 23, 2015
- News Assistants: The Unsung Heroes of Journalism in China, January 22, 2015
- Trade Expert Says China Still a Threat, Epoch Times, January 22, 2015
- China's First GDP Miss in 17 Years, Epoch Times, January 20, 2015
- Official Protectors Purged, Taiwanese Businessmen Leave China, Epoch Times, January 20, 2015
- Chinese Netizens Report Interference With Anti-Censorship Software, Epoch Times, January 20, 2015
- Why Western Companies Are Being Targeted in China, Epoch Times, January 19, 2015
- Why Is Hong Kong's Chief Executive Provoking Hongkongers?, Epoch Times, January 17, 2015
- Mainland Chinese Media: Purged Party Heavyweights Plotted Together, Epoch Times, January 15, 2015
- Human rights without Chinese characteristics worsen in China, January 14, 2015
- Photo of Taipei Mayor on Subway Stuns Mainland Chinese, Epoch Times, January 13, 2015
- hina Unicom Could Monitor Any Cellphone, Researcher Found, Epoch Times, January 13, 2015
- China Unicom Could Monitor Any Cellphone, Researcher Found, Epoch Times, January 12, 2015
- Chinese Law Professor Offers Staunch Defense of Constitutionalism, Epoch Times, January 11, 2015
- China's Christians May Soon Face Harsher Crackdown, Epoch Times, January 2, 2015
- Amid Failed Promises of Reform, US Companies Leave China, Epoch Times, January 1, 2015
- Special Report: How China's shadowy agency is working to absorb Taiwan, Reuters, Nov 26, 2014
- Confucius institute: The hard side of China's soft power, BBC, 21 December 2014
- Apple Partner in China Busted by Anti-Corruption Campaign, Epoch Times, December 31, 2014
- Purged Chinese Official Worked to Create Pro-Communist Alliances, Epoch Times, December 31, 2014
- Party Official Had 14 Fake Passports and Lots of Cash, Says Hong Kong Media, Epoch Times, December 31, 2014
- Chinese authorities tear down cross on Christian nursing home, Yahoo Times, December 30, 2014
- UK 1984 Pledge to Back Hong Kong if China Breaks Joint Declaration Uncovered, By Larry Ong, Epoch Times | December 29, 2014
- Like the Romans, the Chinese are threatened by the real Christmas, By Giles Fraser, December 29, 2014
- Confucius institute: The hard side of China's soft power, By John Sudworth, BBC News, December 21, 2014
- Ling Jihua, Aide to Former Chinese Leader, is Targeted for Investigation, By Matthew Robertson, Epoch Times | December 22, 2014
- Chinese Made Toys: Forced Labor and Violations of Local Law , Epoch Times, December 17, 2014
- Yuan Exchange Rate Against US Dollar Plunges, Epoch Times, December 17, 2014
- Kidnapping and Extortion in China Come Courtesy of the Family Planning Office, Epoch Times, December 16, 2014
- Member of Chinese Business Elite Calls for an End to Internet Blockade, Epoch Times, December 15, 2014
- How China spies on Hong Kong's democrats, December 15, 2014
- Leaked Emails Show Chinese Regime Employs 500,000 Internet Trolls, December 15, 2014
- Chinese Lawyers Outraged as Colleague Is Dragged From Court, Epoch Times, December 14, 2014
- With Cyberattacks Against Epoch Times, the Party 'Sends Its Regards', Epoch Times, December 14, 2014
- Hong Kong Police Dismantle Main Camp, Arrest Protesters, Lawmakers, Epoch Times, December 11, 2014
- The 'Nine Commentaries' Shows the Path to China's Future, Epoch Times, December 11, 2014
- Exploiting Chinese Culture to Justify Repression?, December 12, 2014
- China's Brave Underground Journal, December 4, 2014
- Freedom House Puts China at Bottom for Freedom Online, Epoch Times, December 9, 2014
- China Hastily Announces Purported End to Organ Harvesting, Epoch Times, December 9, 2014
- Chinese general gives out Mercedes filled with gold, The Telegraph, December 9, 2014
- Political Genocide: China's Barbaric Organ-Harvesting Trade Is Still Booming, December 6, 2014
- The Police Brutality of Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement , Epoch Times, December 5, 2014
- Zhou Yongkang, Ex-Chinese Security Boss, Expelled From Communist Party, Epoch Times, December 5, 2014
- 'Big Brother' Goes to College in China, Epoch Times, December 4, 2014
- iPhone 6 Patent Fraud Case in China Complicated Hacked Photos, Epoch Times, December 4, 2014
- Rebuilding China, One Renunciation at a Time, Epoch Times, December 3, 2014
- British MP: Hong Kong Block Will Hurt China's Standing, Trade Interests, Epoch Times, December 2, 2014
- China Expert Ethan Gutmann Talks About His New Book 'The Slaughter: Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and China's Secret Solution', Epoch Times, December 2, 2014
- The World Has China Wrong, Says Top Pentagon Adviser, Epoch Times, December 1, 2014
- Xi Jinping Cleans House in China, Epoch Times, December 1, 2014
- China Expert Promotes Book on Lives of Victims in Communist Repression, Epoch Times, November 30, 2014
- Faced With Communism, Hong Kong Should Remind Us of the Value of Democracy, Epoch Times, November 28, 2014
- China Extends Strategic Reach in Pacific, Epoch Times, November 26, 2014
- Chinese Regime's Tactics Force 'Party Culture' Upon Hong Kong, Epoch Times, November 26, 2014
- Nationalization of China's Military Debated, Epoch Times, November 25, 2014
- China's Military Spies on Hong Kong From Mountain Base, Epoch Times, November 25, 2014
- Canadian MPs: Regime Change Ahead as Chinese Renounce Communist Party Membership, Epoch Times, November 25, 2014
- Chinese professors worry about state paper's criticism of classroom comments, fear crackdown, Fox News, November 21, 2014
- Fake Military Leaders Scam Millions in China, Epoch Times, November 23, 2014
- US Commission Calls on China: 'Make Good on Promise', Epoch Times, November 23, 2014
- China's Currency Gains Global Reach, Epoch Times, November 19, 2014
- The Book That Is Changing China Is Ten Years Old, Epoch Times, November 19, 2014
- Beijing's Interest in Offshore Tax Evasion Limited to Corrupt Officials, Epoch Times, November 17, 2014
- Chinese Communist Party Members Told Religion Is Not for Them, Epoch Times, November 17, 2014
- Confucius Institutes: Academic Malware, November 17, 2014
- Xi Jinping and Barack Obama Trade Views on Hong Kong, Epoch Times, November 12, 2014
- Civil Society Targeted by Foreign Cyber Attacks, Report Finds, Epoch Times, November 11, 2014
- While World Watches APEC, China Sends a Message, Epoch Times, November 11, 2014
- China Fears India-Vietnam Relationships Threatens Its Dominance, Say Analysts, Epoch Times, November 7, 2014
- The Myth of Chinese Super Schools
- Niall Ferguson on China today
- The Secret Weapon of the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong, Epoch Times, November 3, 2014
- Chinese Petitioners Paid to Keep Quiet During APEC Summit, Epoch Times, November 2, 2014
- Key Ally of Former Leader Jiang Zemin Losing Influence, Epoch Times, November 2, 2014
- China's State-Funded Company Looks to Profit Off US Patents, Epoch Times, November 2, 2014
- In Sign of Slowing Economy, China's Underwriting Industry Takes a Hit, Epoch Times, November 2, 2014
- Hong Kong's Students Run Out Far Ahead of Its Democracy Old Guard, Epoch Times, October 30, 2014
- China's Xiaomi Imitator Not Innovator, Epoch Times, October 30, 2014
- China's Former Leader Revealed Hong Kong's Fate 14 Years Ago, Epoch Times, October 29, 2014
- China Ousts Pro-CCP Hong Kong Politician for Criticizing Leung Chun-ying, Epoch Times, October 29, 2014
- China's Huawei Accused of Hacking Government and Forging Documents in South Sudan, Epoch Times, October 28, 2014
- Chinese Regime Leader Xi Jinping Seizes Control Over Key Law Enforcement Agency, Epoch Times, October 24, 2014
- China says U.N. rights covenant no measure for Hong Kong reform, Reuters, October 24, 2014
- Beijing Seeks to End Confucius Institute Partnership Ahead of Toronto School Board Vote, Epoch Times, October 24, 2014
- Hong Kong Civil Servants Take Out a Full-Page Ad to Support Occupy Central, Epoch Times, October 24, 2014
- China-Controlled Election Committee the Cause of Hong Kong Democracy Protests, Epoch Times, October 23, 2014
- At Student Talks, Hong Kong Gov't Slams Brakes on Democracy, Epoch Times, October 21, 2014
- How the Chinese Regime Messed Up Democracy in Hong Kong: Infographic, Epoch Times, October 21, 2014
- Apple's iCloud Service Is Under Attack in Mainland China, Wall Street Journal, October 21, 2014
- Cleared by Hong Kong Police, Mong Kok Protesters Return, Epoch Times, October 17, 2014
- New US Program Will Change Internet Forever, Epoch Times, October 17, 2014
- Brutality and Determination in Hong Kong, Epoch Times, October 16, 2014
- Hong Kong Head Honcho CY Leung Agrees to Stick to His Guns in Proposed Talk With Protesters, Epoch Times, October 16, 2014
- Hong Kong Liverpool Fans Decry Politician's Use of 'You'll Never Walk Alone' as Tribute to Violent Police, Epoch Times, October 16, 2014
- Dialogue Stays Out of Reach in Hong Kong, Epoch Times, October 14, 2014
- Hong Kong Police Take Back Crucial Artery in Quick March, Epoch Times, October 14, 2014
- Anonymous Hackers' Hong Kong Leak: Chinese Gov't Files Released to Support HK Student Protest, Epoch Times, October 12, 2014
- Corruption Investigation Targets Chinese Regime's Mouthpiece, People's Daily, Epoch Times, October 8, 2014
- Student Talks With Government Edge Forward in Hong Kong, Epoch Times, October 6, 2014
- Violence in Hong Kong Has Ties to Beijing, Epoch Times, October 6, 2014
- What Is Happening in Hong Kong? Umbrella Revolution May Be Just the Beginning, Epoch Times, October 3, 2014
- Alibaba Did Well in China but Is Unlikely to Replicate This Success Elsewhere, Epoch Times, October 3, 2014
- National Day Reception: An Icy Meeting Between Rival Communist Leaders, Epoch Times, October 2, 2014
- TDSB Committee Votes to Terminate Partnership With Confucius Institutes, Epoch Times, October 2, 2014
- A Troubled Hong Kong Returns Violence With Compassion, Epoch Times, October 1, 2014
- China's Internet Censors Seek to Quarantine Hong Kong's 'Democratic Contagion', Epoch Times, September 29, 2014
- What Is Happening During Hong Kong's Occupy Central?, Epoch Times, September 29, 2014
- Hong Kong Braces Itself for Another Night of Pro-Democracy Protests , Times, September 29, 2014
- Tear Gas Fills Hong Kong Street, Crack Down on 'Occupy Central' , Epoch Times, September 28, 2014
- Addressing the Disastrous Consequences of China's One-Child Policy, September 25, 2014
- Amnesty blasts China's torture tool industry, AP, September 23, 2014
- China Markets Tools of Torture, Epoch Times, September 22, 2014
- Calling for Democracy, Over 10,000 Students Boycott Classes in Hong Kong, Epoch Times, September 22, 2014
- Outspoken Chinese Political Journal to Be Forced Into Party Fold, Epoch Times, September 22, 2014
- What's Happening in Hong Kong is Not What You Think , Epoch Times, September 21, 2014
- Chinese Student Spies Overwhelm US, Epoch Times, September 19, 2014
- Harsh Military Punishments of Students in China Leads to Clashes, Deaths, Epoch Times, September 19, 2014
- China to Hong Kong: You Can Vote, We Select the Candidates, Epoch Times, September 17, 2014
- Alibaba's IPO Is a Huge Windfall for Existing Shareholders, Epoch Times, September 17, 2014
- What''s Happening in Hong Kong is Not What You Think , Epoch Times, September 16, 2014
- State-Run Paper Describes China's Social Breakdown, Epoch Times, September 16, 2014
- Chinese Doctors Involved in Cambodian Organ Trafficking Scheme, Epoch Times, September 15, 2014
- Black Means Indignation in Hong Kong, as Thousands Demand Universal Suffrage, Epoch Times, September 15, 2014
- Almost Half of Wealthy Chinese Want to Leave, Study Shows, Wall Street Journal, September 15, 2014
- Special Report - China turns up heat on ex-security chief with crash probe, Reuters, September 12, 2014
- The Case of Xi Jinping's Missing Words: Who Took the Constitutionalism?, Epoch Times, September 11, 2014
- CEO of Large Real Estate Firm in China Disappears With Money, Epoch Times, September 11, 2014
- China Uncensored: Is the SAT Controlling Your Mind?!, Epoch Times, September 10, 2014
- China Sending 1,800 Peacekeepers to South Sudan, VOA, September 10, 2014
- Under Beijing's Eyes, September 9, 2014
- Friends of Chinese Regime Back New Wave of Liberal MP Hopefuls, Epoch Times, September 4, 2014
- China Regime Says 'We Are the Borg' to Ethnic Minorities, Epoch Times, September 4, 2014
- Hong Kongers Have Had Enough of Beijing's Deception, Epoch Times, September 3, 2014
- China's White Paper 'Unreasonable,' Says Hong Kong Democracy Leader, Epoch Times, September 3, 2014
- Beijing is crushing Hong Kong's democratic hopes, Washington Post, September 3, 2014
- British parliament rejects Chinese call to halt Hong Kong democracy probe, Reuters, September 2, 2014
- Forbidden Terms Allowed on Major Chinese Search Engine, Epoch Times, September 2, 2014
- China Appears to Ready Case Against Fallen Security Boss, Epoch Times, September 2, 2014
- AmCham Website Offline After Critical Business Survey on China, Epoch Times, September 2, 2014
- Chinese Site Temporarily Allows Search on 'Justice for Jiang', Epoch Times, August 30, 2014
- China's Economic Index Takes a Plunge, Epoch Times, August 30, 2014
- China warns against foreign meddling in Hong Kong, AP, August 30, 2014
- To Save the Rich, China Ruins Hong Kong, Bloomberg, August 29, 2014
- Hong Kong Media Figure's House Raided by Anticorruption Investigators, Epoch Times, August 28, 2014
- Likely Road Map For Taking Out Former Chinese Regime Leader Jiang Zemin, Epoch Times, August 27, 2014
- Likely Foreign Direct Investment Into China Drops to Two-Year Low, Epoch Times, August 25, 2014
- New yorker on China's health system, August 25, 2014
- How China Spreads Hate Overseas, NTDTV, August 24, 2014
- Palmer Says China a Threat to Australia, Epoch Times, August 20, 2014
- Jiang Zemin at Bay in Shanghai, Epoch Times, August 19, 2014
- 15 Officials in China's Xinjiang Punished for Being Religious, Epoch Times, August 19, 2014
- Pro-Beijing Protesters in Hong Kong Receive Cash for Marching, Epoch Times, August 17, 2014
- For Chinese, Pope Seems Worlds Away in South Korea, New York Times, August 17, 2014
- China's Monopoly Accusations Serve Monopoly on Power, Epoch Times, August 7, 2014
- China Uncensored: 9 Things You Must Know About Zhou Yongkang, Epoch Times, August 7, 2014
- Did Chinese Regime Implicate Military Doctor to Send a Message?, Epoch Times, August 6, 2014
- Anti Corruption Sweep at China Central TV Accelerates, Epoch Times, August 5, 2014
- Suicide Rate Climbing Rapidly for Chinese Officials, Epoch Times, August 3, 2014
- From the Regrettable to the Ridiculous in China, Epoch Times, August 1, 2014
- Taking Down a Tiger: The Month's Events Leading up to Zhou Yongkang's Fall, Epoch Times, July 31, 2014
- Flushing 'Community Leader' Serves Beijing, Epoch Times, July 31, 2014
- China's Xiaomi Smartphones May Be Spying on You, Epoch Times, July 31, 2014
- Chinese Regime Seeks to Arrest Officials Who Flee, Epoch Times, July 24, 2014
- American Restaurants in China Supplied With Rotten Meat, Epoch Times, July 22, 2014
- China warns officials against aping Western morality, Reuters, July 20, 2014
- China Uncensored: Propaganda Wrapped Up as Language Instruction, Epoch Times, July 15, 2014
- Corporate spying case reveals details of sophisticated system, The Globe and Mail, July 22, 2014
- China is a dangerous place to express your Christian faith, National Post, June 4, 2014
- Former Top Chinese Political Leader, Jia Qinglin, Said to Be Detained, Epoch Times, July 16, 2014
- Former Top Chinese Political Leader, Jia Qinglin, Said to Be Detained, Epoch Times, July 16, 2014
- Host of China Central Television Taken Away for Investigation, Epoch Times, July 13, 2014
- Former Top Chinese Communist Party Official Now Under Arrest, Epoch Times, July 13, 2014
- Has LinkedIn Gone Too Far in China?, NTDTV, July 11, 2014
- Official Chinese Bank Accused by Official Chinese TV Station, Epoch Times, July 11, 2014
- Another Top Chinese General Likely to Go, Epoch Times, July 10, 2014
- Chinese hackers hit US personnel networks, AP, July 10, 2014
- Deputy Governor of Hainan Province Felled in Corruption Investigation, Epoch Times, July 10, 2014
- Container Ship crossing from China
- Purged Chinese Military Leader Turns Persecution Into Power, Epoch Times, July 4, 2014
- LinkedIn Connects With Beijing, Censors Falun Gong, Epoch Times, July 3, 2014
- Nearly 200 arrested big Hong Kong democracy rally, AP, July 2, 2014
- The Secret of China's Housing Bubble Revealed, Epoch Times, July 2, 2014
- Hong Kong Government Stops Protest, Raising Fears About China's Influence, Epoch Times, July 2, 2014
- China's Counterfeiting Efforts Win Awards, Epoch Times, July 1, 2014
- A Top Former Chinese Military Official Purged, Epoch Times, June 30, 2014
- Human Rights Commissioners Call for More Pressure on China Over Rights Abuse, Epoch Times, June 30, 2014
- Successful Hong Kong Democracy Referendum Enrages Chinese Communist Regime, Epoch Times, June 29, 2014
- One Thousand Hong Kong Lawyers Protest Communist China's Power Grab, Epoch Times, June 27, 2014
- Hong Kong People: Conflicts May Usher in Repression, Epoch Times, June 26, 2014
- WIs Chinese Propaganda Invading Our Schools?, NTDTV, June 25, 2014
- White Paper on Hong Kong Pushes Taiwan Away, Epoch Times, June 25, 2014
- China Reporters Face Further Muzzling, Epoch Times, June 24, 2014
- State Department Speaks in Support Universal Suffrage in Hong Kong, Epoch Times, June 24, 2014
- Legal Structures of US-Listed Chinese Firms Questioned, Epoch Times, June 23, 2014
- Democracy is a Type of Cult, Says Writer in Chinese Communist Journal, Epoch Times, June 19, 2014
- Hong Kong is China's West Berlin, Epoch Times, June 18, 2014
- Hackers Strike Hong Kong Democracy and Media Websites, Epoch Times, June 18, 2014
- HChina's Bar Association Tells Lawyers to Shut Up, Epoch Times, June 18, 2014
- Torture Camp Rebranded in China, Epoch Times, June 17, 2014
- German Security Firm Finds Chinese Phone Comes Preloaded With Spyware, Epoch Times, June 17, 2014
- Vice-head of China government advisory body under investigation: graft watchdog,
Reuters, June 14, 2014
- China says will never send military to oil rig spat with Vietnam,
Reuters, June 13, 2014
- Hong Kong Citizens Plan Civil Disobedience - July 1 march and rally aimed at gaining self-government,
By Lin Yi, Epoch Times, June 11, 2014
- New Toronto Confucius Institute Raises Concerns - China?s ?soft power? tool coming to Toronto schools,
By Omid Ghoreishi, Epoch Times, June 11, 2014
- In South Sudan Conflict, China Tests Its Mediation Skills, By Shannon Tiezzi, The Diplomat, June 06, 2014
- LinkedIn Self-Censorship Shows Cost of Doing Business in China, By Joshua Philipp, Epoch Times, June 6, 2014
- The U.S. Congress Commemorated June 4th Urging China to Stop Information Censoring , NTDTV, June 2, 2014
- What Is China's Biggest Weakness?, By William Pesek, www.bloombergview.com, June 2, 2014
- The Bamboo Curtain Between EU and China, By Erping Zhang, Epoch Times, June 5, 2014
- China�s Leader, Seeking to Build Its Muscle, Pushes Overhaul of the Military, By JANE PERLEZ and CHRIS BUCKLEY, The New York Times, MAY 24, 2014
- Tens of Thousands Join Hong Kong Tiananmen Candlelight Vigil, By Associated Press, June 4, 014
- 25 years on, no fading of Tiananmen wounds, ideals , Washington Post, May 30, 2014
- Amid Hacking Charges, China Retaliates Against US Businesses , Reuters, May 30, 2014
- Amid Hacking Charges, China Retaliates Against US Businesses , Epoch Times, May 29, 2014
- The Three Types of Corruption That Plague China , Epoch Times, May 29, 2014
- EU Condemns China Arrests Before Tiananmen Massacre Anniversary, Epoch Times, May 28, 2014
- Shift in China's Food Policy Spells Trouble for US, Epoch Times, May 28, 2014
- China Charging Activists as Criminals, Not Dissenters, to Avoid Global Opprobium, Epoch Times, May 27, 2014
- Hacking case belies profitable US links with China, May 27, 2014
- U.S. firms get caught in China spying crossfire, Reuters, May 26, 2014
- China�s Air Force Boosts Tech by Buying European Companies, Epoch Times, May 26, 2014
- Chinese hackers infiltrated U.S. companies, attorney general says, CNN, May 19, 2014
- China Can Expropriate Alibaba's Business -- And It Just Might, May 19, 2014
- China Uncensored: Is Hong Kong the Next Tibet?, Epoch Times, May 15, 2014
- NYC Rally Offers Chance to Quit the Chinese Communist Party, Epoch Times, May 14, 2014
- China Anti-Corruption Efforts Said Next Target Overseas State Enterprises, Epoch Times, May 14, 2014
- Journalist Gives Forced Confession on Chinese State Television, Epoch Times, May 8, 2014
- New Grassroots Database Tracks China's Political Prisoners, Epoch Times, May 6, 2014
- Arrests Made After Seminar Marking Tiananmen Massacre, Epoch Times, May 5, 2014
- China's Harsh Enforcement of One-Child Policy, Epoch Times, May 4, 2014
- Financial Times Wants to Put China in Top Spot, but Omits a Few Details, Epoch Times, May 3, 2014
- Where Did All China's Asian Friends Go?, Epoch Times, May 2, 2014
- A Call in Chicago to Cancel a Confucius Institute, Epoch Times, May 1, 2014
- In China, 'Alternative Paths' Are Often Illusory, Epoch Times, April 30, 2014
- Chinese spies read Australian MPs' emails for a year - report, Reuters, April 28, 2014
- China 'resolutely opposes' U.S. sanctions on missile parts supplier, Reuters, April 30, 2014
- Campaign Underway to Demolish Christian Churches in China, Epoch Times, April 29, 2014
- Smuggled Toilet Paper Diary Discloses Brutal Torture in Chinese Detention Center, Epoch Times, April 29, 2014
- China Party Expels Ex-Politburo Member's Associate, Epoch Times, April 29, 2014
- Engaging China on Human Rights, The Diplomat, April 22, 2014
- How China is using criminal detention in place of re-education through labour, South China Morning Post, April 21, 2014
- Chinese Crowd, Furious, Besets Chengguan in Eastern City, Epoch Times, April 20, 2014
- Canadian Politicians Call for Release of Chinese Prisoner, Epoch Times, April 18, 2014
- Price Drops in China Housing See Investor Fury, Epoch Times, April 15, 2014
- Police Snatch Chinese 'Black Jail' Activist, Epoch Times, April 15, 2014
- China Shows Taiwan How to Handle Protesters, Epoch Times, April 14, 2014
- Chinese Military Increases Scope of Cyberattacks on the US, Epoch Times, April 14, 2014
- Party Expels Aide to Former Chinese Security Chief, Epoch Times, April 12, 2014
- Warning signs of trouble in China's markets, Washington Post, April 10, 2014
- Fraser Howie Explains China's Debt Crisis, Epoch Times, April 10, 2014
- US Vice President Biden Meets With Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Leaders, China Calls It 'Interference' , NTDTV, April 7, 2014
- Problems of China's Economy Pop Up Everywhere, Epoch Times, April 7, 2014
- Quitting The Communist Organizations Reaches New Daily Record , NTDTV, April 6, 2014
- Hot Money Races Out Of China, NTDTV, April 6, 2014
- $14.5 Billion Seized From Former China Security Boss, Epoch Times, March 31, 2014
- China seizes $US14.5bn assets linked to ex-spy chief Zhou Yongkang - report, The Guardian, March 30, 2014
- China detains more than 1,500 in text spam crackdown, Reuters, March 25, 2014
- Slideshow Outlines Cyberwar Training for Chinese Students, Epoch Times, March 24, 2014
- Michelle Obama Touches on Freedom in China Speech, Epoch Times, March 23, 2014
- 2 Dead, Dozens Sick From Rat Poison at Chinese Kindergarten, Epoch Times, March 23, 2014
- Mixed Reactions Over First Lady's China Visit, Epoch Times, March 20, 2014
- Hong Kong Media Executives Beaten With Metal Pipes, Epoch Times, March 19, 2014
- Chinese Currency Faces Critical Test in the Next Few Weeks, Epoch Times, March 17, 2014
- US Relinquishes Oversight of Internet, China and Russia May Gain Control, Epoch Times, March 17, 2014
- China rejects North Korean crimes report, hits chance of prosecution, Reuters, March 17, 2014
- Economic Sense: Despite the Talk, Forget Reform in China, Epoch Times, March 6, 2014
- Chinese Official: Internet Freedom Caused Terror Attacks, Epoch Times, March 6, 2014
- Lawyers Urge Delegates to Pursue Reforms, Rule of Law, Epoch Times, March 6, 2014
- Economic Sense: What China's Devaluation of the Yuan Means, Epoch Times, February 27, 2014
- Departing US Ambassador to China Talks Human Rights, Epoch Times, February 26, 2014
- Noose Appears to Tighten Around Former Chinese Security Commissar, Epoch Times, February 24, 2014
- China Uncensored: Will US Fight China's Internet Censorship?, NTDTV, February 21, 2014
- China's Sex Industry 'Too Big to Fail', Epoch Times, February 19, 2014
- SChina's Financial Instability a Top Concern for Global CEOs, Epoch Times, February 18, 2014
- A New Facility Replaces Labor Camps in China, Epoch Times, February 17, 2014
- China's Polluted Air Is Changing the Weather, Epoch Times, February 14, 2014
- Bing censoring Chinese language search results for users in the US, The Guardian, February 11, 2014
- Spanish Judge Issues Arrest Warrant For Former Chinese Leader, Epoch Times, February 11, 2014
- To Push China on Media Freedom, US Should Try WTO, Epoch Times, February 9, 2014
- US Alert to China Space Threat, Epoch Times, February 7, 2014
- Most Vitamins Are From China. This is Why You Should Care, Epoch Times, February 6, 2014
- China Ends One Notorious Form Of Detention, But Keeps Others, GPB News, February 5, 2014
- Crackdown on Chinese Regime Critics Condemned, Epoch Times, February 4, 2014
- Hunger and Human Rights in China's Diplomacy, Epoch Times, February 4, 2014
- China visa woes for NYT as government ups pressure, AP, January 29, 2014
- China Uncensored: Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation, Epoch Times, January 29, 2014
- In Chinese Regime, Both Sides Wield Corruption Charges, Epoch Times, January 29, 2014
- Old Colleagues Grill Max Baucus, Nominee for Ambassador to China, Epoch Times, January 28, 2014
- Foxconn eyes factories in U.S., Indonesia as China's luster fades, Reuters, January 27, 2014
- China says New York Times reporter broke visa rules, will leave, Reuters, January 27, 2014
- Chinese Legal Activist Given Four-Year Sentence, Epoch Times, January 26, 2014
- Bird Flu Spreads Rapidly in China This Year, Epoch Times, January 26, 2014
- US Judge Slaps Ban on Big 4 Auditors Operating in China, Epoch Times, January 23, 2014
- Confession of Xu Zhiyong's Supporter Rattles Chinese Dissidents, Epoch Times, January 24, 2014
- Chinese See Through Anti-Corruption Report, Epoch Times, January 24, 2014
- China's DNS Hijacking System: Technical Details Explained, Epoch Times, January 22, 2014
- Leaks on Offshore Wealth Expose Some of China's Elite, Epoch Times, January 22, 2014
- Pollution Rising, Chinese Fear for Soil and Food, New York Times, December 30, 2013
- China leaders' kin 'stash riches in offshore tax havens', Bangkok Post, January 22, 2014
- In Global Trade, China Plays by Its Own Rules, Epoch Times, January 21, 2014
- US Budget Identifies China as 'Cyber Threat', Epoch Times, January 21, 2014
- Weibo Goes Down in China, Traffic Redirected to Freedom Software, Epoch Times, January 21, 2014
- More Beijing Action A Precursor To The Official Announcement Of Zhou Yongkang Investigation , NTDTV, January 20, 2014
- Chinese Regime Turns on Itself: Hundreds of Officials Arrested Since 2012, Epoch Times, January 19, 2014
- China�s Economic Crisis Intensifies, Are You Ready? , NTDTV, January 10, 2014
- Thinking of Buying a Counterfeit Bag? After Reading this, You Will Think Twice , Epoch Times, January 16, 2014
- Eleven Things to Watch for in the Trial of Chinese Activist Xu Zhiyong , Epoch Times, January 16, 2014
- Details Leak in Corruption Probe of Former Chinese Military Chief , Epoch Times, January 15, 2014
- China confirms hypersonic missile carrier test , Reuters, January 15, 2014
- China''s Professional Trolls, the 50 Cent Brigade! | China Uncensored , NTDTV, January 14, 2014
- China's Xi warns of grim fight against corruption , Reuters, January 14, 2014
- Did the Chinese Regime Take New York City Media for a Ride? , Epoch Times, January 13, 2014
- The Dark Side of Chinese Tycoon Chen Guangbiao: Fake Donations, Forced Demolitions, Death Threats , Epoch Times, January 13, 2014
- Beijing Pushes Mandarin, Punishing Ethnic Tongues, Epoch Times, January 12, 2014
- Zhou Yongkang Implicated in Murder of Chinese General , Epoch Times, January 9, 2014
- How a Staged Self-Immolation Manipulated Public Opinion in China , Epoch Times, January 7, 2014
- 54 Facts That Reveal How the 'Self-Immolation' on Tiananmen Square Was Actually Staged for Propaganda Purposes , Epoch Times, January 7, 2014
- China Camp Closures Prompt Calls for Compensation , Epoch Times, January 6, 2014
- How Three Chinese Communist Party Leaders Rejected the Party , Epoch Times, January 5, 2014
- Chinese Official Linked to Former Security Boss Removed , Epoch Times, January 3, 2014
- Cut Ties With Confucius Institutes, Canadian Educators Say , Epoch Times, January 1, 2014
- Independence beats 'status quo' in poll, Taipei Times, January 1, 2014
- Over 500 Chinese Officials Exposed in Bribery Scandal , Epoch Times, January 1, 2014
- Canada's Association of University Teachers Calls on Universities to Close Confucius Institutes , Epoch Times, December 31, 2013
- Top 20 Stories of 2013 - No. 2: Chinese Economy at Crossroads , Epoch Times, December 31, 2013
- The Ingenuity and the Danger of Getting a Story to Foreign Media in China , Epoch Times, December 30, 2013
- Top 20 Stories of 2013 - No. 4: Bo Xilai Tried and Sentenced , Epoch Times, December 29, 2013
- Blogger in China Mentions Organ Harvesting and Is Arrested , Epoch Times, December 29, 2013
- China Formally Abolishes Re-education Labor Camps , Epoch Times, December 28, 2013
- Impresario of Hatred Taken Down in China, Epoch Times, December 25, 2013
- U.S. urges China to implement planned economic reforms, Reuters, December 24, 2013
- China investigates vaccine maker after baby deaths, December 24, 2013
- Was 2013 the Year We Lost China?, Bloomberg, December 22, 2013
- China Uncensored: China Stealing American GMO Seeds, Epoch Times, December 21, 2013
- China probes top official in powerful security ministry, Reuters, December 20, 2013
- Chinese vice minister under investigation by Communist Party in anti-corruption campaign, Washington Post, December 20, 2013
- Execution of North Korean Regent Hints at Problems in Chinese Regime, Epoch Times, December 20, 2013
- Bloomberg and New York Times Served Notice by China's Leadership, Epoch Times, December 19, 2013
- China Uncensored: Are China's Most Powerful Trying to Kill Each Other?, Epoch Times, December 19, 2013
- Amnesty International: New Name, Old Abuses as Labor Camps Close in China, Epoch Times, December 17, 2013
- China's Inflation Stays High, Epoch Times, December 15, 2013
- US Says Chinese Warship Nearly Struck Navy Cruiser, Epoch Times, December 14, 2013
- Asian nations call for freedom of air, seas as U.S.-China maritime near-collision revealed, Reuters, December 14, 2013
- Luck Has Run Out For Zhou Yongkang, China's Former Security Tsar, Epoch Times, December 11, 2013
- Five Chinese Daughters Ask Congress to Help Free Their Fathers, Epoch Times, December 9, 2013
- China's treatment of minorities troubles Canada's religious freedom ambassador, Ottawa Citizen, December 9, 2013
- Why the Chinese Regime Wants to Kick Out Western Journalists Now, Epoch Times, December 9, 2013
- CCTV Producer Forced to Resign for Blog Criticizing Censorship, Epoch Times, December 8, 2013
- In Seoul, Former Chinese Vice-Premier's Art Overshadowed by His Crimes, Epoch Times, December 4, 2013
- China alarm over 'New Citizens' activist movement, AFP, December 6, 2013
- Biden says disputes remain over treatment of U.S. journalists in China, Reuters, December 5, 2013
- Senior Obama adviser criticizes human rights abuses in China, Russia, Reuters, December 4, 2013
- Transplant Doctors Concerned About China Organ Trade, Epoch Times, December 4, 2013
- Exclusive: Chinese authorities conduct unannounced 'inspections' of Bloomberg News bureaus, CNN, December 2, 2013
- China journalist slams state TV for airing public confession, Reuters, December 2, 2013
- Inside the Power Cult of the Chinese Communist Party, Epoch Times, December 1, 2013
- A jail by another name - China labour camps now drug detox centres, Reuters, December 1, 2013
- China Uncensored: Are Western Media in China All a Bunch of Wusses?, Epoch Times, November 30, 2013
- China claims victory in scrubbing Internet clean, Yahoo News, November 30, 2013
- Award-Winning Hong Kong Journalist Tells Why Beijing Refused Visa, Epoch Times, November 28, 2013
- Microsoft blocks censorship of Skype in China: advocacy group, Reuters, November 27, 2013
- Exclusive - U.S. expands China hiring probe to Morgan Stanley, Reuters, November 27, 2013
- Xi Jinping: Servant to the Chinese Communist Party's Political System, Epoch Times, November 27, 2013
- China Pipeline Explosion News Strictly Controlled, Epoch Times, November 26, 2013
- USA Defies China, Epoch Times, November 26, 2013
- Chinese People Regret Humble US Ambassador's Departure, Epoch Times, November 22, 2013
- Reform Meets Resistance in China, Epoch Times, November 22, 2013
- Pre-Hacked Electronics Come Straight From China's Factories, Epoch Times, November 21, 2013
- Dissident Allowed Lawyer Visit After Four Months in Jail, Epoch Times, November 20, 2013
- Spy agencies ban Lenovo PCs on security concerns
- Editorial: The Chinese Communist Party Has No Way Forward, Epoch Times, November 20, 2013
- China Legal Reform Promises Cause for Cautious Optimism, The Wall Street Journal, November 20, 2013
- Ninth Anniversary of 'Nine Commentaries' Finds Mainlanders Busy Quitting the Party, Epoch Times, November 20, 2013
- Spain orders arrest of China's ex-president Jiang Zemin, South China Morning Post, November 20, 2013
- Plenum pledge won't make scrapping China's labour camps any easier, South China Morning Post, November 19, 2013
- Chinese Regime's Political Power Concentrated in New Committee, Epoch Times, November 18, 2013
- US activists caution on China reforms, MSN, November 16, 2013
- 5 Facts You Need to Know If Your Vitamins Are From China, Epoch Times, November 16, 2013
- For Labor Camp Prisoners in China, Closure Announcement is Bad News, Epoch Times, November 15, 2013
- Prisoners Are Subjected To 'The Big Hang' And 'The Death Bed' At China's Notorious Re-Education Labor Camps, The Houston Chronicle, November 15, 2013
- What a Lack of Generosity Toward Philippines Tells Us About China, Epoch Times, November 15, 2013
- Why the Third Plenum Will Not Bring Real Reform to China, Epoch Times, November 13, 2013
- Chinese Regime Promises Reform of Petition System, Epoch Times, November 13, 2013
- Tens of Thousands Petition During Third Plenum in Beijing, Epoch Times, November 12, 2013
- Special Editorial: Unless Persecution Ends, Discussion of Reform in China Is Empty Talk , Epoch Times, November 08, 2013
- Why 140,000 Chinese people want to kick out CNN , Washington Post, November 08, 2013
- China military hackers persist despite being outed by U.S.: report , Reuters, November 06, 2013
- China Is Choking on Its Success, Bloomberg, November 04, 2013
- 'Does China want a Cold War?' Hard-line PLA film attacks NGOs, U.S. , Democracy Digest, November 04, 2013
- 'It's like walking into a forest of skyscrapers, but they're all empty:' See China's ghost cities for yourself, Financial Post
- US Is the Enemy, Says Chinese Military Documentary, Epoch Times, October 31, 2013
- Chinese Spies Use Conferences to Find Targets, Epoch Times, October 31, 2013
- The Spirit of the University Dismissed in China, Epoch Times, October 30, 2013
- Free China Producer Helps to Free His Wife, Epoch Times, October 30, 2013
- Crash a symbol of China reform struggle, Asia Times, October 30, 2013
- Tens of Thousands of Hong Kongers Demand Explanation for TV License Denial, Epoch Times, October 29, 2013
- US Congressman Calls For Chinese Dissident's Release, Epoch Times, October 29, 2013
- Tiananmen Square in China Evacuated After Fire; 5 Dead, 38 Injured, Epoch Times, October 28, 2013
- China UN Mission Smears Uyghur President, Says Group, Epoch Times, October 28, 2013
- Shanghai Resident Mysteriously Dies After Visit to Police Station, Epoch Times, October 27, 2013
- China risks turning into 'giant North Korea' says panda pundit, The Telegraph, October 25, 2013
- China leader promises 'unprecedented' reforms at key Party meeting, Reuters, October 24, 2013
- Discussing Prospects for Democracy in China, Epoch Times, October 24, 2013
- Smog and Arcane Methods Cloud China's Tourism Campaign, Epoch Times, October 24, 2013
- China Review - 17th Session of Universal Periodic Review
- Chinese Censorship Under the Microscop, Epoch Times, October 23, 2013
- Fall of Chinese Regime Predicted by Well Known Financial Expert, Epoch Times, October 22, 2013
- 13 Reactions to China's Bid for Seat on UN Human Rights Council, Epoch Times, October 21, 2013
- Fight 'Hostile Western Forces' on Internet, Says Chinese General, Epoch Times, October 16, 2013
- Chinese Regime Solicits Internet Users' Tips, Then Arrests Them, Epoch Times, October 16, 2013
- Genocide Ruling Vindicates Tibet's Suffering, Offers No Relief, Epoch Times, October 16, 2013
- Curbing China's Grey Income Requires Reforming Political System, Epoch Times, October 13, 2013
- Forced Psychiatric Detentions Remain Problem in China, Epoch Times, October 13, 2013
- Rivers are disappearing in China. Building canals is not the solution, The Economist, October 12, 2013
- Beijing 'Strikes Hard' Prior to Major Political Meeting, Epoch Times, October 11, 2013
- Deadly harvest stain on China, Winnipeg Free Press, October 10, 2013
- The threats to China's future, Reuters
- Respected British Tibetan Monk Killed in SW China, Epoch Times, October 9, 2013
- China is worried about the U.S. shutdown. And it should be., Washington Post, October 9, 2013
- System of Privilege for Retired Chinese Officials Comes Under Scrutiny, Epoch Times, October 8, 2013
- Chinese Activist Paralyzed by Torture Is Released, Epoch Times, October 6, 2013
- Fog and pollution disrupt major sporting events, peak holiday travel in northern China, October 6, 2013
- Liu Xinwen, Pregnant Chinese Mother, Physically Forced to Abort Child, Epoch Times, October 4, 2013
- You have to be careful about using the word 'struggle' in China, Washington Post, October 3, 2013
- A Petition Against Organ Harvesting in China Reaches a Milestone, Epoch Times, October 4, 2013
- Petitioners Descend on Tiananmen Square for 'National Day' in China, Epoch Times, October 3, 2013
- Hong Kong Chief Executive's Institute Trains Internet Propagandists, Says Magazine, Epoch Times, October 2, 2013
- Chen Guangcheng Gets Three New Jobs, Epoch Times, October 2, 2013
- The Shanghai Free Trade Zone Is a Utopian Dream, Epoch Times, October 1, 2013
- Televised Cadre Confessionals in China Fail to Convince, Epoch Times, September 30, 2013
- Apple Purges Anti-Censorship Browser from China App Store, Epoch Times, September 30, 2013
- The Uighurs, China's Embattled Muslim Minority, Are Still Seeking an Identity, The Atlantic, September 27, 2013
- Chinese Are Angered at Swift Execution of Street Vendor, Epoch Times, September 27, 2013
- Chinese Delegation's Bullying Boomerangs at UN Rights Meeting, Epoch Times, September 27, 2013
- Chicken Processed in China Triggers U.S. Food Safety Protests, Bloomberg, September 26, 2013
- People's Daily Whistles Past the Graveyard as Foreign Investment Flees China, Epoch Times, September 25, 2013
- International Press Organization Executive Warns Hong Kong: Protect Press Freedom, Epoch Times, September 25, 2013
- China Expands Space Warfare Capabilities, Epoch Times, September 24, 2013
- Chinese Teenager Accused of Rumors Is Released, Epoch Times, September 23, 2013
- Bo Xilai Is Sentenced to Life in Prison, Epoch Times, September 22, 2013
- How to Read the Chinese Communist Party's Media, Epoch Times, September 16, 2013
- Canadian Reveals Reach of Chinese Communist Party, Epoch Times, September 13, 2013
- Former Domestic Security Boss 'Helping' Chinese Regime's Probe, Epoch Times, September 10, 2013
- American Pork in Chinese Hands: Panel Allows Purchase of Smithfield Foods, Epoch Times, September 10, 2013
- China Releases Reporter Jailed in Yahoo Email Case, Epoch Times, September 8, 2013
- Hong Kong Writers Defend Freedom of Speech, Epoch Times, September 4, 2013
- Hong Kong Writers Defend Freedom of Speech, Epoch Times, September 4, 2013
- 'Starbocks Coffee' and Other Fake Brand Names a Chinese Developer Used to Get Investments, Epoch Times, September 4, 2013
- 25 Miles of China's Fu River Covered in Dead Fish, Epoch Times, September 4, 2013
- Don't Trust a Chicken Nugget That's Visited China, Bloomberg, September 3, 2013
- China 'Catastrophe' Hits 114 Million as Diabetes Spreads, Bloomberg, September 3, 2013
- U of T Google fellow tracks China's censored words, Yahoo News, August 30, 2013
- Chinese Professor Fired for Teaching 'Constitutionalism', Epoch Times, August 28, 2013
- Trial of Bo Xilai Was Depoliticized to Maintain Balance of Power in Regime, Epoch Times, August 28, 2013
- China orders nation's journalists to take Marxism classes, South China Morning Post, August 27, 2013
- Chinese Military Suspected in Cyberattacks on G20, Epoch Times, August 27, 2013
- Xinjiang: At Least 15 Uyghurs Dead in 'Anti-Terror' Raid, Epoch Times, August 26, 2013
- Beijing Claims No Military Cyberattacks as Hacker Army Re-emerges, Epoch Times, August 26, 2013
- Bo Xilai Continues Combative Defense, According to Transcripts, Epoch Times, August 25, 2013
- Chinese Hackers Build Attack Tools From Security Patches, Epoch Times, August 24, 2013
- Bo Xilai Goes Off Script in Court: How and Why?, Epoch Times, August 23, 2013
- 'Organic' From China Exposed, Epoch Times, August 23, 2013
- New Chinese Bird Flu May Be Worse Than H7N9 Virus, Epoch Times, August 23, 2013
- Southern China Hit by Massive Floods, Epoch Times, August 21, 2013
- 8 Famous Italian Brands Now Chinese-Owned, Epoch Times, August 20, 2013
- The big unknown in Bo Xilai's trial? Bo himself, Washington Post, August 21, 2013
- Briton held in China arrested amid pharmaceuticals probe, Reuters, August 21, 2013
- In Backing Disgraced Treasurer, John Liu Sticks Close to Beijing, Epoch Times, August 20, 2013
- What to Tell Daughter? Activist's Wife Asks Communist Party Leader, Epoch Times, August 20, 2013
- JPMorgan Investigated for Hiring Children of Chinese Officials, Epoch Times, August 19, 2013
- All Five of Beijing's Major Water Systems Seriously Polluted, Epoch Times, August 18, 2013
- Xi Jinping May Be Getting Ready to Bag a Tiger, Epoch Times, August 14, 2013
- Hong Kong's Crisis of Governability, Wall Street Journal, August 14, 2013
- Hong Kong Chief Comes Out Against Schoolteacher, Epoch Times, August 14, 2013
- Wikipedia largely alone in defying Chinese self-censorship demands, Washington Post, August 12, 2013
- China?s Chronic Debt Problem, Explained, Epoch Times, August 12, 2013
- Chinese inaction gives technology thieves a shield, August 9, 2013
- Fault Lines Laid Bare in Hong Kong, The New York Times, August 7, 2013
- China and Party Will Collapse By 2016, Says Hong Kong Media, The Epoch Times, August 6, 2013
- Top 5 Imported Foods From China You Should Avoid, The Epoch Times, August 6, 2013
- Crimes of Fallen Chinese Official Go Deeper than Mere Corruption, The Epoch Times, August 6, 2013
- China�s Land Prices Hit New Peak, as Bubble Swells, The Epoch Times, August 5, 2013
- Chinese corruption can be bad for your health, Whitsundays Times, August 5, 2013
- People's Daily Microblog Banned for Posting Photos of Soviet Collapse, The Epoch Times, August 3, 2013
- Foreign Investment Flees China, Despite Denials, The Epoch Times, August 2, 2013
- U.S. Official: Human Rights Deteriorate in China, The Epoch Times, August 2, 2013
- Chinese State Propaganda Compares China Collapse to Soviet Union, The Epoch Times, August 1, 2013
- Which Chinese City Will Become the Next Detroit?, Bloomberg, July 31, 2013
- US Official Holds Chinese Regime Accountable on Human Rights, The Epoch Times, July 31, 2013
- China grapples with understanding spate of random violence, Washington Post, July 30, 2013
- China Is Set to Suffer the Skyscraper Curse, Bloomberg, July 29, 2013
- Apple Contractor in China Said to Violate Labor, Environment Laws, The Epoch Times, July 29, 2013
- Hong Kong Becoming Stage for Communist Infighting, Says China Analyst, The Epoch Times, July 28, 2013
- China's Geopolitical Fallout, July 25, 2013
- Bo Xilai: What Lies Behind His Corruption Trial, NTDTV, July 25, 2013
- Richest 5 Percent Earn Almost a Quarter of All Wages in China, The Epoch Times, July 25, 2013
- 'China Dream' a Nightmare in Reality, The Epoch Times, July 25, 2013
- China Economy Shows Cracks, The Epoch Times, July 25, 2013
- China Microblogs Praise Bo Xilai Prosecution, The Epoch Times, July 25, 2013
- Bo Xilai Charged With Corruption and 'Abuse of Power', The Epoch Times, July 24, 2013
- A very clear explanation of China�s economic woes, Washington Post, July 16, 2013
- China Economy Slows, Leading Companies to Cut Staff, The Epoch Times, July 13, 2013
- NY Senator Calls on MTA to Avoid Chinese Steel, The Epoch Times, July 12, 2013
- Watch out for corrupt relatives, China tells state industry chiefs, Reuters, July 12, 2013
- China's Money Shortage Reveals System's Weakness, The Epoch Times, July 10, 2013
- With China slowing, talks with the U.S. take on a new tone, Washington Post, July 09, 2013
- Why Nobody Trusts China's Courts, The Atlantic, July 09, 2013
- Egypt's Failings Become Propaganda Coup for Chinese State Media, Epoch Times, July 05, 2013
- How a South Korean Businessman Lost Over US$6.8 Million Investing in China, Epoch Times, July 04, 2013
- Assessing Evidence of Genocide, Epoch Times, July 04, 2013
- Spaniard Criticized for Promoting Transplant Tourism to China, Epoch Times, July 04, 2013
- Police Are Regime's Violence Machine, Says Official in Viral Video, Epoch Times, July 04, 2013
- It's Time For Independence From China, Huffington Post, July 02, 2013
- Taiwan urged to keep radio broadcasts into China, Fox News, July 02, 2013
- Taiwan Tears Down Antennae Carrying Uncensored News to China, Epoch Times, July 02, 2013
- Thousands march for universal suffrage in Hong Kong, Global Post, July 01, 2013
- Labor Camp Reforms in China Promise Much but Deliver Less, Epoch Times, June 29, 2013
- Recalibrating Expectations on Labor Camp Reform, June 28, 2013
- Hong Kong Chief Executive Named as Communist Agent, Epoch Times, June 25, 2013
- Human Rights Activist Discloses Fellow Dissident Du Bin's Whereabouts, Epoch Times, June 19, 2013
- Social Media in China Is 'War,' Says Communist Official, Epoch Times, June 19, 2013
- Snowden's Disclosures Tar US With Beijing's Brush, Epoch Times, June 19, 2013
- The Threat of a Declining China, Epoch Times, June 18, 2013
- Hospitals in China Advertise Sale of Unwanted Babies, Epoch Times, June 17, 2013
- Father's Day Without My Dad, a Prisoner of Conscience in China, Epoch Times, June 16, 2013
- Blind Chinese Dissident Loses Home at New York University, Epoch Times, June 16, 2013
- Ghana Gold Mines Suggest Larger Crisis for China, Epoch Times, June 12, 2013
- Protecting American High-End Research as China Rises, June 12, 2013
- Behind Cry for Help From China Labor Camp, The New York Times, June 11, 2013
- Stop Forced Abortion in China -- Open Letter to Presidents Xi and Obama
- Chinese Dissidents Urge Obama to Ask About Filmmaker, The Epoch Times, June 5, 2013
- The Tank Man Returns (+Video), Epoch Times, June 4, 2013
- A Son Lost, a Regime Exposed, Epoch Times, June 4, 2013
- The Tanks of Tiananmen Crushed Idealism, Too, Epoch Times, June 4, 2013
- Free China, The Huffington Post, June 3, 2013
- A Year for Human Rights in China, The Huffington Post, June 3, 2013
- The Coming Cool War With China, Bloomberg, June 2, 2013
- Will Xi Jinping�s �Chinese dream� include the rule of law?, The Washington Post, June 2, 2013
- Communist Party Intensifies Political and Ideological Study Among Young Teachers, Epoch Times, May 29, 2013
- Week Before U.S.-China Meeting, Lawyer Released From 7-Year House Arrest, Epoch Times, May 28, 2013
- Spotlight shines on China's labor camps, The Japan Times, May 27, 2013
- Child Killings Reflect Lack of Values in China, Epoch Times, May 27, 2013
- A rare glimpse inside Tibet at a time of unwelcome change, Washington Post, May 22, 2013
- Xinjiang's April 23 Clash the Worst in Province since July 2009, May 23, 2013
- The Sixty Million Dollar Decision, Epoch Times, May 23, 2013
- Anxious Taiwanese See Independent TV Station at Risk, Epoch Times, May 22, 2013
- People and Funds Surge Out of China, Epoch Times, May 22, 2013
- China's Labor Camps - AI Shadow Report to UN, NTDTV, May 21, 2013
- Sichuan Police Manual Details Tibet Repression Psychology, NTDTV, May 17, 2013
- Sacking of Official Shows Ongoing Purge in Chinese Regime Epoch Times, May 15, 2013
- Chinese lawyers beaten at alleged Falun Gong "black jail", May 14, 2013
- Chen Guangcheng Blasts China's "Evil Forces" at the European Parliament, NTDTV, May 16, 2013
- China Steps Up Assault on Internet Freedom, NTDTV, May 15, 2013
- US Congressional Committee Examines China's Forced Labor Camps, NTDTV, May 13, 2013
- US Congressman Urges Taiwan to Support Press Freedom in China, Epoch Times, May 12, 2013
- Making China keep its promise to dissident Chen Guangcheng, Washington Post, May 12, 2013
- Satellite Contract in Taiwan Becomes Proxy for Freedom, Epoch Times, May 12, 2013
- Investigation of Masanjia Forced Labor Camp a Further Testament to the Atrocities Committed in the Camp, minghui.org, May 9, 2013
- Chinese police bust million-dollar rat-meat ring, Reuters, May 3, 2013
- Harrowing Documentary About Slavery and Torture in China Released, Epoch Times, May 2, 2013
- Tan Zuoren Still Behind Bars Almost 5 Years after 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, NTDTV, May 2, 2013
- U.S. presses China to stop growing trade secret theft, Reuters, May 2, 2013
- Masanjia Victims Bear Witness, Epoch Times, April 30, 2013
- Behind Labor Camp Expos�, Political Warfare, Epoch Times, April 30, 2013
- Why the China Dream Might Be a Mirage, Bloomberg, April 29, 2013
- China is using up oil faster than we can produce it, The Washington Post, April 29, 2013
China investment deal raises red flags in Canada, by Michael Knigge, dw.de, 26 APRIL 2013
- China's 100 million religious believers must banish their 'superstitions', says official,by Ben Blanchard, The Independent, 21 APRIL 2013
- Masanjia Labor Camp Article Just the Beginning, NTDTV, April 11, 2013
- Lawyer for Falun Gong believers says he was assaulted by Chinese police, Today Online, April 12, 2013
- China Bans Media Coverage of Labor Camp Ordeal, By Luisetta Mudie, Radio Free Asia, April 11, 2013
- Daughter appeals for help to release her mother from forced labour camp in China, By Lauren Nicholls, Central Coast Express, April 12, 2013
- US Must Prioritize Human Rights in China: Advocates, By Shar Adams, Epoch Times, April 10, 2013
- GW opens doors to China with Confucius Institute, By Joshua Eferighe and The Washington Times, April 10, 2013
- Chinese magazine�s report on abuses at labour camp adds fuel to debate on reform, The Globe and Mail, April 10, 2013
- Amid China air, water pollution, soil survey reveals century-old heavy metals, Reuters, April 10, 2013
- An Unexpected Encounter With 'Hell on Earth', Epoch Times, April 10, 2013
- Magazine's Account of Wrenching Torture Shows Split in Chinese Regime, Epoch Times, April 9, 2013
- Chinese Credit Union Fakes Debtors' Deaths, Epoch Times, April 9, 2013
- Expos� on Masanjia Labor Camp Breaks Censorship Rules, NTDTV, April 8, 2013
- Fifth Person Dies From Bird Flu in China, Epoch Times, April 5, 2013
- Apple Pulls Bookstore App in China Over Illegal Content, FT Says, Bloomberg, April 4, 2013
- Deadly New Bird Flu Virus in China Possibly Linked to Dead Pigs, Epoch Times, April 3, 2013
- Computer Censorship Imported From Shanghai to New York, Epoch Times, April 3, 2013
- Village Democratically Elects Own Leader in NE China, NTDTV, April 3, 2013
- Questions in China on how H7N9 flu strain killed , April 1, 2013
- Insight: China's losing battle against state-backed polluters, Reuters, March 31, 2013
- Editor's Note: The next threat we face is from hackers who want to steal our know-how, Washington Post, March 31, 2013
- Chinese Hacking Is Made in the U.S.A., Bloomberg, March 28, 2013
- Talk of 'Constitutionalism' Is Political Weapon in Communist China, Epoch Times, March 25, 2013
- China: Reformed Labour Camps? - Analysis, March 24, 2013
- Why China's Xi Chose Russia and Africa for First State Visit, Epoch Times, March 23, 2013
- China's Campaign to End Underground Church Worship, NTDTV, March 22, 2013
- Why China's Xi Chose Russia and Africa for First State Visit, Epoch Times, March 23, 2013
- In Moscow, new Chinese leader Xi warns against meddling, Reuters, March 23, 2013
- Xi Begins African Tour as Policy Makers Question Role, Bloomberg, March 23, 2013
- Why China won't act against a nuclear North Korea, Washington Post, March 22, 2013
- Five myths about Chinese hackers, Washington Post, March 22, 2013
- Chinese Premier Promises Labor Camp System Reform, Epoch Times, March 21, 2013
- Broadcaster Replays Chinese Hacking Clip, Epoch Times, March 20, 2013
- Mandiant Tells Senate: Chinese Army Stealing US Intellectual Property, NTDTV, March 20, 2013
- Polluted Coastlines Surround China, NTDTV, March 20, 2013
- With Appointment of PRC Vice Chair, a Setback to Jiang Zemin's Faction, Epoch Times, March 17, 2013
- China's Xi says he will 'serve the people', , March 17, 2013
- Who's Who in China's New Government Leadership Lineup, Bloomberg, March 16, 2013
- Rogue Apps and Android's Chinese Dilemma, Epoch Times, March 16, 2013
- Human Rights Report Underlines Increasing Unrest in China, Epoch Times, March 15, 2013
- European-parliament-calls-for-genuine-political-reform-in-china, NTDTV, March 15, 2013
- International-broadcaster-alarmed-over-china-signal-jamming, NTDTV, March 15, 2013
- China's Response to US Cyberwarning a Red Herring, Says Expert, Epoch Times, March 14, 2013
- Hu-jia-summoned-beaten-for-criticizing-xi-jinping, NTDTV, March 14, 2013
- China's Censorship Costs Western Businesses, NTDTV, March 13, 2013
- Analyst Says Bo Xilai Trial Delayed to Hide More Serious Crimes, NTDTV, March 12, 2013
- To Remember Is To Resist, By Teng Biao, Epoch Times, March 12, 2013
- Capitol Hill Panel Decries Human Rights in China, as Two Meetings Convene, Epoch Times, March 11, 2013
- Chinese Banks Hide Slush Funds for North Korea's Kim Jong-un, Epoch Times, March 11, 2013
- Civil servant rallies resistance to China's re-education camps, The Global and Mail, March 10, 2013
- Air Pollution Shrouding China and People's Health, Epoch Times, March 8, 2013
- Member of National People's Congress Displays Toxic Foods, Epoch Times, March 7, 2013
- Stop Visits from China's Rights Violators: Chris Smith, Edward McMillan-Scott, NTDTV, March 6, 2013
- Strangulation of infant leads to grief, soul-searching in China, Washington Post, March 6, 2013
- Where Have China's Workers Gone?, Bloomberg, March 6, 2013
- Shangpu Villagers Demand Democratic Elections After Land Grab, NTDTV, March 5, 2013
- Before Political Meetings, A Rain of Arrests and Propaganda, Epoch Times, March 4, 2013
- China defends massive growth in military spending, Yahoo News, March 4, 2013
- China's graft-fighting Xi tells party future is on the line, Reuters, March 3, 2013
- Treating the symptoms, The Economist, March 2, 2013
- Water Pollution Drowns Vitality of a Shandong Village, Epoch Times, March 1, 2013
- Everything you need to know about China's cyber-warriors, Yahoo News, March 3, 2013
- Human rights groups doubt 'laojiao' abolished, March 2, 2013
- The most shocking photo of Beijing air pollution I've ever seen, Washington Post, February 28, 2013
- Test of English Easily Bested by Cheats in China, Epoch Times, February 27, 2013
- Canadian Ambassador to China Denied Travel to Tibet, NTDTV, February 27, 2013
- Editorial: Hsieh's Web experience a lesson, Epoch Times, February 22, 2013
- The gaping hole in Obama's plan to stop Chinese hacking, Washington Post, February 21, 2013
- Chinese Hacking Ubiquitous in Washington, Epoch Times, February 21, 2013
- HK Businesses Scammed in China Seek Legislators' Help, NTDTV, February 20, 2013
- Deliberate Pollution of Groundwater Shocks Chinese Netizens, Epoch Times, February 20, 2013
- Organ Trafficking, A New Crime of the 21st Century, Epoch Times, February 18, 2013
- Is China Choking on Its Own Success?, Epoch Times, February 18, 2013
- Anti-Corruption Sweep Targets Hundreds of Domestic Security Officials in China: Source, Epoch Times, February 17, 2013
- Wukan's Democratic Failure, NTDTV, February 15, 2013
- Chinese Regime's Xi Prepares to Deal With New 'Gang of Four', Epoch Times, February 14, 2013
- NTD Analysts: Challenges for the CCP in 2013, NTDTV, February 14, 2013
- CNOOC Purchase of Nexen Approved by US Regulator, NTDTV, February 13, 2013
- Chinese Regime Labor Camp Reforms Bring Panic, Puzzlement, Hope, Epoch Times, February 13, 2013
- McMaster cuts Chinese institute, worried by discrimination, CBC News, February 11, 2013
- Accusations Emerge Soon After Former Security Czar's Retirement, Epoch Times, February 11, 2013
- Canadian MPs Look into Gruesome Business, Epoch Times, February 7, 2013
- Wife of Jailed Chinese Lawyer Appeals to Obama Administration, Epoch Times, February 6, 2013
- Renowned Chinese Dissident: Shen Yun Poses Greatest Challenge to Chinese Regime, Epoch Times, February 9, 2013
- "A Traitor To the People" - Beijing Lawyer Targets China's Ex-Security Czar Zhou Yongkang, NTDTV, February 8, 2013
- The Cost of Doing Business in China, Epoch Times, February 8, 2013
- Canadian University To Close Confucius Institute, Epoch Times, February 7, 2013
- Hoping for a Gorbachev in Today's China, Epoch Times, February 6, 2013
- Hunting but Not Catching Corruption's 'Tigers' in China, Epoch Times, February 5, 2013
- Why Chinese Leaders Can't Bring on True Reform, NTDTV, February 4, 2013
- China: Uyghur human rights defender Mr Ilham Tohti prevented from leaving country, February 4, 2013
- Google Boss Schmidt Calls China Hacking Menace, NTDTV, February 4, 2013
- Politics of pollution: China's oil giants take a choke-hold on power, Reuters, February 2, 2013
- Peasant Issue Is Always a Big Issue in China -- Wei Jingsheng, By Wei Jingsheng, , February 3, 2013
- Farms - A beautiful sight few have seen
- Google boss Schmidt labels China an 'IT menace', BBC News, February 2, 2013
- Freeing China: A Grassroots Effort, Epoch Times, February 1, 2013
- Hacking the Times: China's reach, and its rules, push beyond its borders, Washington Post, January 31, 2013
- Why China's Sex Tape Scandal Isn't True Corruption Crackdown, NTDTV, January 31, 2013
- China's system is doomed: blind dissident, The Australian, January 29, 2013
- China threatens reporter who exposed sex-tape scandal, Reuters, January 28, 2013
- Chinese firms and Gulf sheiks are snatching up farmland worldwide. Why?, Washington Post, January 26, 2013
- Jiang Zemin, Former Party Leader, Is Downgraded, Epoch Times, January 26, 2013
- US Congress Wants Gao Zhisheng Freed in 'Defending Freedoms Project', NTDTV, January 25, 2013
- Shanghai Cracks Down on Churches, Radio Free Asia, January 28, 2013
- Trial of China's Bo Xilai opens next week, says Beijing-backed paper, Reuters, January 25, 2013
- Lenovo looking at bidding for RIM to bolster mobile unit, Financial Post, January 24, 2013
- China's Gini Coefficient Shows Questionable Wealth Gap, NTDTV, January 21, 2013
- Hu Jia Denied Visa to Hong Kong to See Family, NTDTV, January 21, 2013
- Confidant to Former Chinese Security Czar Said to be Investigated, Epoch Times, January 24, 2013
- I Refuse to Believe that Everything 'Made in China' Includes our Human Conscience, Epoch Times, January 23, 2013
- Law Professors in China Call for Independent Judiciary, Epoch Times, January 22, 2013
- China's Xi urges swatting of lowly "flies" in fight on everyday graft, Reuters, January 22, 2013
- Chinese workers revolt over 2-minute toilet breaks, January 22, 2013
- Forced labor camps, Party game continues amid announcements and denials, January 21, 2013
- Chinese Official Posts Sold for Millions, Epoch Times, January 20, 2013
- Political Struggle Behind Senior Chinese Official's Sex Scandal, Epoch Times, January 20, 2013
- Mourners Honor Former Chinese Leader Zhao Ziyang, Epoch Times, January 19, 2013
- Beijing Home to Most of China's Rich, NTDTV, January 18, 2013
- Exorbitant Taxes, Alleyways and Falun Gong: Slow Revolution of China's Underprivileged, January 18, 2013
- Top Chinese Scholars: Communist Party is Above the Law, NTDTV, January 18, 2013
- China lets Gini out of the bottle; wide wealth gap, Reuters, January 18, 2013
- China's Call to War with Japan, NTDTV, January 18, 2013
- US Congressman Says Media "Afraid" To Report On China, NTDTV, January 17, 2013
- Amid Smog Deluge, China Environmental Reports Accused of Fraud, Epoch Times, January 16, 2013
- Southern Weekly Incident: Root, Failure, and Future, Epoch Times, January 15, 2013
- Beijing warns residents after off-the-charts smog, Yahoo News, January 14, 2013
- Chinese Party Censor Posts List of Propaganda Guidelines Online, Epoch Times, January 13, 2013
- Former Los Angeles Chinese Community Leader Jailed in China, Epoch Times, January 13, 2013
- Chinese painter portrays Tibet self-immolators, Yahoo News, January 12, 2013
- Chinese SOE Snatching Foreign Energy Companies, Epoch Times, January 11, 2013
- Chinese newspaper in censorship row holds talks with propaganda officials as protest continues, The Associated Press, January 8, 2013
- New Party Leadership Moves in on Strongholds of Old Faction, Epoch Times, January 8, 2013
- Cases of Censorship in China Offer Test of New Leadership, Epoch Times, January 8, 2013
- China holds man in secret under new law despite reform talk, Reuters, January 8, 2013
- Party May Change Forced Labor System, Reports Claim, Epoch Times, January 7, 2013
- Official says China to end labor camp sentences, Associated Press, January 7, 2013
- China to reform controversial forced labor camps, Reuters, January 7, 2013
- Exclusive: U.S. nuclear lab removes Chinese tech over security fears, Reuters, January 7, 2013
- Chinese tourism: The West strains to understand a new, $85 billion-a-year industry, The Washington Post, January 4, 2013
- Chinese journalists mount rare protest over an alleged act of government censorship, The Washington Post, January 4, 2013
- State-run People's Daily Will "Try Hard to Speak the Truth", NTDTV, January 2, 2013
- China is now a classical fascist state, By CLIVE ANSLEY, Canada.com, January 4, 2013
- The Difficulty of Smuggling a Slip of Paper From a Chinese Labor Camp, Epoch times, January 3, 2013
- Hu Jintao Makes Visit to Small City to Investigate Falun Gong Case, Epoch times, January 3, 2013
- The political cartoons that maybe got their artist shut down on Chinese social media, Washington Post, January 3, 2013
- Chinese Regime Tries to Secretly Hush Falun Gong Case, Epoch times, January 2, 2013
- China academics warn of "violent revolution" if no political reform, Reuters, December 31, 2012
- China bans some local government fund-raising activities, Reuters, December 31, 2012
- Game Over for China's Photovoltaic Manufacturers, Epoch Times, December 30, 2012
- How China Is Sealing Holes in Its Internet Firewall, Bloomberg, December 30, 2012
- China's new hatchet man, The Washington Post, December 28, 2012
- China's Princelings Build the Wrong Kind of Capitalism, Bloomberg, December 27, 2012
- Heirs of Mao?s Comrades Rise as New Capitalist Nobility, By Bloomberg News, December 26, 2012
- Note From Chinese Regime Labor Camp Sparks US Discussion, By Matthew Robertson, The Epoch Times, December 29, 2012
- Chinese scholars push for mild political reform, By DIDI TANG and GILLIAN WONG, Associated Press, December 26, 2012
- Petitions to Investigate and Condemn Organ Harvesting in China Gain Momentum, The Epoch Times, December 24, 2012
- 12 Chinese Writers Win Free Speech Award, NTDTV, December 21, 2012
- Growing Pains for Controversial Confucius Institute, NTDTV, December 21, 2012
- 1,600 Sign Petition Urging Financial Transparency from Communist Leaders, NTDTV, December 21, 2012
- A Violent Chinese Persecution Running Out of Steam, Epoch Times, December 18, 2012
- Gao Zhisheng's Family Receives Unusual Letter Asking Them Not to Visit, Epoch Times, December 18, 2012
- China reforms target internal security, December 17, 2012
- Protest in Hong Kong over Communist-Linked Group, NTDTV, December 17, 2012
- Bo Xilai's Former Right-Hand Man Punished Over 5,600 Policemen in 3 Years, Epoch Times, December 17, 2012
- Readers Express Views on Canada-China Foreign Investment Protection Agreement, Epoch Times, December 15, 2012
- Peter Navarro: Stop selling off America a Beechcraft at a time, The Wichita Eagle, Oct 28, 2012
- China Worries World is "Prejudiced" Against Communist Party, NTDTV, December 13, 2012
- Moving to a Neighborhood Near You, Epoch Times, December 13, 2012
- Chinese Charity for Children, CCAFC, Accused of Money Laundering, NTDTV, December 12, 2012
- Taiwan Passes Resolution to Support Chinese Prisoners of Conscience, Epoch Times, December 12, 2012
- China bishop Thaddeus Ma Daqin stripped of title, BBC News, December 11, 2012
- EU Forum on Human Rights: China's Human Rights Violations Addressed, NTDTV, December 10, 2012
- Chinese Netizens Call for Internet Freedom, NTDTV, December 6, 2012
- Fixer for Former Party Security Czar Detained for Corruption, Epoch Times, December 5, 2012
- China's long, dangerous twenty-first century, iPolitics, November 5, 2012
- How Crash Cover-Up Altered China's Succession, The New York Times, December 4, 2012
- Canada Should Hold Hearing on Transplant Abuse in China, Says MP Irwin Cotler, Epoch Times, November 6, 2012
- Chinese units of 5 big US audit firms charged, December 4, 2012
- Gao Zhisheng: Don't let him disappear again
- Chinese Communist Front Group Disrupts Protest in Hong Kong, Epoch Times, November 29, 2012
- Suppression of AIDS Activists as Li Keqiang Speaks of Reform, NTDTV, November 28, 2012
- Seeing Clearly the Leadership Change in Beijing, Epoch Times, November 27, 2012
- Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery Weighs Issue of Espionage on Parliament Hill, Epoch Times, November 27, 2012
- Seeing Clearly the Leadership Change in Beijing, Epoch Times, November 27, 2012
- Fellow laureate blasts Nobel winner as 'catastrophe' , November 25, 2012
- Parliamentary reporters wrestle with status of Chinese news agency, November 18, 2012
- China?s new leadership and Tibet, November 16, 2012
- China Offers Financial Rewards for Organs Amidst Harvesting Claims, NTDTV, November 23, 2012
- 2,000 Chinese Sign Petition to Free Falun Gong Practitioner, November 21, 2012
- Chinese Communist Party Congress Produces Futile Deal, Epoch Times, November 18, 2012
- China treaty uproar signals growing rift between Ottawa, grassroots conservatives, November 15, 2012
- What's Next for China's Domestic Security Apparatus, NTDTV, November 15, 2012
- Through Retirement Hu Jintao Seeks Victory, Epoch Times, November 20, 2012
- New Chinese Party Leadership Makes Reform Hopes Bleak, Epoch Times, November 20, 2012
- Scholars in China Call for Abolishing Extralegal Committee, Epoch Times, November 19, 2012
- Chinese Regime Power Shift Seen in Apparatus of Repression, Epoch Times, November 18, 2012
- China�s organ transplant policy still a troubling situation, Toronto Sun, November 16, 2012
- Meet China's new leaders, The Globe and Mail, November 15, 2012
- Why the Chinese Communist Party Defies Democracy, Epoch Times, November 15, 2012
- China congress ends with new leader, and fractured leadership, The Globe and Mail, November 14, 2012
- After months of mystery, China unveils new top leaders, CNN, November 14, 2012
- Chinese Authorities Putting Pressure on Businesses to Help Censor the Web, The New York Times, November 13, 2012
- Reluctant Leader About to Take China�s Stage, Epoch Times, November 13, 2012
- Mother Jailed to Ensure �Stable� Transition in China, Epoch Times, November 13, 2012
- A Documentary Examines the �Made in China� Label, Wall Street Journal, November 9, 2012
- Why the 18th Party Congress Can�t Bring Reform?, NTDTV, November 9, 2012
- What Chinese Communist �Democracy� Really Looks Like, Epoch Times, November 8, 2012
- Fallen Chinese Minister on Trial in China and Canada, Epoch Times, November 7, 2012
- Film Festival�s China Focus Aims to Advance Freedom in China, Epoch Times, November 7, 2012
- Former McMaster Confucius Institute Teacher Files Case with HR Tribunal, Epoch Times, November 7, 2012
- Chinese Regime Covering Up Atrocities, Say Researchers, Epoch Times, November 6, 2012
- Willingly or Not, New York Times Used in Beijing, Epoch Times, November 6, 2012
- Battle for China�s Top Party Posts Intensifies, Epoch Times, November 5, 2012
- Before Party Congress, Crackdown on Falun Gong in Full Force , Epoch Times, November 5, 2012
- Yes, China still harvests organs from executed prisoners, Washington Post, November 5, 2012
- China's economic destiny in doubt after leadership shock, November 4, 2012
- Chinese Activist Hu Jia Says Regime Like a 'Demon', Epoch Times, November 4, 2012
- Government Extends CNOOC/Nexen Review, Epoch Times, November 4, 2012
- Attack on Wen Jiabao Imperils Jiang Zemin Faction, Epoch Times, November 2, 2012
- Forum Founder Gets 8-Year Sentence for Online Post, NTDTV, November 2, 2012
- U.N. rights boss chides China over Tibet protests, Reuters, November 2, 2012
- Presidential Candidates Dodge Key Issue on China Trade, Epoch Times, November 1, 2012
- Debate Continues Around New York Times Wen Jiabao Expos�, Epoch Times, October 31, 2012
- New York Times Wen Jiabao Story: Independent, or Used by Beijing Faction?, Epoch Times, October 27, 2012
- China's complicated relationship with political corruption, The Globe and Mail, October 26, 2012
- Gordon Chang on China's Impossible Economic Figures, NTDTV, October 26, 2012
- China's new leaders face tough economic choices, AP, October 22, 2012
- What Went Wrong With US China Policy, Epoch Times, October 21, 2012
- How Jiang Zemin Encouraged Bo Xilai�s Atrocities, Epoch Times, October 21, 2012
- Canadian energy sector rife with Chinese cyberespionage: reports, October 18, 2012
- Canada-China investment deal allows for confidential lawsuits against Canada, Toronto Star, September 29, 2012
- Chinese Regime Cracks Down on Corrupt 'Naked Officials', Epoch Times, October 15, 2012
- Recent White House Hacking Originated From Shanghai Jiaotong University, Epoch Times, October 15, 2012
- Exclusive Part II: The Truth Behind Xi Jinping�s Back Injury, Epoch Times, October 13, 2012
- US Rights Report Critical of Human Rights Abuses in China, NTDTV, October 12, 2012
- Harper says Canada must weigh national security in trade dealings with China, Edmonton Journal, October 12, 2012
- Exclusive: Why Bo Xilai Fell and Xi Jinping Disappeared, Epoch Times, October 11, 2012
- Wei Jingsheng criticizes literature Nobel, October 11, 2012
- Ai Weiwei Must Be the Strongest Man in China, Wall Street Journal, October 4, 2012
- Huawei Likely Blocked From Bidding on Canadian Network, Epoch Times, October 10, 2012
- �Deepening Disconnect� in China, Radio Free Asia, October 10, 2012
- China Starts Focusing on Next Leader�s Views, Epoch Times, October 10, 2012
- Bo Xilai Set Up as Scapegoat, Analysts Say, Epoch Times, October 4, 2012
- China Negotiates the Local and the Central, Epoch Times, October 4, 2012
- Chinese Regime Courts Africa With Confucius Institutes and Scholarships, Epoch Times, October 3, 2012
- Epoch Times Right on Wang Lijun Scandal, Says CCP Document, Epoch Times, October 2, 2012
- Bo Xilai�s Purge Undoes Jiang�s Faction, Epoch Times, October 2, 2012
- China�s Wealthiest Discreetly Stay Away at Party Congress, Bloomberg News, October 1, 2012
- Chinese Woman Wins a Media Award for Fighting For Human Rights, October 1, 2012
- China hacks White House for nuclear commands, October 1, 2012
- Bo Xilai Expelled From Chinese Communist Party, Epoch Times, September 28, 2012
- China�s Crisis Draws Growing Concern, Epoch Times, September 28, 2012
- Beijing Rights Activists Monitored Ahead of Party Congress, NTDTV, September 28, 2012
- Internet Increasingly Censored in China, Report Says, Epoch Times, September 27, 2012
- Bo Xilai Implicated in Multimillion Dollar Corruption Scandal: Deutsche Welle, September 26, 2012
- What Wang Lijun's "Light" Sentence Means for Bo Xilai, NTDTV, September 25, 2012
- Chinese Cop Who Started Scandal Gets 15 Years, Epoch Times, September 23, 2012
- Fighting for One�s Belief: �Free China� at the US Capitol, Epoch Times, September 23, 2012
- Increased Suicides Among Chinese Officials Attributed to Corruption , Epoch Times, September 21, 2012
- Change in China Real And U.S. Better Prepare, Says Panel, Epoch Times, September 20, 2012
- Real-Life Horror: The Beijing Scavengers, September 20, 2012
- Xinhua Links Bo Xilai to Wang Lijun Trial, NTDTV, September 19, 2012
- �Monstrous crimes� in China Focus of Discussions at UN, NTDTV, September 19, 2012
- Businessman Protests Lincoln Center Performance from China, Epoch Times, September 18, 2012
- Trial Begins for Chinese Official Who Launched Scandal, Epoch Times, September 17, 2012
- Behind China�s Anti-Japan Protests, the Hand of Officials, Epoch Times, September 16, 2012
- Xi Jinping Reappears, Says Chinese State-Run Media, Epoch Times, September 15, 2012
- The Talk of China, New York Times, September 15, 2012
- The Instability of China�s Authoritarian Regime, Epoch Times, September 14, 2012
- New Chinese Communist Leader May Be Closet Reformist, Epoch Times, September 14, 2012
- The Dream Is Dead': Why So Many Chinese Journalists Are Quitting, The Atlantic, September 14, 2012
- Microsoft Azure�s China Cloud Raises Troubling Questions, Epoch Times, September 14, 2012
- Fake Products Swallow Economy on Global Scale, Epoch Times, September 11, 2012
- Chinese Leaders Dismantle Jiang�s Last Bastion, Epoch Times, September 11, 2012
- China Talks Tough About Senkaku Islands, Epoch Times, September 11, 2012
- Next Chinese Leader, Xi Jinping, Is Missing Because, Epoch Times, September 10, 2012
- Pink Floyd Tops Bill in China�s Education Farce, Bloomberg, September 10, 2012
- Do China's bloggers threaten or bolster Communist rule?, The Globe and Mail, September 8, 2012
- Hong Kong backs down on China-backed education plan after protests, Reuters, September 8, 2012
- China Push Haunts Hong Kong Vote, WSJ, September 7, 2012
- China president-in-waiting signals quicker reform, Reuters, September 7, 2012
- China Gets Worst Ranking in Global Poll Since 2010, Bloomberg News, September 6, 2012
- Chinese Police Chief Who Fled, Wang Lijun, Charged With Defection, Epoch Times, September 5, 2012
- Hu Exits as Party�s Crisis Remains Unresolved , Epoch Times, September 4, 2012
- Bo Xilai's Fate Still a Mystery After National People's Congress Meeting, NTDTV, September 4, 2012
- Chief Justice of Supreme Court of China (Shengjun Wang) lacks law degree
- Corrupt officials beware: China's Twitter empowers citizen-vigilantes, The Christian Science Monitor, September 4, 2012
- China Faces New Scandal Over Crash Of a Ferrari, September 4, 2012
- China�s economic rebound unlikely any time soon, Vancouver Sun, September 4, 2012
- Roles of New Standing Committee Members Decided, Source Indicates, Epoch Times, August 31, 2012
- Chinese People Want Labor Camp System to End, Epoch Times, August 30, 2012
- Mark Collins - CNOOC and Nexen: "Deep-Water Rigs Are a �Strategic Weapon", August 30, 2012
- Chinese Cities Testing Labor Camp Reform, NTDTV, August 29, 2012
- Guangdong PSB Website Hacked, Cheering Netizens, Epoch Times, August 28, 2012
- The Collapse of China�s Credibility, Epoch Times, August 26, 2012
- Chinese People Determined Not To Be Fooled Again, Epoch Times, August 26, 2012
- Are We Really Facing "Death by China"?, NTDTV, August 23, 2012
- Party Likely to Expel Bo, Says Japanese Paper, Epoch Times, August 26, 2012
- CNOOC�s Bid for Nexen No Good for Canada, Epoch Times, August 25, 2012
- To get fabulously rich in China, spurn business and go into politics, August 25, 2012
- Atrocity: Behind the Headlines in China Epoch Times, August 23, 2012
- China ups lobbying game, but faces tests in U.S., Canada Reuters, August 23, 2012
- Gu Trial in China Seen as Political Opera Epoch Times, August 22, 2012
- �Death by China� Illumines Economic Woes Epoch Times, August 22, 2012
- Heywood case puts China on trial, By Professor Kerry Brown, The Australian and University of Sydney (Australia), August 21, 2012
- Gu Kailai, Bo Xilai, and China's Black Market Body Trade, NTDTV, August 18, 2012
- �Free China� at the Ottawa International Film Festival, Epoch Times, August 18, 2012
- China, US political campaigns show stark contrasts, AP, August 17, 2012
- Chinese Netizens Question Body Factories, NTDTV, August 17, 2012
- China�s decision makers pick future leaders at beach conclave, The Globe and Mail, August 15, 2012
- Controversy Surrounds Gu Kailai Trial, NTDTV, August 16, 2012
- Wang Lijun Possibly Put on Trial Secretly, NTDTV, August 15, 2012
- Why Did Gu Kailai Personally Kill Neil Heywood?, The Epoch Times, August 15, 2012
- Hong Kong Media: Wang Lijun Trial Secretly Began on Monday, The Epoch Times, August 14, 2012
- The Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai scandal masks the battle for China's future, The Guardian, August 14, 2012
- Edmonton company should stop China drug trials: lawyer, CBC, August 11, 2012
- China's Gu confesses to killing Briton Heywood -Xinhua, Reuters, August 10, 2012
- Chinese Regime Officials Offer Deal Dancers Can�t Refuse, Epoch Times, August 09, 2012
- Court observer: Gu Kailai, wife of Bo Xilai, confessed to murder of Briton in China, Washington Post, August 09, 2012
- Confucius Institutes In America: Soft Power Or Propaganda? � Analysis, eurasiareview.com, August 08, 2012
- British Businessman Neil Heywood Divulged Too Much, Epoch Times, August 08, 2012
- Senators ask China to crack down on fake U.S. driver�s licenses, Washington Times, August 07, 2012
- China's skewed reality, Toronto Sun, August 05, 2012
- http://en.minghui.org/html/articles/2012/7/30/134705.html, Epoch Times, August 03, 2012
- A Former Chinese Security Chief Still in Jail for Criticizing Bo Xilai, Epoch Times, August 03, 2012
- China's skewed reality, Toronto Sun, August 05, 2012
- Reexamining the Confucian Institutes, August 02, 2012
- Censors Block Eyewitness Accounts of Beijing Flood, Epoch Times, July 28, 2012
- Decision on Bo Xilai�s Wife a Hint of Party�s Plan for Husband, Epoch Times, July 31, 2012
- Hong Kong Marches Against Chinese Regime �Brainwashing�, Epoch Times, July 31, 2012
- Hong Kong Parents and Teachers Rally Against Pro-CCP Curriculum, NTDTV, July 30, 2012
- Party Leader Says Regime Faces �Unprecedented Challenges� , Epoch Times, July 30, 2012
- Chinese Officials Cancel Pipeline After Angry Protest, NTDTV, July 30, 2012
- Chinese Police Bash Japanese Journalist at Protest, NTDTV, July 30, 2012
- SEC says Chinese firm illegally traded on oil deal, Yahoo News, July 29, 2012
- US voices concern as Chinese activist loses appeal, AFP, June 28, 2012
- Pollution protestors clash with police in China, AFP, June 28, 2012
- Bo Xilai�s Wife, Gu Kailai, Indicted for Homicide, Epoch Times, July 26, 2012
- In Exposing China Abuses, Congress Shows Another Way, Epoch Times, July 26, 2012
- Former Beijing Mayor�s Future Looks Uncertain, Epoch Times, July 26, 2012
- Bo Xilai's wife charged with Neil Heywood murder, guardian.co.uk, July 25, 2012
- Self-Censorship Takes Hold at the South China Morning Post, Epoch Times, July 25, 2012
- China would prosper with democracy: Abbott, Sydney Morning Herald, July 24, 2012
- Two China Olympics goods factories accused of rights abuses, Reuters, July 24, 2012
- The Mark Hasiuk Show: Canada Shares Responsibility in China�s Crimes Against Humanity, June 28, 2012
- Seeking Clarity on the Crisis in China, Epoch Times, July 20, 2012
- Chinese Dissident Hu Jia: Officials Tried to Bribe Me, Epoch Times, July 17, 2012
- Wei Jingsheng Speaks to Thousands of People at the Rally: "Quit the Communist Party; Awaken People's Conscience", July 14, 2012
- China spy reveals Beijing's tactics, The Australian, July 14, 2012
- The 'truth' deleted from internet in China, telegraph.co.uk, July 12, 2012
- Chinese internet censors erase news of �3.7 million donation to Cambridge, July 10, 2012
- Hong Kong frets over "China Model" patriotic education, Reuters, July 11, 2012
- Baird�s Visit to China Rare Chance to Push Rights, Says Group, The Epoch Times, July 11, 2012
- China detains defiant Catholic bishop, Washington Post, July 10, 2012
- Chinese bishop placed in isolation after quitting government post, guardian.co.uk, July 10, 2012
- Riot Police Face Wrath of China�s Internet, The Epoch Times, July 8, 2012
- Chinese Communism and America�s Free Traitors, By Greg Autry, June 11, 2012
- In China, Prison Refuses to Participate in State-Run Persecution, By Angela Wang, The Epoch Times, July 5, 2012
- China Media Bulletin: Issue No. 63, Freedom House, July 5, 2012
- 5 Signs of the Chinese Economic Apocalypse, By Trefor Moss, Foreign Policy, July 2, 2012
- Beijing Stirs Ethnic Hatred in Xinjiang, By Rebiya Kadeer, Radio Free Asia, July 5, 2012
- 20,000 Protest Copper Plant in Sichuan Province - Riot police disperse crowd with tear gas and stun grenades, By Tang Ming, The Epoch Times Staff, July 4, 2012
- Hong Kong�s New Leader Meets Calls to Resign on Inauguration Day, By Cheryl Chen & Jane Lin, The Epoch Times, July 3, 2012
- Abducted Chinese Activist Gets International Support, By Yang Chen, Wang Liang & Gu Qing�er, The Epoch Times, July 3, 2012
- Chinese Corruption Comes in Staggering Sums, By Angela Wang, The Epoch Times, July 2, 2012
- Hong Kongers decry Chinese rule, AFP, July 2, 2012
- Protester Heckles Hu Jintao During Hong Kong Inaugural Ceremony, NTDTV News, July 1, 2012
- 400,000 Hong Kongers Show Anger towards Beijing on July 1st, NTDTV News, July 1, 2012
- Hong Kong�s malaise over China boils over, The Globe and Mail, July 1, 2012
- Police Pepper Spray Protestors During Hu Jintao�s Hong Kong Visit, Epoch Times, July 1, 2012
- China�s security state, The Economist, June 30, 2012
- How Jiang Zemin and Son Profited from Corruption, Epoch Times, June 29, 2012
- Xi Jinping�s millionaire relations reveal elite Chinese fortunes, Bloomberg?, June 29, 2012
- China's Communist Party and Lost Legitimacy, Forbes, June 29, 2012
- Taiwan Citizen Accused of Conspiring to Tell Truth in China, Epoch Times, June 27, 2012
- Brutal Recollections From China Mark Anti-Torture Day, Epoch Times, June 26, 2012
- Death by China Movie � Written, Produced and Directed by Peter Navarro
- Danish Activists, Media Reject Being Gagged During Hu Jintao Visit, Epoch Times, June 24, 2012
- Bo Xilai wife 'has confessed' to Neil Heywood killing, guardian.co.uk, June 22, 2012
- The darker hu(e) of Chinese investment, The Copenhagen Post?, June 19, 2012
- In Memory of the 1989 Democracy Movement -- Wei Jingsheng, June 19, 2012
- China Forced Abortion Case Tip of the Iceberg, Epoch Times, June 18, 2012
- China�s Caribbean Adventure, The Weekly Standard, June 18, 2012
- Chinese Regime Orders Investigation Into Li Wangyang�s Death, Epoch Times, June 16, 2012
- 3 Chinese officials suspended over forced abortion, AP, June 16, 2012
- Gao Zhisheng's Daughter Speaks about Life after China, NTDTV, June 15, 2012
- Human Rights Advocate Praises China�s Future�Without Communism, Epoch Times, June 15, 2012
- Forced Abortion Sparks Calls to End One-Child Policy, NTDTV, June 15, 2012
- Why China's leaders fear the teletubbies, Foreign Policy, June 13, 2012
- Chinese Dissident Hu Jia Arrested, Epoch Times, June 12, 2012
- China bank executives facing corruption probes, AP, June 11, 2012
- China�s Security Czar Said to Have Handed Over Power, Epoch Times, June 10, 2012
- The Macroeconomics of Chinese kleptocracy, June 10, 2012
- Why China is likely to end in a disorderly economic collapse, June 4, 2012
- Party Officials Propose Redressing Tiananmen Square Massacre, Epoch Times, June 6, 2012
- Information About Chinese Firms Declared Off Limits, Epoch Times, June 5, 2012
- Top China dissident found dead, Edmonton Journal, June 6, 2012
- Google aims to help users vault Great Firewall of China, June 1, 2012
- Greens Urge Trade Deals to Disallow Rights Abuses, Epoch Times, June 1, 2012
- The Implications of Doing Business with China, Epoch Times, June 1, 2012
- Canadian MPs Tune in to Upheaval in China, Epoch Times, May 31, 2012
- Don't Take China at Face Value, Newsmax, May 30, 2012
- How China Flouts Its Laws, By Chen Guangcheng, May 30, 2012
- Chinese Regime Has Backdoor Access to US Systems, Epoch Times, May 29, 2012
- Hu Jintao Sends Warning Message to Military, Epoch Times, May 28, 2012
- The Choice and the Crisis Facing the Chinese Regime, Epoch Times, May 28, 2012
- Bo's fall exposes cracked party base, The Australian, May 28, 2012
- Years in prison, all for a poem, Ottawa Citizen, May 27, 2012
- In China, numbers don't mean much, Bloomberg and The Sydney Morning Herald, May 25, 2012
- US Decision on Confucius Institutes Prompts Backlash in China, Epoch Times, May 25, 2012
- China hits back at critical U.S. human rights report, Reuters, May 25, 2012
- Villagers in China Beginning to Strengthen Voice Against Regime, Epoch Times, May 24, 2012
- Old Cadres Who Wrote to Chinese Leadership Now Punished, Epoch Times, May 24, 2012
- In China, Removing the Bloody-Hands Faction Is Only the Beginning, Epoch Times, May 22, 2012
- Analysis: China reformer sees his opportunity after Bo's fall, Reuters, May 21, 2012
- Trial of Disgraced Chinese Official, Wife, and Attempted Defector Expected Soon, Epoch Times, May 21, 2012
- In China, Fear at the Top, New York Times, May 20, 2012
- Police czar in China power fight, May 19, 2012
- Blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng arrives in U.S., Globe and Mail, May 19, 2012
- China's Bo Xilai scandal revs up news media run by exiles, Los Angeles Times, May 18, 2012
- Retired officials urge China's ruling party to come clean, Reuters, May 18, 2012
- Much more is at stake in China than Chen Guangcheng�s fate, Washington Post, May 18, 2012
- Report: Chinese Security Chief Zhou Yongkang Forced to Hand Over Power, NTDTV, May 15, 2012
- , pCWla>ngton Post, May 18, 2012
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