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Toast to Norwegian Secretary of State Strommen

Toast given by Hon. David Kilgour, Secretary of State
(Latin America and Africa) in honour of Wegger Christian Strommen, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Norway,
September 20, 1999, Lester Pearson Building, Ottawa

Secretary of State Strommen, Ambassador Jon Lovald, who with his Alberta-born wife lives about 100 metres from my house, and our other Norwegian friends, let me say how much we have appreciated your coming here today.

We will have the opportunity to share not only some food. We will also share our thinking about how countries such as Canada and Norway can help reduce conflict internationally and assist in building peace. The work we are doing demonstrates once again that it is not necessary to be a superpower in order to have a positive impact on the international scene. There is much scope for countries that are imaginative, energetic and that have learned how to leverage their influence through other partners, civil society and multilateral institutions.

Et permettez-moi de réitérer jusqu’à quel point je demeure impressionné par ce que la Norvège a pu réaliser grâce à l’action directe, sur la scène internationale, de dirigeants politiques tels que M. Strommen.

In reflecting on the development of our human security partnership since the Lysoen Declaration of May, 1998, I am also impressed by how Norway and Canada have attracted a range of other collaborating countries. This will be demonstrated later this week when Minister Axworthy will be hosting a meeting of our human security network in New York.

Thus we have begun an important process, one that exchanges such as those we are having today help to nurture, as East Timor still rings in our heads.

And so, I would ask all of us to join in toasting the friendship of Norway and Canada, and our joint work to enhance the security of our fellow humans.

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