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As Secretary of State

The Americas

·         Canada in the Americas (October 16, 1997)

·         Promoting Trade in the Caribbean and Latin America (October 17, 1997)

·         Address to Canada-Peru Business Council (November 11, 1997)

·         Address to Organization of American States (November 20, 1997)

·         Speech to Commemoration of 50th Anniversary of OAS, Bogotá, Colombia (April 30, 1998)

·         Regional Trade Blocs: Building Bridges to the FTAA (May 11, 1998)

·         FTAA: The Challenges Ahead (May 14, 1998)

·         Maternity Unit Opening - Georgetown Guyana (May 22, 1998)

·         Our Central American "Family" in a Time of Need (November 20, 1998)

·         Canada and Colombia - Solving Problems Together (February 12, 1999)

·         Celebrating Chilean Independence (September 18, 1999)

·         Canada and the OAS: Engaging Our Neighbours (Fall 1999)

·         Gentler New Face in Panama (September-October 1999)

·         Moving Forward with the FTAA (November 26, 1999)

·         Housing Two Continents (March 25, 2000)

·         Bridging Some Hemispheric Gaps (April 28, 2000)

·         The OAS: Putting People First (May 11, 2000)

·         Celebrating Chilean Independence (September 23, 2000)

·         El Salvador Fundraiser (January 25, 2001)

·         Peacekeeping in the Americas (February 19, 2001)

·         Canada Hosts the Americas (March 7, 2001)

·         The Summit of the Americas: A Backgrounder (March 16, 2001)

·         Summit of the Americas and FTAA (April 9, 2001)


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