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As Secretary of State

Canada and the World

·         Building Relations Between Neighbours (September 1997)

·         Foreign Policy and Jobs Inseparable (October 1997)

·         Canadian Foreign Policy in an Ever-Shrinking World (October 15, 1997)

·         Looking Outward: Canada's Foreign Policy (October 17, 1997)

·         Reforming International Financial Institutions (October 18, 1997)

·         Canada's Changing Geography of Jobs and Trade (October, 1997)

·         Public Consultation Essential to Foreign Policy (December 1997)

·         Reforming the United Nations for the Next Century (March 7, 1998)

·         Canada and Guyana (May 22, 1998)

·         The International Scope of the Drug Problem (August 9 - 12, 1998)

·         Canada and the Global Drug Problem (August 12, 1998)

·         Drugs Shouldn't be Legal (August 25, 1998)

·         Tending the Garden of Democracy (October 15, 1998)

·         Development Challenges: New Perspectives (October 31, 1998)

·         A Force for the Rule of Law in Support of Democracy and Human Rights (December 17, 1998)

·         Opening Remarks - Meeting of Experts on Drugs & Human Security (March 28, 1999)

·         Human Security and Drugs (April 7, 1999)

·         The Commonwealth: A Force for Change in Support of Democracy and Human Rights (May 6, 1999)

·         Canada and Microcredit: Building on Experience (June 12, 1999)

·         Canada's Role in the Americas & Africa (June 12, 1999)

·         Canada in the Americas - La Tribuna (June 15, 1999)

·         Projecting Canadian Values Abroad (June 25, 1999)

·         Human Security and Canadian Foreign Policy (September 25, 1999)

·         Canada in the United Nations and NATO (November 19, 1999)

·         Roundtable on Drug Control (February 8, 2000)

·         The UN and the Challenge of Human Security (Address to UN Association in Canada, Calgary Branch, February 18, 2000)

·         Dispatches from a Borderless World (book review, bout de papier, Vol. 16, No. 4)

·         The UN and the Challenge of Human Security (Article in McGill International Review, Winter 2000)

·         Literacy and Disability -- The Continuing Challenge (for Share newspaper, March 1, 2000)

·         Threats to Democracy (June 26, 2000)

·         Globalization: For Whose Benefit? (September 1, 2000)

·         Forward: Passport to the Heart (September 15, 2000)

·         Spiritual and Ethical Impacts of Globalization (October 15-18, 2000)

·         Doing Business in a Globalizing World (October 18, 2000)

·         The Challenge of Interdependence (January 25, 2001)

·         Globalization: For Whose Benefit? (Corporate Social Responsibility) (March 8, 2001)

·         Building Corporate Social Responsibility (Indigenous Summit of the Americas) (March 29, 2001)

·         Maintaining Momentum from the Summit of the Americas (November 24, 2001)

·         Canada and the Fight Against Terrorism (January 13, 2002)

·         An Affectionate Bonne Chance (January 21, 2002)

·         Canada as an Asia-Pacific Nation (March 6, 2002)

·         Re-Engaging With South East Asia: The Business Case for Canadians (April 12, 2002)

·         China and the World Trade Organization (April 24, 2002)

·         Discover the Innovative Spirit of Canada (June 17, 2002)

·         Screening of "Bringing Down a Dictator" (June 25, 2002)

·         The 'Asianification' of Canada (National Post, July 31, 2002)

·         Discover the Innovative Spirit of Canada (August 7, 2002)


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