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Hetman Awards Banquet

Ukrainian Canadian Congress

Speaking Notes for the Hon. David Kilgour

November 25, 2001


Ladies, Gentleman, fellow Albertans,


First let me say how privileged I feel to be with all of you here this evening at the Hetman Awards Banquet. I have met many of you over the years and have forged several lasting friendships in the process.


It is also a pleasure to share the stage – if only for a moment – with the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, The Hon. Lois Hole. We all eagerly await her keynote address this evening and for that reason, I will limit my remarks to a few minutes.


Tonight we honour several outstanding Ukrainian-Albertans for the significant volunteer and leadership contributions they have made in our community.


Edmonton is known to the rest of Canada as a diverse and multicultural center, due in large part to the multitude of theatrical, musical and sporting events we host each year. We are also known as a compassionate and caring city, committed to ensuring the safety and vitality of all those who make Edmonton their home.


In both instances, the important work carried out by many of you here this evening cannot be overstated. Volunteers are dedicated individuals who have committed their time, energy and financial resources to a variety of important causes and in doing so, provide our community with an irreplaceable public service.


It goes without saying, that without the considerable efforts and commitments made by the hundreds of volunteers and volunteer organizations throughout this city and province, we would not be able to enjoy a quality of life for which we have grown accustomed.


Members of the Ukrainian-Albertan family contribute significantly to the spirit and character of this province. They selflessly lend their time and energy to events, charitable causes and social issues each year. Their generosity makes the impossible happen every day. Their efforts are unparalleled.   And I know the importance of Ukrainians in settling the west – especially Alberta! The 100 anniversary of the Ukrainian settlement was 1991.


On behalf of the Government of Canada, please permit me to extend sincere congratulations to everyone here this evening. Your tireless effort and commitment to the people of Edmonton is admirable. Please keep up the good work!


Thank you.


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