Salvador Fundraiser
Hon. David
Kilgours speaking notes
for the El Salvador fundraiser
Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Street
Jean Piggot Place, January 25, 2001
Rosales, Excellences, Carolina, dear friends,
Amigos ,
¡buenas noches!
moi de souligner quelques faits concernant
le tremblement de terre au El Salvador:
Il y a eu
environ 800 morts
Plus de 70,000
maisons détruites
Lorsque vous
ajoutez les blessés, les sans logis,
les personnes déplacés, suite
aux secousses il y a environ 750,000 personnes
affectés directement par le séisme.
El Salvador
has approximately 6 million people, this
means that approximately 12% of the population
has been directly affected by this disaster.
We can only admire the courage demonstrated
over and over again by the Salvadorian people.
It is no accident that they have earned
an international reputation as being very
hard working people, people with a positive
and determined attitude towards life. Others,
who may have experienced so much suffering
over the past 15 years may have been tempted
to drop their arms and wait for somebody
to come.
No!! The
Salvadorian people keep building and rebuilding;
they engage in new ventures, they look for
the opportunities to forge a better future
for themselves.
Estoy muy
impresionado por el coraje extraordinario
del pueblo salvadoreño !
Tonight the
diplomatic community should be proud for
bringing us together, so we can demonstrate
our solidarity with the victims of the earthquake
in El Salvador.
Le gouvernement
du Canada via lACDI a envoyé
des secours durgence trés
Je pense que la présence de ma collègue
Maria Minna au El Salvador a eu une certaine
influence ou une influence certaine! 2.3
millions de dollars.
I encourage
you to continue giving your generous support
to the people of El Salvador.
It is very
encouraging to see how well the Canadian
Red Cross is meeting emergencies everywhere.
Muchas gracias
por su presencia
Nous apprécions
votre présence,
Thank you
for coming!!