of an M.P. and Responsibilities
as a Cabinet Minister
for a presentation by David
Kilgour, P.C., M.P., Edmonton
to the Parliamentary Page
Training Program
Room 308, West Block - Ottawa
25 August, 1997
It is a
real pleasure to meet all
of you today. Individually
you represent young talent,
achievement and enthusiasm
collectively, you are the
future of Canada, you are
the future leaders of this
country whether in politics,
industry or arts, your generation
will draft policies which
will determine the quality
of life for all Canadians
as we enter the 21st century.
During the next twelve months,
in your new role as pages
in the House of Commons,
you will live and breathe
the history and action of
one of our countrys
oldest political institutions.
The experience Im
sure you are unlikely to
ever forget. Carey Hill,
a former House of commons
Page commented in such words
on her year in Canadas
Parliament: "The House
of Commons Page Program
can really be called a cooperative
education program for the
faculty of citizenship:
it offers young Canadians
the opportunity to experience
the countrys problems
and solutions where they
begin, and where they end
- at its heart".
This morning
I would like to provide
you with a brief overview
of the role of the Speaker
of the House, the Deputy
Speaker of the House and
Members of Parliament. Also,
I will discuss briefly my
new responsibilities as
Secretary of State for Latin
American and Africa.
The 36th
Parliament of which youre
going to witness the first
year is going to be the
most exciting one Canadians
experienced in a long time.
The June 2 federal election
resulted in a country divided
along regional lines with
almost every region bringing
its own party to the House
of Commons. As the new Parliament
is recalled some time in
September and 301 MPs representing
five parties assemble in
the House of Commons many
Canadians will be asking:
Is the 36th Parliament poised
to become a regional cockpit?
Can we successfully reinvent
our fragile regional relationships
with each other in a rapidly
refederating world and all
remain Canadians?
of the House
The Speaker
of the House is an office
inherited from Great Britain
that "dates back at
least 600 years" and
whose "principal function
was to act as a spokesman
for the House in its dealings
with the House of Lords
and the Crown." Over
this period of time, the
office has changed from
one of a mere spokesman,
to one of advancing policy,
and then, finally, to one
of a non-partisan presiding
officer charged with overseeing
the procedural aspects of
House business.
In Great
Britain, there is a principle
of continuity of office
whereby the Speaker, upon
election, "renounces
all party affiliation and,
when seeking re-election
to the House, runs as Speaker."
Re-election of the Speaker
is almost certain since
he is not usually opposed.
Finally, when he retires,
he receives an appointment
to the House of Lords and
a pension.
A number
of legal documents govern
the Speakers position.
The Constitution Act of
1867 establishes the position
of Speaker and requires
election of a member to
the position immediately
after a General Election,
which only recently has
been done by secret ballot,
for a term which lasts through
the life of a Parliament.
The Act also delineates
that the Speaker is to preside
at all meetings of the House
of Commons, and establishes
the Speakers right
to a casting vote in the
event of ties, which is
the only time when the Speaker
has a right to vote. In
presiding over sessions
of Parliament, the Speaker
maintains an atmosphere
of decorum where members
have a reasonable opportunity
to speak and be heard, thus
facilitating debate.
The Speaker
has two other primary responsibilities
beyond that of presiding
officer and spokesman. First,
he is responsible for the
House administration, comprising
more than 1700 individuals
providing services to Members
of Parliament. Second, the
Speaker is chair of the
Board of Internal Economy,
one of the most powerful
committees on the Hill.
The Board is responsible
for the House budget and
the establishment of guidelines
for the use of all resources
provided to the Members
for use in carrying out
their parliamentary functions.
These resources include
goods, services, and premises,
in addition to funds. The
Board also authorizes expenditures
and renders opinions on
the propriety of any funds
spent or resources utilized.
It also must approve most
legal processes affecting
an MP while Parliament is
in session.
So, for
example, the Board may refuse
to allow an MP to be released
from his Parliamentary duties
to make a court appearance.
Or, when the RCMP is investigating
an MP for alleged criminal
violations regarding the
use of House resources,
the RCMP must first bring
the search warrant request
to the Board of Internal
Economy for authorization.
Speaker of the House
The Deputy
Speaker of the House, the
position I held in the last
Parliament, is not an elected
one, as the Speakers
office is. Instead, the
newly elected Prime Minister
appoints a Member to this
position, as well as appointing
Members to other positions,
such as Assistant Speakers.
The Members
of Parliament holding these
offices continue to represent
their constituencies to
the extent possible under
a strict party system and
continue to ensure that
their voters concerns
are advanced to the right
places while carrying out
the added responsibilities
of their appointment. This
can be challenging since
the Speaker and Deputy Speaker,
at least, are neither to
criticize nor defend the
government or the opposition
parties on their policies
due to the need to remain
The Deputy
Speaker has all of the legal
powers a Speaker has and
acts in the Speakers
place in his absence. The
Deputy Speaker also acts
as the Chairman of Committees
of the Whole, is a member
of the Panel of Chairmen
for the legislative committees
and a member of the Board
of Internal Economy. He
is also required to have
"full and practical
knowledge of the official
language which is not that
of the current Speaker of
the House."
Like the
Speaker, the Deputy Speaker
is expected to be impartial.
However, the Deputy Speaker
is entitled to engage in
debate and participate in
voting, unless acting in
the role of Speaker in the
Speakers absence.
Yet, while the Deputy Speaker
may engage in debate, precedent
and practice has resulted
in the Deputy Speaker refraining
from participating in debate,
thus retaining the appearance
of impartiality.
Role of a Member of Parliament
In general,
MPs in Canada are expected
to be legislators, lobbyists
for constituent causes, ombudspeople, and advocates.
However, the most obvious
role of the MP is to represent
his/her constituents.
Each member
represents one of 301 constituencies
in the House of Commons
and in the words of 18th-century
political philosopher Edmund
Burke defining standards
of elected representatives:
"It is his duty to
sacrifice his repos, his
pleasures, his satisfaction,
to constituents; and above
all, ever and in all cases,
to prefer their interests
to his own."
of Parliament represent
their constituents in many
ways; for example, by representing
their views in the House
of Commons and proposing
policy initiatives on their
behalf. By participating
in the legislative process,
MPs give constituents at
least an indirect role in
the shaping of important
policies affecting their
lives. An MP may make a
short statement on any topic
under Standing Order 31
immediately prior to the
start of the daily oral
Question Period. MPs may
also raise matters during
Question Period in the hope
of influencing a Minister
to alter or initiate policies
more in keeping with the
views of voters. Members
may also intervene with
Ministers on behalf of their
constituents either by letter
or more directly.
The MP may
also move adoption of a
Private Members Bill
during the time allotted
to Private Members
business. Although a public
bill, a Private Members
Bill is sponsored by a Private
Member, and is not part
of the governments
proposed legislative package.
Prior to 24 February 1986,
procedures governing the
consideration of Private
Members Bills resulted
in the death of most such
bills before they received
Second Reading, and their
introduction was useful
primarily as a means of
publicizing issues and encouraging
action by the government.
Under current procedures,
at least a few Private Members
Bills have a genuine chance
of being passed, in addition
to performing their earlier
functions. Individual Members
may also seek to raise a
notice of motion both to
initiate debate on general
government policy and to
explain the views of constituents.
Under reformed
procedures adopted in the
last decade, the Committees
of the House provide enhanced
opportunities for Members
to perform their representative
role. In legislative committees
provided for by the rules
of the House as well as
in standing committees,
Members may participate
in the detailed clause-by-clause
scrutiny of bills following
Second Reading. In standing
committees, Members may
participate in the review
of Order in Council appointments,
the examination of departmental
estimates, policy documents
and plans, and the carrying
out of investigative studies.
In committee, where membership
is kept deliberately small
and procedural rules relaxed,
Members may speak freely
and frequently, questioning
witnesses (including departmental
officials and Ministers)
in the hope of influencing
eventual government policy.
MPs may
also seek to influence the
members of their own party
to adopt specific attitudes
and policy proposals along
the lines of those advocated
by constituents in the partys
caucus. Here, assembled
privately, Members may attempt
to influence their partys
stance towards specific
important aspect of the
Members representative
role is the "ombudsman"
function. Faced with problems
involving the federal government
and its departments, constituents
often turn for help to their
MPs. On a typical day a
Member receives phone calls
and a score of letters from
electors with unemployment
insurance, welfare, farming,
legal, pension, immigration
or financial problems that
they want taken up with
bureaucrats or ministers.
An MPs mediation can
often produce results or
trim the red tape.
For example,
in 1996 alone:
- My constituency
office in Edmonton sent
out 843 original letters,
mostly on behalf of constituents;
- There
were 30-50 telephone calls
each work day to the Edmonton
- During
the year, three of us
in the Edmonton office
met privately with approximately
1.267 individuals or delegations.
Not all their problems
have been solved, but
we attempted to help virtually
everyone who sought our
- I attended
about 48 events/functions
in Edmonton;
- There
were two Town Hall meetings;
- Approximately
357 meetings were held
with people in Ottawa,
including delegations,
receptions and appointments;
- I composed
or signed 2.129 original
letters in the Ottawa
office, mostly on behalf
of constituent, and made
- 25 two-way
trips between Edmonton
and Ottawa.
In the past,
Parliament was the primary
source of legislative initiative,
today the legislative role
of Parliament and its Members
is, for the most part, not
to formulate but to refine
policy. The task of legislating
is largely carried out by
the government of the day.
MPs may attempt to introduce
changes in a proposed legislation
either through bartering
their voting support or
by direct scrutiny of the
legislation in House committees.
For example, the study of
the departmental estimates,
gives MPs the opportunity
to criticize and possibly
alter appropriation projections
- a role referred to in
the familiar dictum as parliamentary
"control of the purse
Apart from
the examination of departmental
estimates, Members may also
directly influence legislation
in committee during the
normal detailed scrutiny
of a bill following Second
Reading. An MP may attempt
to convince his fellow committee
members of the desirability
of certain changes he or
she believes necessary to
improve the proposed legislation.
made to the rules of the
House in the 35th Parliament
further broadened the powers
of committees, and in doing
so, have enhanced the legislative
role of MPs. The government
can now refer a bill to
committee before Second
Reading - agreement in principle
- something that was rarely
done in the past. The means
committee members from all
parties now have the opportunity
to make major amendments
to bills. Already, several
bills were sent to committee
before second reading, including
Bill C-43. The Commons industry
committee made significant
amendments to this bill
on lobbying. Committees
can also be instructed to
investigate a subject and
to draft and bring in a
the most direct means by
which an MP may "legislate"
is by sponsoring a Private
Members Bill. The
five weekly hours allotted
to the consideration of
Private Members legislation
afford individual MPs the
opportunity to promote causes
of particular import or
interest to them and, on
occasion, to achieve the
passage of legislation.
Many new MPs in the 36th
Parliament will probably
seek further changes in
the way private members
bills are dealt with and
debated in the House. Though
reforms introduced to date
in private members
business gave MPs an increased
role in the legislative
process, more is seen to
be needed to allow more
MP participation in what
is now the exclusive territory
of the cabinet and government.
An article by Iain Wilson,
"Making a Difference:
Private Members Bills
and Public Policy"
cites the dismal Canadian
success rate of private
bills in becoming the law:
of the almost 3,000 private
members bills introduced
between 1968 and 1987, only
twelve were enacted. Elsewhere
in the world, the record
is comparable. In New Zealand
says Wilson, no private
members bill has been
passed in the last 40 years
(as of the late 1980s).
In Australia, 51 private
members bills have
passed in the last 76 years.
In contrast, Wilson points
out, "of 100 or so
private members bills
that have been introduced
in the British Parliament
every year since 1980, an
average 13 a year have been
The Chrétien
government's commitment
to reforming Parliament
resulted in a marginally
enhanced role for private
MPs in their duties as public
policy makers. Reforms in
the last Parliament made
it more responsive to Canadians
and the work of individual
MPs more relevant. Governments,
we are told, will be more
accountable to the House
of Commons and, through
it, to Canadians. The initiatives
to revise parliamentary
rules announced in the House
of Commons in the last Parliament
should give MPs greater
power to amend government
bills and initiate legislation,
and strengthen the role
of MPs in developing the
spending priorities of government.
The three main parties have
also agreed to ask the Commons
procedures committee to
study further reforms, including
free votes, electronic voting
and the idea of giving constituents
the right to recall their
The greatest
legislative influence of
Private Members is probably
exercised indirectly, however.
Speeches during debate on
a government bill or representations
made during the daily Question
Period seek to persuade
the Cabinet to move in directions
advocated by individual
MPs. The party caucus may
also serve as a forum for
indirectly influencing government
members may also attempt
to influence policy makers
privately. Members may telephone,
write, or talk to Ministers
and senior officials to
discuss their policy concerns
in the hope of persuading
the government to change
existing or proposed legislation.
One of the
important functions of our
House of Commons and MPs
in our Westminster model
is the surveillance function
- to be an effective watchdog
over the cabinet and bureaucracy
so that neither abuses its
responsibilities to Canadians
generally. Our daily Question
Period is much admired because
ministers daily face oral
questions on their responsibilities
from opposition and government
of government spending is
an important element of
the MPs surveillance
role. MPs examine departmental
estimates in committees
where they may question
ministers and officials
about departmental spending
plans. If projected spending
appears excessive, the committee
report may propose reduction
or elimination of specific
expenditures. MPs also play
an important watchdog role
in the post-audit stage
of government expenditures
on the occasion of the annual
or other reports of the
Auditor General to the House
of Commons. The budget debate
provides another opportunity
to MPs to examine the governments
spending policy. In the
House of Commons, during
four days of discussions
following the Budget Speech
of the Minister of Finance,
MPs may provide their input
on the governments
taxation and general financial
The Speech
from the Throne in which
the government of the day
outlines its major legislative
initiatives for the upcoming
session of Parliament provides
another opportunity for
a special debate in the
House of Commons. The Throne
Speech Debate consists of
six consecutive days during
which MPs may discuss the
governments legislative
Apart from
the Budget and Throne Speech
Debates, Opposition parties
also have at their disposal
20 so-called "allotted
days" during which
they may debate any element
of the governments
proposed spending plans.
These 20 days, divided into
three supply periods, were
initially intended to compensate
Opposition parties for debating
time lost after the major
reorganization of supply
proceedings - and the abolition
of the Committee of Supply
- in 1968. Theoretically,
this means that surveillance
is further reinforced by
the fact that motions of
non-confidence, challenging
the continued viability
of the government, may be
raised eight times during
the parliamentary year.
Because three such motions
are allotted to each supply
period, they are a potential
and continued threat to
the party in office.
The Commons
committee system also provides
for the scrutiny of government
activity by Members of Parliament.
Under Standing Order 108,
the standing committees
are endowed with wide surveillance
powers, including the power
to send for "persons,
papers and records"
and (with certain exceptions)
wide powers to study and
report on legislative policy
and long-term expenditure
plans and management issues
related to departments within
their mandates. They are
also specifically empowered
to review Order in Council
appointments. Legislative
committees, if struck, would
also be empowered to summon
departmental officials and
other expert witnesses,
along with documents and
records, in the he course
of their scrutiny of the
legislation referred to
them. In both legislative
and standing committees,
Members are in a position
to undertake the well-informed
examination of legislation
and other governmental activity.
In the opinion
of many Canadians, individual
MPs role to represent his
or her constituents in Ottawa
and to become significant
in policy-making is largely
limited by party discipline.
Experts say that our House
of Commons has the toughest
party discipline in the
entire democratic world.
Since I was first elected
in 1979, all the political
parties represented in five
parliaments have voted in
uniform party blocks on
virtually every one of the
literally thousands of votes
taken in the House.
the role of MPs is vital
to "nationalizing Ottawa"
because of the widespread
public cynicism caused by
the perceived unresponsiveness
of our national institutions
in the view of most Canadians.
members will probably only
become significant in policy-making
when our voting practices
change. The 36th Parliament
with its unprecedented composition
of five parties can succeed
in improving the occupational
credibility of all MPs.
as Secretary of State (Latin
America and Africa)
As you may
know, following the June
2nd federal election I was
appointed by Prime Minister
Jean Chretien to the cabinet
and entrusted with responsibilities
of Secretary of Sate, Latin
America and Africa. This
portfolio is within the
larger ministry of Foreign
Affairs and one of my key
roles is to assist the Minister
of Foreign Affairs, Hon.
Lloyd Axworthy with his
workload by representing
Canada at the political
level in the countries within
my geographical responsibility.
My Ministry
current deals with some
26 countries in Latin America
and 41 in Africa. My responsibility
will be not only to advise
the Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the developments
in these countries but also
to further Canadian interests
and encourage Canadian business
in the region and to help
build bilateral relations
between Canada and the countries
involved. On many occasions,
I will visit countries in
my geographical area to
attend to important matters,
to participate in conferences,
congresses, etc., and to
meet with the leaders of
the country. Conversely,
I will receive foreign visitors
and resident foreign diplomats
from those countries in
An important
part of my job as Secretary
of State (Latin America
and Africa) is to enhance
Canadian export opportunities
to the region. In this capacity,
I will work closely with
the Minister of International
Trade to boost Canadian
trade and investment in
Africa as well as to help
prepare another, Im
sure, successful visit of
a Team Canada to Latin America.
This is,
in general, the essence
of my new role. I look forward
to carrying out my new responsibilities;
the region I will deal with
is diverse culturally, politically
and geographically. There
are many complex issues
to be resolved and there
will be plenty of challenge
and never a dull moment!