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In Recognition of RAGE's Work against Gang Violence

Speaking notes for Hon. David Kilgour, M.P. Edmonton Southeast
at the presentation of a cheque to the Mill Woods RAGE (Residents Against Gang Environments)
December 19, 2000 at the Asian Christian Association of Alberta Community Centre

It is an honour to be here tonight to support the work of Michelle Fillion and the Residents Against Gang Environments. I am proud that the Edmonton Southeast Constituency Association is able to contribute to the good work RAGE is doing.

All of us have been shocked by the incidents of violence in Edmonton Southeast over the past few months. These actions and the destruction caused to our community is senseless and deplorable. Going door to door during the election campaign it was an issue that was mentioned time and time again. Residents want to see action, and an end to the violence.

I’m always struck by how remarkable it is that even out of something negative, something positive can be birthed. In this case, I’m talking about Michelle Fillion and her group. They have seen a tremendous need in this community and have stepped in to provide help. I commend them for their efforts, achievements and for what I am sure they will achievements of the future.

For those of you who are not familiar with RAGE, they are a group of residents of Edmonton Southeast, just like us, who were distressed by the violence and decided to do something about it. The group is working to find solutions that will address the root causes of crime. They are calling for increased police presence in Edmonton Southeast and tougher penalties for youth crime, repeat offences and gang-related activities.

I think the mission of RAGE is truly worthwhile and I am very happy that the Edmonton Southeast Constituency Association of the Liberal Party is able to contribute to their work with this cheque. I hope that all of us here tonight will take the time to contribute in many other ways, with our time, resources and support. If we are to make a difference in this community it’s up to all of us to do our part.

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