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A Tribute to Preston Manning


House of Commons

David Kilgour

January 31, 2002



Monsieur le President,


Il est difficile, en deux minutes, de payer un juste hommage à notre cher collègue de Calgary Sudouest.  Homme de vision, il a joué un role important a bâtir notre agenda national.  


How many current or past members of this House have founded not one but two national political parties?  Believe me, Mr. Speaker, as one who campaigned against Reform and Alliance candidates in three successive general elections, I know how strong is the appeal of our colleague for Albertans of all ages and backgrounds.  He took a cloud on the Western horizon and turned it into a political tornado felt across the country.  `The West wants in` was more than election slogan to him. 


Having followed our colleague`s career with much interest, I`m convinced that the major reason why he founded the Reform Party in 1987 was to advance the West`s leadership in national affairs.  But his goal was never to polarize our country.  On the contrary, he has fought passionately for a strong and united Canadian voice.


Il est l’issue du’une famille très respecté dans l`ouest du Canada.  How many colleagues know that the late Ernest Manning during his 25 years as Premier of Alberta was from a period simultaneously Premier, Treasurer, and Attorney General of the province?  My own father, a Winnipegger told me in the `60s that Ernest Manning ran the best and most honest provincial government in our nation.


The man we honour grew up unspoilt, working every day on the family dairy farm milking cows!


When Sam Okoro came from Nigeria to study in Edmonton in 1975, knowing no-one, he found himself sitting beside our colleague on a flight from Toronto.  When they reached Edmonton, he and Sandra, his wife, took Okoro to their home and gave him the best room in their home to sleep in.  To this day, he remains one of Okoro`s most trusted friends. 


The accomplishments of our colleague’s caring family are equally impressive:


·                      Sandra is a realtor and one of the most special people one will ever meet

·                      Andrea is a lawyer in Calgary

·                      Avril is a registered nurse in Grande Prairie

·                      Marjory, a Harvard MBA, works as a securities dealer in Manhattan

·                      Nathan etudie l`histoire de la religion en France

·                      David studies medicare at the University of Toronto.

Mr. Speaker, this House is a better place because he has graced it.  Donc, au nom des deputes liberaux je salue notre collegue.  Nous lui souhaitons nos meilleurs veux dans l`avenir a Calgary, Vancouver, et Toronto.


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