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Mothers Against Drunk Drivers

Official Opening of the Western Regional and the Edmonton & Area Chapter Office

Speaking Notes for the Hon. David Kilgour

Thursday November 15, 2001


I would like to thank today’s organizers, Eloise Lakie, President and Louise Knox, national President, for inviting me to join all of you in officially opening of the Western Regional and the Edmonton & Area Chapter Office.

MADD Canada is a non-profit grassroots organization with chapters and community action teams across the country. Each one is run by a set of volunteers, including mothers, fathers, friends, business professionals and experts in the drunk driving field.

MADD Canada's aim is to heighten awareness about the dangers of impaired driving, to offer support services to victims, and to save lives. Driving while under the effect of alcohol or other drugs is irresponsible and intolerable. Indeed, as a prosecutor for 10 years, I felt the entire justice system was there to deal with the consequences of alcohol and other drugs. MADD aims to save lives by alerting the public to these damaging and deadly effects.

It is an unfortunate reality that in an era where we are achieving more as a society than ever before, MADD must continue to remind us of the dangers inherent in drinking and driving. The fact remains that, with 125 Canadians seriously injured each day as a result of impaired driving, we have a long way to go - a very long way.

Edmontonions will benefit tremendously from the presence of this new office. This centre will allow MADD to transmit its important message and initiate outreach programs to more students, teachers and parents throughout our region.

In this year of volunteer appreciation, the importance of work by the volunteers involved with MADD across our nation cannot be overstated. The dedicated individuals who have committed their time, energy and financial resources to this cause are not only providing a vital and significant public service, they are ultimately helping to save lives.

Approximately 48 chapter offices representing more than 5,000 members across the country will distribute more than 4-million ribbons this year to mark MADD’s annual red-ribbon campaign. These numbers reflect an effective and extremely well run organization that is growing in size and strength each year.

On behalf of the Government of Canada and Edmontonians generally, I would like to thank and congratulate everyone at MADD this morning on the opening of your newest office. Your tireless efforts and commitments must be applauded. 

Please keep up the good work!

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