the Birth of Khalsa
Remarks by Hon. David
Kilgour, M.P. Edmonton Southeast
Secretary of State (Latin
America & Africa)
During the Celebration of
Vaisakhi Day
Jubilee Auditorium, May 2,
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh !
It is an enormous honour
to be here today to celebrate Vaisakhi. Someone said there
are about 15,000 people here!
This year marks the 300th
anniversary of establishment
of Khalsa a body of
people dedicated to the principles
of Truth, Justice, and Equality;
the cardinal principles of
Sikh faith.
Khalsa is dedicated to upholding
the principles of truth, justice
and equality and thus should
be a model for all of humanity.
The Sikh Gurus showed learning,
understanding, tolerance and
sacrifice. There is no reason
why Sikhs, following the teachings
of the Gurus, cannot help
create a world of peace, mutual
goodwill, harmony and prosperity.
Today, the world recognizes
Sikhs as a distinct people
who managed to maintain their
ideals and independent identity
during the very difficult
Mogul period and during the
British rule of India. While
there have been numerous attempts
to destroy the Sikh identity
by force of arms, historical
revisionism, educational misinformation,
and cultural assimilation,
Sikhs have successfully maintained
a way of life and followed
a clear set of principles
given by their gurus.
Sikhs have grown and prospered
driven by a powerful
guiding force and a humanitarian
mission to fight injustice,
oppression and tyranny. Your
community has served, suffered
and sacrificed for the cause
of humankind, irrespective
of gender, religion, caste
or creed.
The history of the Sikh community
in Canada bears witness that
there is much truth in the
saying, "Through adversity
comes strength." Sikhs
have emerged from the crucible
of Canadian history with determination
to survive and prosper. As
a result the community is
strong. I wish all of you
could have been present recently
at the Museum of Civilization
in Ottawa when the new stamp
in honour of the community
was launched at a large dinner.
It was a proud moment
long overdue.
One cannot ignore the elements
of intolerance in Canadian
society, we can focus on the
silver lining of positive
change. The vast majority
of Canadians hold that the
cultural mosaic comprising
our national family is an
important part of Canadian
identity. Cultural pluralism
enriches Canadian culture
and the Sikh community is
an important and essential
part of our richness.
Sikhism the fifth
largest religion in the world
today is perhaps the most
democratic of all. You have
preserved and practised a
rich tradition of social,
cultural and spiritual values
embodied in Sikh way
of life. During the
past hundred years in Canada,
you have proven your worth
as builders of society, our
economy and the nation.
What you have contributed
during the past century is
truly remarkable and every
Canadian should be proud of
your accomplishments.
This 300th anniversary of
the creation of Khalsa Panth
and the 100 anniversary of
Sikhs in Canada is, of course,
a very special time. I encourage
you all to be proud of your
history and heritage.
When Sikhs first came to
Canada, they came as ambassadors
of the faith. You have done
an excellent job representing
your faith, values and traditions.
Now, when you travel outside,
you are the ambassadors of
Sikhism and ambassadors
of Canada. The prestige and
image of Canada is placed
in capable hands.
I salute the visionary, strategic,
secular, democratic, and humanitarian
approach of Sikh Gurus, as
Im sure you do, and
urge you to hold your heads
high as members of the Khalsa
and as Canadians.
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.