Honouring Senator ChalifouxNotes for Hon. David KilgourMember of Parliament for Edmonton SoutheastOn the occasion of Senator Thelma Chalifoux,s retirementMorinville, AlbertaFebruary 6, 2004Ladies and Gentlemen: Our dear friend Thelma is unique in so many ways. 1- Which retiring senator ever had so many send off parties and standing ovations as she did in recent weeks? 2- Which senator ever had so many friends and advisors? 3- Which senator ever faced so much adversity as did the wonderful lady we honour tonight? 4- Which senator has done so much for the Métis people and is the only Métis senator? 5- Which senator has had more grandchildren (31) and 17 great-grand-children? One could go on and on. Suffice to say that we all love you Thelma and hope you’ll continue your life’s work for many more years to come. -30-