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Canada: Global Model for a Multicultural State

Speaking Notes for the Hon. David Kilgour

Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) and 

Member of Parliament for Edmonton Southeast

September 27, 2002


It is an honour to be here at this conference. It is a landmark event where representatives and delegates from all over the world have come together to share ideas and learn from one and other.

And where better to host a forum on multiculturalism than in the city of Edmonton. After all, this capital is known to the rest of Canada as a diverse and multicultural center. Each year we celebrate countless musical and theatrical festivals. We host international events that unite people from all over the world.  We produce and export innovation, artistic expression and leading edge research. It is this rich multicultural depth that makes us such a strong country.

As Satya Das declares in the opening pages of his recently published book The Best Country, “Canada is the ideal model for the human family.” Indeed, we have drawn from the value of inclusiveness to learn from each other and accept one another. Canada can speak effectively to the world because we have the world – and all its languages and cultures - within our boarders.  This is our greatest strength and defines us as a nation.

And while I know that the fall out from 9/11 it is still on all of our minds, in was encouraging to see that in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, the overwhelming majority of Canadians saw an opportunity to "walk our talk", to hold on to our values, to unite in a stand against the ‘real’ terrorists and not to help their causes by turning on each other. As Globe & Mail Editor-in-Chief, Edward Greenspon, wrote, “Canadians - post 9/11 - decided rather than stomping on the multicultural flag, to rally around it."

On behalf of the government of Canada please allow me to extend a sincere congratulations to Robinson Koipillai and all the conference organizers, volunteers and speakers for a job well done. Also, let me thank those of you in attendance. Your contributions and input are imperative if we are to continue moving towards a global multicultural village.

Thank you

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