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Welcome Archbishop Ncube

Introduction of Archibishop Ncube

by David Kilgour, M.P. for Edmonton - Mill Woods - Beaumont
Parliament Hill
September 28, 2004


Excellencies, Colleagues,

Mesdames et Messieurs,

Friends of Zimbabwe all,

Soyez le bienvenu a la colline parlemetaire  toutes et tous,

My name is David Kilgour . This is a short word of greeting on behalfof Rabbi Reuven Bulka and myself as  interim co-chairs of the All Party and Interfaith Committee of the Canadian Parliament.

The committee was struck in the last Parliament  when many of us realized that multifaith solidarity in this country was facing some problems following 9/11 2001.

I`ll reste encore beaucoup de choses a faire, mais nous deux et nos members sont determine a continuer le travail dans le parlement qui vient de se faire elire.

With your permission,  the procedure will be as follows:

Lillie Chitauro, formerly Zimbabwe`s  High Commissioner to Canada and now working with the Parliamentary Centre on gender issues re Nepad,will introduce our most distinguished guest.

When Archbishop Ncube finishes his remarks, there  will be a question and comment session. Ne hesitez pas, S`il vous plait.

Reuven Bulka will have the final word in thanking our guest.

L`adjournement aura lieu après lui.

Let me now call on the much-loved Lillie Chitauro. I shoud add that she was a highly-respected diplomat during her seven years in Ottawa. Anyone who had anything to do with here knew what a honest person she was, who did all she properly could to advance the bilateral relationship between Zimbabweans and Canadians.

When she left Canada in 2000, she and one of her three sons returned to Harare and then went to earn her MBA in Australia. I must here thank one of her sons Shingi for all the work he has done in connection with this visit. Upon graduation there, she too up her present duties at the Parliamentary Centre.

Please welcome Lillie Chitauro…

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