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Lighthouse Mission Restores Hope

David welcomes Guests to ‘Restoring Hope’ workshop
Bethel United Apostolic Church, Edmonton
4 June 2004

David recently participated in a church workshop on crystal meth and other drugs. On June 4th, at Bethel United Apostolic Church significant strides were taken towards nurturing strong families, building interdependent communities and supporting productive individual members of society who are morally responsible for their actions. A magnanimous event, hosted by the ‘Lighthouse Mission’ – a growing grassroots based moral voice geared en route for community development, entitled ‘Restoring Hope’ focused on promoting positive images for Canadian youth.


The first speaker was a mother, whose son is so addicted to crystal meth that she says the drug “has taken over my life”.


At the forefront of this endearing initiative is the dedicated, sincere and genuine Constable Rick Cole and his brain-child ‘Cole’s Kids.’ An ingenious program that assists young people involved in drugs, bullying, assaults, theft and other forms of disruptive behavior towards others and themselves. Furthermore, Constable Cole of the Edmonton police service is the recipient of the 2003 Minister of Justice National Youth Justice Policing Award which is testament to his unrelenting devotion to this noble cause.


Constable Cole spoke of his experiences with 400 youth victims aged 8 – 21, and 150 volunteers, who mentor them by telephone. He told the audience that there are Edmonton dealers in crystal meth and other drugs, who are making up to $1 million a month in profits. There is currently no treatment centre for crystal meth additions in Alberta and no known treatment anywhere for this form of addiction. Most young offenders in the Edmonton area have drug problems. One proven successful method in preventing youth drug problems, said Cole is for parents to spend some time daily in one-on-one conversations with their children.


David Kilgour's resolute commitment, unstinting dedication and industrious support to ‘Cole’s Kids’ youth inventiveness was received as a breath of fresh air. Similarly, his assistance, both ethically and financially, towards the victory of Cole’s stratagem is reassuring to all those interested in protecting our society from the scourge of illegal intoxicants.


Everything considered, this experience raised awareness of the dangers of drugs, the steps for rehabilitation and recruited diehard volunteers to support this struggle. Clearly, the thoroughness of the event promises to fulfill its mandate - its raison d'être, namely ‘Restoring Hope.’

Coles Kids website:



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