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Current Focus:
West - Regional Issues
David has been known throughout his political career as a politician who
stands up for Western Canadians. Issues like BSE, Senate Reform and Western
economic diversification have been at the forefront of his political interests,
and with good reason. The Calgary-Edmonton corridor is Canada’s “Western
Tiger," and a recent TD Financial Group Study predicted that it could the
most prosperous and best place to live in North America. The West of the 21st
century contains 1/3 of the Canadian population and will soon have 1/3 of the
seats in the House of Commons. Yet Western Canadians continue to say that they
feel their priorities are not adequately addressed within Confederation. The
Ottawa-West relationship must be repaired now. Prime Minister Martin has
indicated often that he will not regard his period in office as successful
unless Westerners feel ourselves full partners in his government.
A Western Focus