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The prayer service at Church of the Epiphany Indigenous Ministries was so very beautiful.

Settlement reached on residential school day scholars class-action lawsuit




Orange Shirts should be ordered through legitimate Indigenous Supporting Allies, where a portion of the sale is returned for further education and awareness advocacy.
E.G. Rotary HIP
Phyliss Webstad Orange Shirt 
Watch out for Amazon offers!!!

Downie Wenjack Fund launches 215 Pledge to honour lost children of residential schools

Where to donate to support survivors of residential schools

Dear Relatives,

It has been a sad few weeks.  Yesterday, we learned that the Rev. Vivian Seegers had died, the 11th Indigenous priest we have lost in this pandemic.  After her, there was the revelation that the Bishop of the Territory of the People - an area already in collapse from the pain of the discovery of the 215 Children - was under discipline and unable to practice his ministry while a charge of misconduct was brought against him.  We have been in prayer and Vigil, but it has been hard to stand up.  We have lost so many of our elder priests, so many young have died, that it is hard to care for our dead.  With that, today, many of you have been in confusion about what it means to throw one's collar and title away.

It is a painful, painful time.  I know and I want to be clear with you.  We have known for years that we would find the remains of children that the authorities - church authorities - didn’t care enough about to register them properly, or worse, sought to hide.  We fought for years to get those records, to get the revelations, knowing this day would come and knowing there would be more like it.  It is sad to me, now, that this appears to have come upon people without awareness.  Though we have tried to tell people over and over again, I feel a sense of failure.

Quietly, over the past few years some of our clergy, some elders, talked within Sacred Circle, with the Gospel in the Centre, about whether or not we should wear collars and, you will have noticed, some quietly chose not to wear them (most of them unpaid and most not to trigger those who went to the schools). There is an ongoing discussion within the Sacred Circle about this and it will continue.  There is an ongoing discussion about all vestments and all aspects of church life.  What parts of the old church do we carry and what do we leave behind.  It has been our commitment to make these discussions work together and, when we disagree, to let each other know within the circle.

The whole of our Indigenous Church has been premised on the idea that we would not be a part of the Institutional Church that did such harm.  Gospel Based Discipleship is always at is root and core a rejection of Institutionally Based Membership.  Today, we must with absolute purity and faithfulness receive the Gospel which blesses and anoints Indigenous life, doesn’t destroy it.  We are committed to it for life.  Today, I feel sad that we have not communicated strongly enough that our identity has nothing to do with the institution of the Anglican Church of Canada.  Our identity is that of Indigenous People alive in the Living Word of God.

So, at the end of a day in which we have lost clergy and carried sadness, we must stand, not in our strength or in the strength of a human institution (If I thought for a moment, even for a second, that my loyalty to an institution presided over my loyalty to Jesus, I have betrayed every aspect of it.), but in the strength of the one who died for abandoned children and rose with them.  One who came back from a world in which he reigns with those little children and who says that, if we are willing to submit to that world - even now -  we will see its fruits - even now.  Relatives, we may now have less to tend our sick and dying, but we don’t have any less of Jesus.  Do not give up on hope, dear relatives.  Hope has not given up on you.

Bill C-5 (National Day of Truth and Reconciliation) has received Royal Assent. Each year, on September 30, we will honour survivors, their families, and their communities. This day will ensure that public commemoration of the tragic history and legacy of residential schools remains a vital component of the reconciliation process.

Non-Indigenous people — here’s what you can do, right now

Canadians struggling from a sense of shame, from misinformation, and ‘perhaps even a cover-up’—Murray Sinclair

Prepare yourselves…there are lots of burial sites, warns Sinclair

Parliamentary Poet Laureate Louise B. Halfe-Sky Dancer has just released this poem, reflecting on the Kamloops atrocity. 
This is the Canada we must reckon with.

 Angels: 215 >, 1820 – 1979
         “The Past is Always Our Present”

A cradleboard hangs from a tree
A beaded moss bag is folded in a small chest
A child’s moccasin is tucked 
Into a skunk Pipe bag
Children’s shoes in a ghost dance.
A mother clutches these
Palms held against her face
A river runs between her fingers.

A small boy covered in soot
On all fours a naked toddler
Plays in the water, while her Kokom’s skirt
Is wet to her calves.

“How tall are you now?” she asked.
“I’m bigger than the blueberry shrub,
Oh, as tall as an Aspen
Where my birth was buried.
See my belly-button?”

Each has dragged a rabbit to the tent, a tipi
Watched expert hands
Skin, butcher, make berry soup for dinner.
Boy falls a robin with a slingshot
He is shown how to skewer the breast
Roast the bird on hot coals.
He will not kill
Without purpose, again.

The tipi, tent, the log-shack are empty
Trees crane their heads through 
The tipi flaps, the tent door
Through the cracks of the mud-shack.

A mother’s long wail from 1890 
Carried in the wind. A grandparent
Pokes embers, a sprinkle of tobacco,
Cedar, sweetgrass, fungus, sage
Swirls upward.

Children’s creeks
Trickle in their sleep.
A blanket of deep earth
Covered fingers entwined
Arms around each other.

We have been

It is time to release
This storm
That consumes all this nation.
Awasis, this spirit-light, these angels
Dance in the flame.

The bones
Will share their stories.

Listen. Act.
These children are ours.
Could be……………………..Yours.

Copyright: Louise B. Halfe-Sky Dancer

Kamloops tragedy must not divert attention from correcting inequalities of the present

The Kamloops Indian Residential School, the Doctrine of Discovery, and the International Criminal Court

Kamloops Residential School Is Not The End

First Nations were speaking the truth all this time, says the regional chief, as Alberta commits to funding deaths registry

Protect sites where Indigenous children may be buried, advocates urge Ottawa
Canada's justice minister mulls legal protection of residential school burial sites
Parliament adopts motion demanding Trudeau halt ‘belligerent’ court fights versus First Nations kids, survivors
Ottawa is taking the middle road on Indigenous reconciliation, but that’s not a safe political path anymore

No co-operation, no comment: Missionary Oblates who ran Kamloops school won’t release records
Trudeau calls on Catholic Church to publish residential school records, urges Catholics to apply pressure
‘Not an apology’: Pope’s statement on residential school deaths angers those seeking accountability from church

National Indigenous leaders plan Vatican visit to call for a long-awaited papal apology

I could not bring myself to publish Cardinal Collins' apologia for the Pope" P

EDITORIALPope Francis should step up and apologize for Catholic role in residential schools 

International Criminal Court called on to investigate Kamloops residential school findings

The racist legacy of Canada’s residential schools is still reflected in current policies

Ottawa pledges funds to locate unmarked Indigenous graves at residential schools

 An 'unthinkable loss'

Here’s what the Truth and Reconciliation Commission wanted for the residential school dead — and here’s what Canada’s done so far

Kamloops discovery spurs new effort on East Coast: Site of Maritimes’ only residential school will be searched for children’s remains

‘No road map’ for grieving or healing after B.C. residential school finding: chief

Truck convoy makes way to Kamloops in honour of 215 children
Protesters behead toppled statue of Egerton Ryerson following rally honouring residential school victims

Ground search for burial sites at Former Shubenacadie Residential School begins

“Missing children and burial information” the current status of the TRC Calls to Action

Here is the Monster poem again

Subject: Shelagh Rogers' message to Trudeau

When we learned about the 215 Indigenous children buried on the grounds of Kamloops Indian Residential School while in the care of Catholic clergy who ran the school, the Prime Minister shared this tweet: "The news that remains were found at the former Kamloops residential school breaks my heart - it is a painful reminder of that dark and shameful chapter of our country’s history. I am thinking about everyone affected by this distressing news. We are here for you."

I want to parse the tweet out a little.

May I start with "The news"? I don't understand how could this be news when a whole volume of the TRC report (V.4, 266 pages) is dedicated to children who did not come home? That volume is titled "Canada's Residential Schools: Missing Children and Unmarked Burials".

Have you read it, Prime Minister? It's been out for 5 and 1/2 years. Is it required reading for all your ministers?
I was there in December of 2015 when the full 6 volume TRC report was presented to you, Prime Minister. I was in the company of fellow TRC honorary witnesses from Coast Salish territory, Andrea Walsh and Chief Bobby Joseph.
With hundreds of others, we watched as Theland Kicknosway, then 12 years old, drummed us into that room where the report would be unveiled. We heard TRC Chair Murray Sinclair turn to young Theland and say "Keep your head high. You symbolize what could have been." (Theland has kept his head high. This summer, he will embark on his 7th Run/Bike through parts of Turtle Island to raise awareness for MMIWG2S).

You saw the two empty chairs on the platform which symbolized the children who never came home from residential school. After making a territorial acknowledgement to the Kitigan Zibi Anishnabeg and Pikwàkanagàn First Nations for welcoming us, those two chairs were the first things Murray Sinclair addressed.
You heard Chief Wilton Littlechild, a lifelong athlete, say that "sports allowed me to escape the pain and suffering of residential schools."

And you heard Dr. Marie Wilson share these devastating facts from Volume 4 of The Final Report. From my notes, she said that in 1/3 of these deaths, the government and the schools did not record the name of the student who died; in 1/4 of these deaths the government and the schools did not record the gender of the student who died; that in 1/2 of these deaths, the government and the schools did not record the cause of death. To those missing children, Dr. Wilson said "Much work lies ahead on the path to reconciliation including the reclamation of your names and the reconsecration of your resting places."

You were in the presence of one of the Survivor Advisors to the Commissioners, the late John Banksland, proudly wearing his Inuvialuit parka cover "as a symbol not to be ashamed of who you are". And he said to you, Prime Minister, to remember "this country is of people, not paper".  
You heard another Survivor Advisor, Eugene Arcand, when he said "No one can say unless you live under a rock or in a cave that you don’t know about this anymore."

This is not news. And this is not a dark chapter (though you are right, it IS shameful). Not a dark chapter...after witnessing hundreds of Survivor statements (the commissioners heard thousands) I would say it's pretty well the whole book. Calling it history distances the tragedy. It is present. It is alive. And beyond distressing. It's devastating.

I remember you, Prime Minister, saying that day in December 2015, and I wrote this in my notes: "Our goal... is to lift this burden from your shoulders, from those of your families and communities. It is to accept fully our responsibilities and our failure as a government and as a country."

Let's lift the burden. Stop going to court when Indigenous people want documents pertaining to their lives. Stop fighting them.  
Set the truth free. Let it see sunlight. Answer the Calls to Action. Live up to past promises.

Let's stop failing Survivors and their families.

Romeo Saganash wants to set the record straight on Bill C-15

( I am sending this to the senators this week!! P)

UNDRIP is in the Senate now!!
See last week's June 3 WIND FOR MORE.

Honour and Uphold Indigenous Rights - Support Bill C-15!
Ask Members of the Senate to prioritize reconciling Canadian law to Indigenous rights as outlined in the U.N. Declaration.

PLEASE Support the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Copy, Sign & send

Ask the Members of the Senate to prioritize reconciling Canadian law to Indigenous rights as outlined in the U.N. Declaration.


Learn more about what you can do to support the work of Faith in the Declaration and the implementation of Declaration Legislation in Canada