The Ayes Have It, The Ayes Have It! UK Parliament Says It’s Genocide


Finally, atrocities committed by CCP in Xinjiang are officially called by their name in the United Kingdom.

by Ruth Ingram

The sickening atrocities being committed in Xinjiang that have become the shared nightmare of millions of Uyghurs both at home and in exile have finally been named and shamed in a historic vote by UK lawmakers.

“Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity” was the unanimous verdict of parliamentarians on Thursday as they considered the deliberate and systematic extermination of the Turkic peoples of North West China by the Chinese Communist Party.

Impassioned speeches from the floor of the House of Commons backed the motion brought by MP Nusrat Ghani, who has championed the Uyghur cause during a series of recent ping-pong debates over a genocide amendment to the trade bill forbidding business with genocidal states.





Excommunication: Looking for a Balance of Interests Between Opposite Freedoms


The Ghent Court decision declaring shunning as practiced by Jehovah’s Witnesses illegal ignores European and Belgian precedents, and is clearly wrong.

by Yannick Thiels*

*A paper presented at the Webinar “Jehovah’s Witnesses, Shunning, and Religious Liberty: The Ghent Court Decision,” April 9, 2021 [see video of the Webinar].

Excommunication and shunning are facts of modern-day life.

Professional associations, such as a lawyers’ or a medical association, routinely expel members who fail to meet minimum practice standards. The effect of being expelled as a lawyer or doctor can be profound and life-long. But no one would question the lawful right of professional associations to do so.

It is also a fact of life in many families (religious or non-religious) that the relationship may have broken down to the extent that immediate and extended family choose to no longer speak and associate with one another. The same can be said about neighbors and workmates. The “reasons” they choose to stop talking or associating with another family member, neighbor, or workmate—and encourage others to do the same—can range from a perceived slight to rivalry about “the best” football team, to intense disagreement about support for a particular trade union or political party.


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