Dear Friend,
I'm writing to you to ask a simple question: Should the world's worst human rights violator be given an official platform to make global decisions on international human rights? The answer is clearly no! Yet somehow, it seems that China may be granted the power to control the international human rights narrative... again!
In less than 3 months, China will be running for a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC). The HRC is an inter-governmental body within the UN system "responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing situations of human rights violations and making recommendations on them." Countries on this Council should not only respect human rights, they must seek to promote these universal values around the world. Unfortunately, the upcoming HRC election in October 2020 will see many human rights violators vie for a seat on the HRC. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan will all be running for a seat. Given the poor competition, the Tibet Advocacy Coalition looked into each of the running countries to compare their human rights records; we found that China blew the competition out of the water in nearly every category, making them by far the least fit country to serve on the HRC.

Chinese Ambassador, Zhang Jun, speaking at the UN.
China shouldn't throw stones in a glass house.
For the fifth consecutive year, under Xi Jinping's brutal regime, Tibet was ranked as the second least free place in the entire world for civil and political rights, after only Syria. Furthermore, China has absolutely no tolerance for religious freedom, which is a fundamental value the HRC is tasked with protecting worldwide. In Tibet, the CCP continues to turn sacred Buddhist sites into tourist attractions, and persecute Tibetan monks and nuns, treating them as second class citizens. In neighboring East Turkestan, the CCP has established the largest forced imprisonment of innocent civilians since the Holocaust. Moreover, with countless Tibetan and Uyghur political prisoners, the CCP has directly profited from 21st century slavery!

Freedom House rated Tibet as the second-least-free place on Earth in 2019.
The international community MUST NOT reward China with a seat on the Human Rights Council while these egregious human rights violations are ongoing and worsening. SFT and other Tibet Support Groups are taking this opportunity to shine a light on China's atrocious human rights record. As a founding member of the Tibet Advocacy Coalition, SFT is working with allies around the world to campaign to reduce the number of votes that China secures during its election candidacy bid and send a clear message: due to their treatment of Tibetans and Uyghurs, China is not welcome on the UN Human Rights Council.
Together, it is our responsibility as global citizens and as people that care about human rights to condemn China. I wouldn't trust a fox to guard the hen house, and I certainly would not trust China to safeguard global human rights norms and values!
In Solidarity,

Pema Doma
Campaigns Director