Dear Friend,
The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is currently convening their 45th regular session. The UNHRC is "a body within the UN responsible for the protection of human rights & for taking action on human rights violations." This October, the Council will hold an election to appoint new member states. As you may have guessed…China will be one of the candidates competing in this election.
As a supporter of Students for a Free Tibet, you understand very well why China does not deserve to serve on any body with "human rights" in the title. China is a country which has been brutally occupying Tibet for decades, interning millions of innocent Uyghurs, and violently suppressing peaceful student protesters in Hong Kong. Does this sound like a country who deserves to govern the world on international human rights law?
I'm going to be honest with you. Despite having one of the worst human rights records of all UN member states, China will most likely win a seat. This is yet another example of how deep China's global influence runs! However, this election also gives us the unique opportunity to shine a light on China's atrocious crimes. SFT, powered by our rockstar interns, has created graphics which help educate the public about China's crimes and their pursuit to gain a seat on the UNHRC. Help us share these graphics on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more!
Click the image above to view the infographics!
It is our responsibility as global citizens and as people that care about human rights to condemn China. I wouldn't trust a fox to guard the hen house, and I certainly would not trust China to safeguard global human rights norms and values!
In Solidarity,

Pema Doma
Campaigns Director