Dear Chiprout,
The Canadian government's woeful lack of leadership while ISIS continues its genocide of Yazidis, Christians and other minorities is deplorable. In June, Canada finally followed the EU, UK, US, and UN’s lead in recognizing that Yazidis have been the victims of genocide at the hands of ISIS. Since then, they haven’t lifted a finger. How long will it take them to step in and do something to save the victims of these atrocities?

Last week in Ottawa I presented to the Immigration Committee our plan to bring 400 former Yazidi sex slaves to Canada. My testimony before the committee was met with smugness and indignation from the government. One Member of Parliament even criticized the means by which OFWI was able to successfully rescue Yazidi women and girls from ISIS territory. Before the government questions the ways that OFWI saves Yazidi lives, perhaps they should show leadership and take action by living up to Canadian values. Their lack of action speaks louder than their words.
Now we need your help.
How you can take action:
Planning is underway for an OFWI mission to the region. I will write more about that in the future.
Thank you for your support and spreading awareness of these important issues. We couldn't do our work with you.
Rev. Majed El Shafie
President & Founder
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