Dear friends,

Once again, the mullahs in Iran, coincident with the anniversary of massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, engulfed in internal crises and popular discontent, have resorted to mass executions. This morning 21 Sunni prisoners were executed in Gohardasht prison. Many others fear for the same. Unfortunately silence of the international community and appeasing the regime has only emboldened the regime to do such atrocities.

You may also have heard that despite accelerated effort to transfer all remaining Camp Liberty residents to Albania, this morning 200 agents of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence along with 20 terrorist Quds Force personnel, with the help and guidance of Camp Liberty Iraqi officers, amassed at the entrance and started taking videos and pictures, reminiscent to what preceded every massacre in Ashraf and Liberty. 

Canada must not only strongly condemn the new wave of mass executions in Iran and demand that justice be served, as the first country that passed a unanimous parliamentary motion to acknowledge the massacre of 1988 and to call September 1 as the memorial day (great thanks to Irwin Cotler and his colleagues for initiating this), it must act to make Iranian leaders to account for their crimes against humanity. 

The following is also a report on this the British Express:

'You're too late' Heartbreak of families who miss final goodbye before mass execution
'You're too late' Heartbreak of families who miss final ...
FAMILIES preparing to say a final farewell ahead of a mass execution were told they were too late and their loved ones were already dead by prison officials.
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