It is easy but wrong to blame the sorry state of whistleblower
protection in Canada solely on the conduct of the former Integrity
The three persons who will now speak know well that the legislation
which she administered is deeply flawed and shrieks for redrafting
from top to bottom.
The first is David Hutton, Executive Director of FAIR (Federal
Accountability Initiative for Reform). David took over FAIR from its
founder, Joanna Gualtieri, three years ago and has done a great deal
of work to help educate the public and parliamentarians about the
importance of protecting whistleblowers.
The second is Ian Bron, Secretary of Canadians for Accountability,
created by a group of activists to advocate for whistleblowers. He is
himself a whistleblower. He is also a veteran who is proud of his
service to Canada in and out of uniform.
Haiyan Zhang is from Canadians for Accountability too. She is their
Communications and Business Manager.
Finally will be Duff Conacher, coordinator of Democracy Watch and
chair of four nation-wide coalitions that Democracy Watch oversees.
This includes the Government Ethics Coalition, which is made up of
more than 30 citizen groups with a total membership of three million
Canadians. It has been pushing for stronger government ethics,
lobbying and whistleblower protection laws across Canada for the past