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Take New Steps to Free Gao!
ChinaAid & VOM November 20, 2009
Even after delivering over 106,000 signed petitions to the Chinese embassy, officials there have refused to provide any further details of human rights attorney, Gao Zhisheng's whereabouts or physical condition. As reported last month, we know Gao is alive. He was able to make a quick phone call to his brother where he simply stated "I'm ok" before being disconnected - presumably by the Chinese police. During recent committee hearings in Washington D.C., six Chinese human rights legal defenders spoke on the human rights abuses in China, including the specific case of Gao Zhisheng. A number of concerned US government officials, including Rep. Frank Wolf and Rep. Chris Smith, committed to continue putting pressure on the Chinese government. Thirty U.S. House Representatives then signed a Congressional Letter to President Obama on November 10th, calling on him to raise awareness of human rights issues while in China - listing the treatment of human rights lawyers first. China Aid thanks all those who have stood with us in the campaign to free Gao. And now we humbly ask for your continued help. We need for every USA citizen who has signed the petition to now contact their state representative. This initiative will help concerned Congressional leaders gain a stronger voice in Washington and before the Chinese government. Please consider the following: Most U.S. Representatives remain unaware of the kidnapping and brutal torture of Gao, a man nominated for the Nobel peace prize in 2008. And they will remain unaware unless we take action. We have set up a special page on www.FreeGao.com to assist you in contacting your state representative by email and making him or her aware of Gao Zhisheng's tragic situation. After entering your email address, you will receive complete instructions from China Aid on how to send your message. The whole process will take you less than 10 minutes. You will also have the opportunity to make a financial contribution to help China Aid keep this campaign and others like it moving forward and ultimately to free wrongly persecuted individuals like Gao Zhisheng. Please remember to share this campaign with your friends and family. The more voices we add to the petition and hold our US Representatives accountable through our emails, the greater the volume of the outcry and the stronger chance we have of helping return Gao to his family. For complete instructions on contacting your state representative on behalf of Gao Zhisheng, please follow the link below. www.FreeGao.com/actionsteps