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The French Connection
Asia Sentinel June 29, 2009
In arms deals involving the French government, the chances of corruption are high
French arms sales, kickbacks and murder seem to go hand in hand. In the
latest indictment of French use of arms deals not only to win business
abroad but fund politicians at home, credible allegations have surfaced
that a kickbacks dispute was behind the killing of 11 French
shipbuilding engineers in Karachi seven years ago. The engineers and
three Pakistanis were the victims of a bomb attack on a bus.
follows another submarine kickback and murder scandal touching the
Malaysian Prime Minister, previously the defense minister, Najib Tun
Razak, and a frigate sale to Taiwan which left a Taiwan naval officer
dead and a corruption investigation in France which was snuffed out at
the highest level.
At the time the Karachi bombing was
blamed on al-Qaida, an obvious and easy scapegoat given its record.
However French magistrates have now pointed the finger not at al-Qaida
but at high-ranking Pakistani officials. They are said to have been
retaliating for the stopping of secret commission payments supposedly
due to them in connection with a 1994 contract worth about US$1 billion
for three submarines. The engineers were working on that contact.
are now working on the theory that the Pakistanis were supposed to have
received kickbacks, part of which would then be repatriated via complex
offshore companies to feed political slush funds in France. In this
case, the theory goes, the payments were helping to finance the 1995
election campaign of Edouard Balladur, for whom now President Nicolas
Sarkozy was campaign manager. But payments to the Pakistanis were
stopped by President Jacques Chirac after he defeated Balladur. After
years of unsuccessfully trying to get them resumed, the Pakistanis took
The motive for the bombing, according to these
reports, was known to the French secret service which may have
retaliated by breaking the legs of two Pakistani admirals and killing a
junior officer. The al-Qaida story was just useful cover.
says the claim is "ridiculous" but it may not go away. It may also
touch Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari, who was then Investment
minister in the government of his late wife Benazir Bhutto and may have
been involved.
The evidence for these allegations is
said to come from documents seized in the offices of DCN, the
state-owned company building the submarines, by French investigating
magistrates and revealed by a lawyer for families of the victims of the
The scandal comes hard on the heels of that in
Malaysia over the killing of Mongolian model and French-speaking
translator Altantuya Shaaribuu. She had been the mistress of Malaysian
defense analyst Abdul Razak Baginda, a close friend of then Defense
Minister Najib. Razak Baginda was acquitted of the murder but two
guards working for Najib were found guilty following a bizarrely
conducted trial which appeared managed in a way to prevent the
admission of sworn statements and protected Najib and his wife from
questioning. Although the murder may have seemed related to the sexual
relationship between Razak Baginda and a pregnant Altantuya, a more
plausible motive may well have been her demands for money given her
knowledge of the details of a deal between involving the Malaysian
government and Razak Baginda and a French submarine builder. Under this
Razak Baginda received a commission of 114 million million euros or
about 10 percent of the sale price of three submarines. Whether that
money was kick backed to politicians in France is not clear, but it is
unlikely that Malaysian politicians did not benefit from this
The Taiwan case, still continuing after 18
years, also related to naval procurement, this time for the 1991
purchase of six Layafayette Class frigates – a deal which was so
lucrative for the French that they were willing to jeopardize relations
with Beijing to push it through. Two years after it was signed, a the
body of Taiwan naval captain, Yin Ching-feng, was found floating off
the coast, a victim of foul play. While the affair was long covered up,
it gradually emerged that some $600 million in commissions on a $2.8
billion contract had been paid into various Swiss accounts set up by
Andrew Wang Chuan-pu, the Taiwan agent for French company Thomson-CSF
(now Thales).
Yin is believed to have been killed
because he planned to blow the whistle on the deal. Other subsequent
unexplained deaths included that of Yin's nephew who was pursuing the
case, a French intelligence agent and a Thomson employee in Taiwan.
Taiwan, convictions against several naval personnel and middlemen were
obtained. But in supposedly free and democratic France the government
blocked inquiries by judicial officials who were unable to obtain
relevant documents. In October 2008 the judge finally ruled that no one
could be prosecuted because of lack of evidence.
the case was finally closed on huge payoffs to high ranking French
politicians – and on suggestions that some in Beijing had been induced
to mute their criticism in return for an improved bank balance. Roland
Dumas, who was foreign minister at the time and changed French policy
to allow the frigate sales at the urging of a mistress who was being
paid by another French company, has implied that he knows where the
money went.
Switzerland was, as so often, the conduit
for most of the loot but efforts by the Taiwanese to get back money
held in Wang-related accounts have so far yielded a paltry 34 million
Swiss francs. Other accounts totaling SF900 million remain frozen
pending court decisions. Taiwan is still pursuing Thales for $500
million or so repayment of illegal commissions.
highest levels of the French state have shown they will stand firm
against any legal process which attempts to impose honesty in arms
dealing, whether or not its own politicians have directly benefited.
That makes it unlikely that they will help bring justice in the
Altantuya case by opening up their dossier on the visits of Najib Tun
Razak, Razak Baginda and Altantuya to Paris and on the final recipients
of the commission to Baginda. And it makes it likely that Andrew Wang,
charged with murder and corruption in Taiwan, will remain a free man
able to roam the world with whatever travel documents the French secret
service has been kind enough to provide.