Ottawa poet and writer Cyril Dabydeen (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)
OTTAWA—The Canadian debut of Divine Performing Arts’ 2009 World Tour charmed another packed audience on Saturday evening at its third show at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa.
The pre-show VIP reception drew about 100 attendees, including sponsors, dignitaries, academics, artists, musicians, community leaders, and other guests.
Award-winning Ottawa writer and poet Professor Cyril Dabydeen delighted those in attendance by reading his “notes” from last year’s show, giving the highlights that he enjoyed best.
It is Mr. Dabydeen's third year attending DPA’s performances. In previous years he praised the classical performing techniques, state-of-the-art digital backdrops, and the synthesis of Chinese and Western music. He also appreciated the ancient Chinese emphasis on moral qualities and the spiritual search for truth portrayed in the show.
Mr. Dabydeen said he looked forward very much to Saturday evening’s performance.
MPP Lisa MacLeod (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)
Lisa MacLeod, an Ottawa Member of Provincial Parliament, also addressed the reception. She attended the show last year and left with “a very inspirational message … which you will all see tonight, which is truth.”
“It’s about your ability to break free from tyranny, to preserve a culture worth preserving and showing to the world,” she said.
Last year Ms. MacLeod said that “every child should have an opportunity to see this show,” adding that she almost felt “guilty” that she had not brought her two-year-old daughter. So this year she not only brought her daughter, now three years old, but also her mother.
“I can’t wait for all of you to see it with your own eyes, to listen to the music, to see the beauty, and to see what a Canadian-Chinese is truly capable of here in the national capital,” she said.
She also congratulated the organizers for bringing the many sponsors and the “four full houses” the DPA show brought to the NAC this weekend.

Former MP David Kilgour (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)
Former Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific David Kilgour, who attended the reception with his wife and daughter, told the audience that “you will all be moved tonight.”
“Only when dancers truly understand and express the intrinsic substances of dance do they have the power to move audiences,” he said, recalling an explanation by Ms. Xu, assistant director of DPA.
Noting that almost all of the approximately 8,800 tickets for the four Ottawa shows have been sold, Mr. Kilgour praised the Falun Dafa Association and New Tang Dynasty Television, both of which are sponsoring the DPA world tour this year.
While speaking at the reception, Xun Li, president of the Falun Dafa Association of Canada, noted that ancient Chinese culture is a divinely inspired culture, a gift from the heavens that uplifts and nourishes the moral spirit of humankind. However, it has been largely destroyed under decades of communist rule. DPA is endeavouring to revive this true traditional culture in the modern world.
Ottawa began with one show in 2007. Tickets sold out five weeks in advance. Last season there were two shows, and this year the number of shows again doubled. It would be impossible to grow at this rate without the dedication and efforts of the many sponsors and volunteers, said Mr. Li.
The Epoch Times is the proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts.
Please see DivinePerformingArts.org for more information.