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International TV in French, TV5, reveals in details the « Bloody Harvest » of organs taken from Falun Gong practitioners in China
On December 3rd, 2009,
a conference was organized at the French Parliament by the World
Organization to Investigate the Persecution of
Falun Gong in presence of four MPs,
two famous surgeons, Francis Navarro
and Yves Chapuis from the French Academy of
Medicine, two NGOs (Amnesty International
and « Ensemble contre la Peine de mort » against
the death penalty), David Kilgour and
Michel Wu, former head of the Service
in Chinese of Radio France International.
The international television TV5 broadcast in all French speaking countries
in the world, did an in-depth report denouncing the fact that the Chinese
regime uses Falun Gong practitioners
massively for the criminal and lucrative
traffic or organs in China.
Here is the link to watch the
video : http://www.tv5.org/TV5Site/webtv/video-6883-Michel_Wu_ex_chef_du_service_chinois_de_RFI_s_expr.htm
Permanent link from faluninfo in French
: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Infofalungong#p/u/0/hiL0BeNlFN8
And the translated version of the
report :
“France :
The journalist Michel Wu expresses himself on the harvesting of organs
on Falun Gong detainees in China
In the TV news tonight we will focus
on a health scandal in China, a country that already counts many others.
Remember the baby milk contaminated with melamine or the blood transfusions
infected with HIV. This time it concerns a traffic of organs from humans.
A large scale traffic that has been going on for ten years. The organs
are harvested on prisoners, people opposing the regime, detainees condemned
to death. The main group concerned is the Falun Gong movement against
which the Chinese Communist Party launched a merciless war.
[Report on the
“July 20th” activities in Paris on the
occasion of the 10 years of repression against Falun Gong.]
“Precisely ten years ago the Chinese
authorities launched a repression campaign consisting of arrests, detainment
in labor camps and even organ harvesting according to Falun Gong […]”
[live broadcast on
TV5 on December 3rd, 2009]
« Today our guest for the news flash
is Michel Wu. Thanks for being with us. You have worked for many years
as a journalist for Radio France International. We just saw it, the
Falun Gong movement is the object of a terrible repression by the Chinese
regime. And a report has been published on this traffic of human organs.
Years of silence, it has never really been widely revealed. It is true
that the regime imposes the strictest silence on these deeds and Falun
Gong member are the first victims.
- Michel Wu: Yes, it
is true, this is a real human disaster. This info dates back from 2006.
It was first revealed by a Chinese journalist, who was investigating
on SARS, you know the bird flu and during the investigation he discovered
something abnormal. He found our that there was a flourishing market
of organ transplants but what is curious is that Chinese people are
not used to donating their organs. Indeed, traditionally Chinese people
consider that the human body is a gift from God, therefore it is sacred.
So with the sudden increase of transplants, the question remained to
know where these organs came from. Little by little, step by step, he
discovered a first camp where members of Falun Gong were detained, ready
to be stolen [of their organs]
- TV5: This is what we
call the notorious reeducation camps, that are in fact detention camps
where tortures are routinely inflicted upon prisoners and also this
organ harvesting.
- Michel Wu: That’s
right, this is the first source of information … you know back then
this piece of news was like a bomb, it caused an international outrage
and it helped people inside to realize what was going on. Then some
doctors that had been forced to do the dirty job, and also retired military
doctors started to speak the truth.
- TV5: Can you tell us
more about how it happens concretely. Activists and members of Falun
Gong are detained in those camps. While they are still alive, organs
are taken from their bodies. Of course they die as a consequence of
this harvesting and it happens in military hospitals.
- Michel Wu: yes, mainly
in military hospitals, but also in civil ones. Anyway, according to
the information from the Chinese professionals who have decided to speak
out, the organ harvesting on Falun Gong members is a real system, well
organized. There’s a whole network, with internal communication. It
is an industry.
- TV5: Who benefits from
the crime, if I may say ?
- Michel Wu: Listen,
you know after the Cultural Revolution, especially after the fall of
the Berlin wall, the Beijing regime started to worship money. Back then,
Deng Xiaoping, the Small Helmsman, launched a slogan « Get rich ! ».
But it was an imperative, without any gerund. So at the time, people
understood that one can make money, by any means. Since foreigners and
Chinese have a real need for organ transplants, since it is expensive,
therefore an idea came up to find human organs other that those taken
from death penalty detainees that used to serve as an bank of organs.
Indeed, before that the organs were always taken from people who were
condemned to death. But when the number of death penalty detainees was
no longer sufficient to meet the requests for organs, so they tried
to find other sources.
- TV5: This concerns
thousands and thousands of people,
- Michel Wu: of members
of Falun Gong.
- TV5: Thanks a lot Michel
Wu, again the report has been published and the scandal is the object
of a book written by two Canadian lawyers who have made an investigation,
David Kilgour and David Matas, the book is called « Bloody Harvest »
and was published by the Seraphine editions. Thanks a lot. »