This written declaration commits only the members who have signed it
Amnesty International (28 August 2008 statement), the European Parliament (4 September 2008 resolution), and the International Federation of Human Rights (8 September) have expressed concern regarding the threats posed to 3,500 Iranian political refugees in Camp Ashraf in Iraq, who are protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Relevant international bodies and U.S. officials have confirmed that the principle of non-refoulement and protections under International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Law apply to Ashraf residents.
We are deeply concerned that the protection of Ashraf may be transferred from the U.S.-led Multi-National Force-Iraq to Iraqi forces resulting in greater pressure on the Iraqi government by the Iranian regime to crack down on or extradite PMOI members in Ashraf, and allowing the regime to increase its terrorist attacks on Ashraf. They would face torture and execution if returned to Iran.
Transferring protection of Ashraf under the present circumstances violates the principle of non-refoulement, the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Refugee Convention, the Convention Against Torture, IHL and International Law and would result in a humanitarian catastrophe, thus we urge U.S. forces for as long as they remain in Iraq to continue to protect Ashraf residents and uphold their judicial protection under international law.
Signed (see overleaf)
Signed: 1
EVANS Nigel, United Kingdom, EDG
ANDERSON Donald, United Kingdom, SOC
AZPIAZU URIARTE Pedro María, Spain, NR
BARTOŠ Walter, Czech Republic, EDG
BLOM Luuk, Netherlands, SOC
Van den BRANDE Luc, Belgium, EPP/CD
CHOPE Christopher, United Kingdom, EDG
CILEVIČS Boriss, Latvia, SOC
COLEIRO PRECA Marie-Louise, Malta, SOC
CORREIA Telmo, Portugal, EDG
ČURDOVÁ Anna, Czech Republic, SOC
DENDIAS Nikolaos, Greece, EPP/CD
DÍAZ TEJERA Arcadio, Spain, SOC
ELZINGA Tuur, Netherlands, UEL
EÖRSI Mátyás, Hungary, ALDE
ERR Lydie, Luxembourg, SOC
ETHERINGTON Bill, United Kingdom, SOC
FAHEY Frank, Ireland, ALDE
FERTUZINHOS Sónia, Portugal, SOC
GALE Anita, United Kingdom, SOC
GARDETTO Jean-Charles, Monaco, EPP/CD
GIARETTA Paolo, Italy, NR
GLESENER Marcel, Luxembourg, EPP/CD
GREEN MACÍAS Rosario, Mexico, Obs.
GREENWAY John, United Kingdom, EDG
GROSS Andreas, Switzerland, SOC
HANCOCK Michael, United Kingdom, ALDE
HÖFER Gerd, Germany, SOC
HÖRSTER Joachim, Germany, EPP/CD
HUSS Jean, Luxembourg, SOC
IVANIĆ Mladen, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EPP/CD
IZETBEGOVIĆ Bakir, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EPP/CD
JACOBSEN Bjřrn, Norway, UEL
JIMÉNEZ MACÍAS Carlos, Mexico, Obs.
JIMÉNEZ RUMBO David, Mexico, Obs.
JOHANSSON Morgan, Sweden, SOC
JOHN-CALAME Francine, Switzerland, NR
JONKER Corien W.A., Netherlands, EPP/CD
KELEMEN Attila Bela Ladislau, Romania, EPP/CD
KOX Tiny, Netherlands, UEL
KÜHNEL Franz Eduard, Austria, EPP/CD
van der LINDEN René, Netherlands, EPP/CD
LÓPEZ AGUILAR Juan Fernando, Spain, SOC
MALINS Humfrey, United Kingdom, EDG
MEALE Alan, United Kingdom, SOC
de MELO Maria Manuela, Portugal, SOC
MILO Paskal, Albania, SOC
MONFILS Philippe, Belgium, ALDE
O'HARA Edward, United Kingdom, SOC
OLSSON Kent, Sweden, EPP/CD
O'REILLY Joe, Ireland, EPP/CD
PAVLIDIS Aristotelis, Greece, EPP/CD
de POURBAIX-LUNDIN Marietta, Sweden, EPP/CD
QUINTANILLA BARBA Maria del Carmen, Spain, EPP/CD
SCHRAM Ellert B., Iceland, SOC
SOBOLEV Serhiy, Ukraine, EPP/CD
ŠOJDROVÁ Michaela, Czech Republic, EPP/CD
STEENBLOCK Rainder, Germany, SOC
SZABÓ Zoltán, Hungary, SOC
VAKSDAL Řyvind, Norway, EDG
VAREIKIS Egidijus, Lithuania, EPP/CD
VARVITSIOTIS Miltiadis, Greece, EPP/CD
VERA JARDIM José, Portugal, SOC
VIS Rudi, United Kingdom, SOC
VOULGARAKIS Georgios, Greece, EPP/CD
VRETTOS Konstantinos, Greece, SOC
WALTER Hansjörg, Switzerland, ALDE
WALTER Robert, United Kingdom, EDG
WOLDSETH Karin S., Norway, EDG
ZISSI Rodoula, Greece, SOC
Total = 73
1 EPP/CD: Group of the European People’s Party
SOC: Socialist Group
EDG: European Democratic Group
ALDE: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
UEL: Group of the Unified European Left
NR: not registered in a group