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CNN Caught in Genocidal Correctness
By John Kusumi,Epoch Times August 27, 2008
Former MP David Kilgour (back), and human rights lawyer
David Matas (front) have published reports confirming the CCP practice of
harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. (Chun Zhu/The
Epoch Times)
Folks, CNN is now caught in its worst nightmare, and I can't even gloat. It's
tragic and it may cause lost sleep, the blame game, finger pointing, internal
review, infighting, or worse. Congressional hearings may be in order, as an
outside investigation.
Ordinarily, I seem to be glib while I kick the
news media, as has become my habit in copies of my internet column. (The media?
Aren't they the bent, craven, depraved crew of sock puppets, managed by a
corrupt cabal? And of course, I work on a book manuscript called Genocidal
Well, something is qualitatively different today,
and I take no pleasure in saying "I told you so." The key man who now occasions
the disgrace of CNN (and the rest of America's MSM) is an individual named Lu
Guoping. And, two more essential names in the story are David Kilgour and David
The occasion is to the disgrace of the media, because it is
proving a central theme in my book: Genocide has been occurring in China, and
America's MSM has been sweeping it under the rug. Somehow, I was thinking that
my book might be fought off when released, as if it were a proposition simply
from the temerity of John Kusumi. However, it now appears that my ringing
indictment will also stand as a record of (unfortunately true)
The larger matter—that perhaps 40,000 people are dead—will be
documented by many historians, and will stand as a black mark against the regime
of Communist China, which is the first villain in this case.
As an aside,
journalists pride themselves because they file "the first draft of history."
What they too often forget is that historians file the later drafts of history,
without the pressure to be politically correct in contemporary context.
Historians can say things that, apparently, journalists can't.
It's time
to review the crime, and the response—or lack of response. The crime is the
forced harvesting of vital organs from prisoners of conscience—Falun Gong
practitioners—in the gulags and prison system of Mainland China. These people,
who shouldn't even be in prison to begin with, lose their lives in a process of
organ harvesting, and the organs are transplanted into paying
They may even still be alive as the organs are removed – they
are selected, as healthy specimens, for just-in-time execution. It's diabolical.
It combines theft with murder with profiteering. Capitalist types could note
that it monetizes Falun Gong persecution. This is organized, systematic,
machine-like evil through deliberately chosen policies of the Chinese
government. The only comparable evil might be Nazi Germany's medical
experiments, performed on unwitting prisoners in World War II.
There is
plenty of gravity to this matter if it sinks in that this is real—a confirmed
crime against humanity that may still be in progress. And, it happens in a
context that has also gone unreported—the crackdown against Falun Gong in China.
To be fair, it was reported back in 1999 when it began. To be accurate, it
dropped out of the news after, late in 1999, U.S. President Bill Clinton signed
a "free trade" deal with China.
As an aside, when did Bill Clinton ever
say that we should be "trading away" our concern for human rights? He didn't!
The deal was ostensibly about trade, and was not about human rights, per se. I
believe that news media behavior was decided at the news media level, not the
White House. In other words, sociopathic managing editors made their call and
took the trade deal "to the next level" of sanitizing China's public image. If
it were mine to arrange, I would have Nuremberg-style trials for Peter Jennings,
Tom Brokaw, and Dan Rather – accessories to genocide, each.
Let's look
beyond my aside, so that we can lay out a time table of notable occasions in my
Before the Organ Harvesting Story
- 1999: Falun Gong persecution begins. Media covers it. Then, White House
signs trade deal.
- 2000: Ted Koppel has three guests for it, and zero against it. Congress
passes the trade deal. Each year since: News media dodges many stories
emerging from the Falun Gong crackdown.
- 2003: This author gives a speech and coins the term "genocidal
- 2004: Anti-communist Falun Gong related newspaper, the Epoch Times, debuts
in English.
- 2005: People begin quitting the Communist Party in droves. CNN dodges the
The Organ Harvesting Story
- March 9, 2006: The Epoch Times breaks the story of forced organ harvesting
at a facility called Sujiatun (in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China)
- Shortly thereafter: A military doctor of Shenyang military zone
corroborates the horror and indicates that a network of 36 facilities
- April 4, 2006: The Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
(CIPFG) is launched.
The heckler on the South Lawn of the White House and CNN's Wolf
- April 20, 2006: With an Epoch Times press pass and on the South Lawn of
the White House, Dr. Wenyi Wang becomes the "Rosa Parks" of this cause, by
shouting at the U.S. and Chinese Presidents who were meeting together, "Stop
the killing!"
- April 21, 2006: CNN's Wolf Blitzer on The Situation Room has Wenyi Wang as
a guest. On the way in during the elevator ride, Blitzer's producer coaches
and warns Wang: "Don't talk about organ harvesting!" On TV, Blitzer proceeds
to act like a school headmaster, scolding Wang as though the only story was
her disruption at the White House. She was there with a message. CNN didn't
get the message—although they knew enough to say "shush" about that message
just before the on-camera appearance.
The Kilgour-Matas report and CNN's Anderson
- May 24, 2006: CIPFG seeks and obtains the help of Canadian public figures,
David Kilgour and David Matas, to investigate the allegations of organ
- June 17, 2006: While Kilgour and Matas were investigating, CNN's Anderson
Cooper did a report about "organ tourism," about a California man who went to
China for an organ transplant. Cooper did raise an eyebrow at China, saying
that a prison population was "vulnerable." But, he stopped short of mentioning
Falun Gong, so there was no exposure of that persecution / crackdown campaign,
and no indication that the organ sources may be prisoners of conscience.
- July 6, 2006: Kilgour and Matas issue the first edition of their report,
later renamed Bloody Harvest. After looking over all available evidence they
wrote, "the government of China and its agencies have put to death a large but
unknown number of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience. Their vital organs,
including hearts, kidneys, livers and corneas, were virtually simultaneously
seized involuntarily for sale at high prices." They concluded "that there has
been and continues today to be large-scale organ seizures from unwilling Falun
Gong practitioners."
The Kilgour-Matas report is the smoking gun. David Kilgour is a former Member
of Parliament in Canada, and was Secretary of State for the Asia Pacific region.
David Matas is an international human rights attorney. With their political and
legal backgrounds, they would know better than to be casual or inexact with
public statements. While they knew the stakes in international relations, and
while they knew the enormity of the charges against Communist China, they
nonetheless undertook to inform the world of their findings.
Kilgour-Matas report was never debunked by the news media; however, for their
own convenience reporters wrote that the entire organ harvesting story was
discredited. Apparently, reporters will manufacture lies to suit their
convenience and to preclude further research or writing. The Wall Street Journal
printed this falsehood, but stopped before citing any source or basis. It's akin
to printing, "They say it's not true." That invites the question, who are
"they"? Perhaps, do U.S. reporters have communist masters in Beijing?
What sociopathic reporters were doing was clearly an example of genocidal
correctness and of making a choice to err on the side of death, rather than to
err on the side of life. Their omission is now exposed, at least to history.
And at CNN? The release of the Kilgour-Matas report did not cause a ripple.
The point being that Kilgour and Matas got the story, and CNN didn't. For that
matter, the American public was kept in the dark for the next two years.
Around the world, Kilgour and Matas got their points across. At the end of
2006, I analyzed their clip sheet, and I learned interesting things about where
their publicity was (and wasn't):
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (8), The Calgary Herald (6),
The Globe and Mail (4), National Post (4), Ottawa Citizen (4), Sydney
Morning Herald (4), CBC News (3), China Post (3), NZ Scoop (3), St.
Louis Post-Dispatch (3), The Christian Science Monitor (3), The Ottawa
Citizen (3), The Toronto Sun (3), Abbotsford News (2), AFP (2), Asia
News (2), Canadian Christianity (2), Chronicle Herald (2),
CounterPunch (2), Cowichan Valley News Leader (2), CTV (2), Free
Market News (2), Langley Times (2), South China Morning Post (2),
Taipei Times (2), The Halifax Daily News (2), The Leader-Post (2), The
Vancouver Sun (2), Times Colonist (2), Victoria News (2).
The single-mention outlets are a wide variety, including the Times
of India, Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun, the Chicago Tribune, the Irish
Medical Times, the Guardian, and the Washington Times.
Who is missing from this list? United States opinion leaders are
missing - the Associated Press, UPI, New York Times, and Washington
Post. ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and CNN. There is no sign of these news
outlets in the list. Should we write them off as anti-Falun Gong
media? Or as closer to Jiang Zemin than to freedom and
democracy? |
That's what I wrote at the end of 2006. Later I saw the Wall Street Journal
refer, in passing, to the organ harvesting allegation as "discredited."
Far from discredited, there is more to this story. Kilgour and Matas came out
with a second edition of their report in January, 2007. And now, on August 22,
2008, they have come out with more highly damning evidence. What they have now
is a video admission from Dr. Lu Guoping combined with a prior audio recording
from the same doctor.
In the audio, the doctor admits that he and his
colleagues went to prison to select Falun Gong practitioners for involuntary
organ donations to be used in transplants. In the video, the doctor admits that
he was the person interviewed in the audio recording.
The audio is part
of a series of recordings, taken by investigators for Kilgour and Matas. They
called hospitals throughout China, posing as relatives of patients who needed
transplants. They asked the hospitals if they had organs from Falun Gong
practitioners for transplant. The callers got recorded admissions throughout
China that hospitals did have Falun Gong organs for sale.
The video is a
documentary by Phoenix TV. Kilgour and Matas also note, "The video is being
distributed by Chinese embassies and consulates; its authenticity is therefore
endorsed by the Chinese government."
The audio and video, taken together
are "an undeniable, inculpatory admission of the harvesting of Falun Gong
practitioner prisoners for profit," according to the investigators.
investigators hardly needed one more nail in the coffin, but they got it. We may
consider it that the Chinese government is "busted" for the practice of Falun
Gong organ harvesting.
And, who else is busted is CNN. Yes, Virginia, CNN
had this story on April 21, 2006. If the story were well exposed, it would lead
to the international community taking action to stop what is akin to a holocaust
in progress. (The world swore, "Never again" after the Nazi
Rather than expose the story, CNN left space for the
Chinese government to add two more years of killing into the record of history.
When my book comes out, the ink will be dry on a true-life, morally
reprehensible drama that matches my thesis-genocidal correctness-to a
I take no pleasure in saying "I told you so," but how well did I hit
the mark? Yes in fact, they have been bent, craven, depraved, self-serving,
shortsighted, and genocidally correct. And that's only in the United States. In
China, it's been deadly. At many news outlets beyond CNN, there is a person who
has had the job to circular file, or bury, story after story after story from
the Falun Gong persecution.
If this were the America of the 1990s, they
would never have "just let go" the Falun Gong crackdown. But more recently,
genocidal correctness became their M.O.; their standard procedure; business as
usual in America's hideous newsrooms.
Rather than "I told you so," since I can just about say "checkmate," instead
I would prefer to say, "Game over." Each newsroom is challenged to find a shred
of integrity, and to do the right thing with this story. (The Kilgour-Matas
report is at organharvestinvestigation.net.) Perhaps my prediction (first made
in 2006) will come true.
Everyone else knows about China's crimes against
humanity; the last to know will be Brian Williams (NBC News anchorman) and
Jacques Rogge (IOC President, who cannot be happy as this story tarnishes the
In 1989 John Kusumi launched the China Support Network, a grassroots
organization of Americans supporting the Chinese democracy movement, in response
to the Tiananmen Square massacre.